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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Perhaps Paint.NET is not the right tool for you. Have you investigated programs specifically designed for taking screenshots? Windowclippings works well. You might try that.
  2. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=4495
  3. Can you "zip" one of the corrupt files and attach it here? (Remembering that this is a family-friendly forum!)
  4. Try my plugin pack for that. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8318-
  5. Perhaps the files were stored in a different format only with the PNG extension. Try renaming the files to different extensions to see if they can be opened. I'd try PDN first.
  6. 2. try: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15386-
  7. You may wish to contact the vendor of the anti-virus software as they may want to inspect these files. If indeed they are false-positives, they'll want to correct their software.
  8. Perhaps you are using the Move Selection Tool instead of the Move Tool ? Or, maybe the text is on another layer than the one you think it's on?
  9. There's code for that on this page: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial4.asp
  10. You can do this yourself. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Toolbar.html Under Tools > Choose Defaults Not going to happen. Jpeg is a "lossy" file type. Paint.NET will alwasy default to a type that doesn't lose any information. That is why the default type for layered files is PDN and for single layered files is PNG.
  11. The best way to select the text is to: 1. Place your text on a new, blank layer 2. Select the magic wand tool 3. Shift-Click the blank area outside of the text 4. Press Ctrl-I to invert the selection
  12. Please post your troubles on this thread and someone will help you: Closed.
  13. Ctrl-shift-V is paste to new layer in the same file.
  14. Batch resize can not be done with a plugin. Instead of writing your own standalone batch resizer, why not just google up a free utility? Several exist already.
  15. This only happens when you double-click on the layer name to open it. This is a function of Windows relating to double-clicking text. To work around this issue, open the layer property window from the menu.
  16. I resent the implication that any of my plugins are bad. BTW, Rick has stated in another thread that marching ants will be back in Paint.NET v4.0.
  17. Why does this thread get so much spam? I have no idea, but I'm closing it. If the OP wants it open again, contact a mod.
  18. Show us an image of what's not working and what you expect. If you expect it to work like another tool (Photoshop?) show us a screenshot of that tool working the way you expect.
  19. Please read the forum rules here: Then, tell me how many of them you broke in this post.
  20. You must be running the latest version of Paint.NET (which is 3.5.10) in order for most plugins to work. Upgrade your Paint.NET to the latest version and see if that helps.
  21. With Paint.NET you can do what you want. I think you may need to learn how to use layers. Start here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html
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