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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Just rename it to .PNG and you should be able to host it anywhere.
  2. Don't ever change the value of Amount1. That is for Paint.NET/Codelab to manage. Please create a new variable to hold your calculated value.
  3. Once text is finalized it changes from editable text into a bitmap. So... Always place text on its own layer. Then, you can use the "move pixels" tool to adjust your text placement.
  4. And, I'm surprised that you missed the error in your own post.
  5. Welcome to the site. Please take a moment to read the forum rules: Then, reread rule #3.
  6. I have reviewed your document and have the following comments: 1) The biggest problem with your PDF is the fact that you haven't actually written very many descriptions of the effects. You simply include a screenshot of the effect dialog box and an "after" image. You have given no in-depth analysis of why one would choose to use each specific effect. You have offered no "work flows" showing how to get the most out of each effect when working on a larger project. You have given no descriptions of the various controls of the effect's user interface. (i.e. "What happens when THIS slider moves?", etc.) 2) Another major problem is that you have chosen poor sample images for many effects and you have not chosen the best settings for your sample image to best highlight an effect's purpose. 3) You (apparently) don't understand the purpose/difference of the "Effects > Selection" menu and the "Effects > Object" menu. 4) No history, author or detail information was given for each effect. How about listing the author's name, which DLL contains the effect, when it was first released, what is the current version, and the earliest version of Paint.NET supported by the effect. Which effects are built-in to Paint.NET and which ones have to be installed later? 5) Instead of "documenting" every plugin you can find, my advice is to start out doing a GOOD job on just the "stickied" plugin packs. THIS should get you to 250 pages all by itself. (For example, I could probably write 5+ pages just on Curves+.) Hope this helps.
  7. There is a plugin in my pack that may help you. After installing my plugin pack, try this: Select a square where you want to see the black rectangle. Use Effects > Selection > Outline Selection... Adjust as necessary.
  8. You might be trying to draw a gradient outside of an active selection. Try pressing Ctrl-D before drawing your gradient.
  9. The Win7 MS Paint brush system is more sophisticated than our own brush plugin. I would love that functionality built-in to Paint.NET.
  10. True. Not exactly true. The MS Paint that comes with Windows 7 includes a brush system.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Please take a few minutes and read the rules: Then, reread rule #16.
  12. Try pressing the F7 key. If that doesn't work, try the "Window > Reset Windows Locations" menu item.
  13. The easiest way is to select the magic wand tool and Shift-Click on the color you wish to change to transparent. When all the pixels are selected, press the Delete key on your keyboard. You may need to adjust the tolerance slider before using the magic wand.
  14. You may have installed the files in the wrong place. It is easy to do on Windows 7. Try following the instructions on the following page VERY carefully: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  15. Paint.NET made Lifehacker's list again: http://lifehacker.com/5924859/lifehacker-pack-for-windows-our-list-of-the-best-windows-apps
  16. You are not the only one that wants PNG clipboard support. I'd love it myself. Please, Rick?
  17. When you paste the selected person into their own layer, try using one of my feather effects. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11514- Hope this helps.
  18. Please read the forum rules: Then, reread rule #23.
  19. If you want to create your own foil pattern, you might try this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14641-
  20. Start here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ Install the CodeLab plugin, then go through the tutorials.
  21. I'm afraid that is totally impossible. You see, the Paint.NET plugin system is very strict in regard to the pixels that effects can change. Only selected pixels can be changed. If you tried to change pixels that are not selected, Paint.NET would not allow it. This is a limitation of the plugin system itself. Sorry.
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