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Z:-new pictures, latest added 5/22/2010, on page 8


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That grass looks just like the perfect grass in a meadow. :D

Amazingly done!! I'll look forward to see the rest of the image!!

I'm sure it will blow my mind. :mrgreen:

Thanks! :)

Do you color it with like - 1px line tool colors? I think that's what it looks like - and I can see how that would take forver.

You guessed correctly. I use a 1 px wide brush and extensive palettes to color. :P


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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yes, but MS paint doesn't have savable palettes, or antialiasing. :wink: redoing all of the palettes every time would drive me insane.


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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youve got some amazing works here :D

Thank you! :D

cliffs are done! :D


they didn't take all that long to do, I was just distracted quite a bit today.


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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Woah - they look like you used a different method on them (no individual lines branching out) -- very very great job on the cliffs man!

Thanks! :D

I actually used pretty much the same method for the cliffs as everything else, I just made my strokes more controlled- different texture and all that. :D


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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My comment on the tree image: g a s p! (should resume in a word: awesome, beautiful, astonishing, etc.. :D )

Let me check if I got this right: did you paint those grass stems pixel by pixel with 1 pix wide brush? (gasp!)

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I like your style! :wink: Your trees are very impressive!

Do you use a tablet ?

Yup! :D

your detail work on that tree and grass are fantastic. (Two areas I need to work on for my picture on the go. You've now set the bar pretty high for me to achieve in that department)

Keep up the great work! I just love the originality and spark in your art.


Thanks! :D

Once your Sunset Tree piece is done, i reckon it is worthy of being featured in The Galleria!

:shock: * falls over from shock *

Thank you!! :mrgreen:


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I concur with the masses. You have a very impressive gallery as well as a work ethic to match. (Although I doubt any of us would really enjoy these little projects as much if it were work.) Your enjoyment for the craft shows in your work.


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i agree with LFC4EVER, your tree could shape up to be something amazing!
I concur with the masses. You have a very impressive gallery as well as a work ethic to match. (Although I doubt any of us would really enjoy these little projects as much if it were work.) Your enjoyment for the craft shows in your work.

Thank you! :D

ZizOiz, great work! Forgive me if I've just missed it, but is there a tut for the style of your outline fox av/sig?

(Or can you at least refer this ol' semi-noob to a particular plug-in...thanks!)

Thanks! :D

All I actually used was the line tool set at a width of two pixels, and then duplicated the layer, did a drop shadow on the bottom layer and lowered it's opacity to 128.

If you don't have the drop shadow plugin, here is the link! :)

The far grass, while it is about halfway done, has been temperorarily put on hold for a Large Art of the Week contest entry. Work on it should resume by the 25, and by then, there'll be a shiny new piece in my gallery. :D


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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Now I'm truly confused as to what everyone thinks I'm doing. :?

Work on the sunset tree has been temporarily put on hold until I'm done with my submission to the Large Art of the Week contest. My submission is far enough along that I think I'll be done sometime tonight. (it's about 12:30 in the afternoon where I am)


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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