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Everything posted by ReMake

  1. CodeLab 6.0 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  2. I'm sorry, but today I discovered that the updated effect doesn't work the way it should. I apologize to everyone who uploaded the wrong plugin. I recompiled it and re-posted it in the first post. Now the effect works correctly. Please update it again.
  3. Good work @Djisves. Thanks for sharing. No, I didn't apply the Ripple effect on the duplicated top Layer 2 because the size of the inner letters is too small compared to the green letters. Thank you for reminding about the Ripple effect. I added a link to this effect in the required plugins.
  4. CodeLab 5.4 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  5. No. I tried to create it myself using loading an image from the Clipboard, as described in Part 4 of BoltBait's CodeLab Tutorial.
  6. I'm trying to write an image loading procedure in CodeLab. This works when loading an image for the first time. When I load a new image, the canvas remains unchanged and contains the image that was loaded for the first time. This is the source code: How can I fix this?
  7. Classic version: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects Store version: Documents\paint.net App Files\Effects See: How to Install Paint.NET Plugins
  8. Try these effects depending on your goal: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/15595-grim-color-reaper-plugin/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/109122-color-clearer/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18769-cut-color-effect/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/9667-make-transparent-plugin/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/26966-trs-alpha-cutter-v304-april-7th-2014/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/107737-color-range-effect/
  9. Yes, @Illnab1024 is the developer of both effects. The first link will take you to the topic Channel Mixer Greyscale, the second - to Illnab1024's Plugins. (v1.1). Both effects have the same name and were created using the same script (anyone can recompile and republish this effect). As I said, both effects work well. Moderator is right, because there are two effects from the Illnab1024's Plugins. (v1.1) (Cutout Effect and Point Warp Effect) that are not compatible with paint.net 4+. The other effects work well. @toe_head2001 fixed Point Warp Effect.
  10. Nice work, @Djisves. Thank you for sharing. What do you mean when you say Advanced Greyscale is no more? Both effects still work well for me with paint.net 4.2.11. You can also use Simulate Color Depth by @Cookies with 3-bit Color Depth. What settings of Posterize effect you applied?
  11. CodeLab has become more advanced and more 'friendly' for communication. Yes, many tutorials did not 'catch up' with CodeLab, and they need to be fixed or rewritten. (I will review my tutorials as soon as I have more free time.) Sorry for offtop.
  12. Yes, the IdirectUI Rule 'LinkValuesBasedOnBooleanRule' would be useful in this case, but you will need to compile the effect in VisualStudio.
  13. I'm not ready to publish the source code any time soon, because the effect still needs some polishing.
  14. Version 1.4 - added a help file and both interfaces (en and ru) are merged into one plugin. Changed the algorithm. Now the result of the effect work has become similar to natural reticulation.
  15. Nice work, @Vagabondi! Thank you for sharing! I like your ability to blending images.
  16. This effect allows you to change the color transparency separately in the R, G, and B channels. Download from my PluginPack You can find this effect in Adjustments menu. This effect has a simple intuitive interface. The English or Russian interface of the effect is detected automatically. Original image: Result of applying the effect with default settings: The result of applying the effect with the Invert checkbox checked: CodeLab source code: If the original image had transparent sections, they will be keep. I hope you will find a use for this effect.
  17. CodeLab 5.3 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  18. I get this error when running CodeLab in paint.net 4.2.11 (α4. 211.7417. 40976). In paint.net 4.2.10 and the previous alpha build paint.net 4.2.11 this did not happen.
  19. Version 1.1 - added a help file and both interfaces (en and ru) are merged into one plugin. Added new images.
  20. Version 1.1 - added a help file and both interfaces (en and ru) are merged into one plugin.
  21. Yes, that's why I update my effects.
  22. Version 1.1 - added a help file and both interfaces (en and ru) are merged into one plugin.
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