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1, 2, 3.....8. Very well, even if it's only for you guys. :wink:

Hmm, there better be only 8 views on my new v3 gem tut. :x

Anywayz, I will have more free time from July-20 and on.

It's gonna be awesome. A whole new way of looking at things.

Open some more minds and all that junk. :!: :idea:

At least I think so. :lol:

My Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut...

5000+ Views and 450+ downloads but only 29 comments and 13 favs?

Sucks the energy right outta me and put the laziness right back in, don't you think. :?

Oh I'll be there, you better believe it.

About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.)

I did your fur tut last night. :lol: It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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1, 2, 3.....8. Very well, even if it's only for you guys. :wink:

Hmm, there better be only 8 views on my new v3 gem tut. :x

Anywayz, I will have more free time from July-20 and on.

It's gonna be awesome. A whole new way of looking at things.

Open some more minds and all that junk. :!: :idea:

At least I think so. :lol:

My Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut...

5000+ Views and 450+ downloads but only 29 comments and 13 favs?

Sucks the energy right outta me and put the laziness right back in, don't you think. :?

Oh I'll be there, you better believe it.

About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.)

I did your fur tut last night. :lol: It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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1, 2, 3.....8. Very well, even if it's only for you guys. :wink:

Hmm, there better be only 8 views on my new v3 gem tut. :x

Anywayz, I will have more free time from July-20 and on.

It's gonna be awesome. A whole new way of looking at things.

Open some more minds and all that junk. :!: :idea:

At least I think so. :lol:

My Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut...

5000+ Views and 450+ downloads but only 29 comments and 13 favs?

Sucks the energy right outta me and put the laziness right back in, don't you think. :?

Oh I'll be there, you better believe it.

About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.)

I did your fur tut last night. :lol: It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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1, 2, 3.....8. Very well, even if it's only for you guys. :wink:

Hmm, there better be only 8 views on my new v3 gem tut. :x

Anywayz, I will have more free time from July-20 and on.

It's gonna be awesome. A whole new way of looking at things.

Open some more minds and all that junk. :!: :idea:

At least I think so. :lol:

My Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut...

5000+ Views and 450+ downloads but only 29 comments and 13 favs?

Sucks the energy right outta me and put the laziness right back in, don't you think. :?

Oh I'll be there, you better believe it.

About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.)

I did your fur tut last night. :lol: It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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...and the ones that are registered were gaping in awe, and couldnt say anything otherwise they'd choke :P

really, just cause we dont post doesnt mean none of us use your tuts. some of us just dont have a practical use or start right there and then, but later we use them, and ont even think about putting it in the tuts forum.

all ill say is this.

you helped me in PDN immensely. your tutorials, your work, all gave me a reason to stick at it.

i said to myself, i want to be as good as ash. (itll never happen... but im having fun trying!)

thanks so much (theres even a sig with your name in it by yours truly in the superheroes SOTW comp.)


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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...and the ones that are registered were gaping in awe, and couldnt say anything otherwise they'd choke :P

really, just cause we dont post doesnt mean none of us use your tuts. some of us just dont have a practical use or start right there and then, but later we use them, and ont even think about putting it in the tuts forum.

all ill say is this.

you helped me in PDN immensely. your tutorials, your work, all gave me a reason to stick at it.

i said to myself, i want to be as good as ash. (itll never happen... but im having fun trying!)

thanks so much (theres even a sig with your name in it by yours truly in the superheroes SOTW comp.)


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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...and the ones that are registered were gaping in awe, and couldnt say anything otherwise they'd choke :P

really, just cause we dont post doesnt mean none of us use your tuts. some of us just dont have a practical use or start right there and then, but later we use them, and ont even think about putting it in the tuts forum.

all ill say is this.

you helped me in PDN immensely. your tutorials, your work, all gave me a reason to stick at it.

i said to myself, i want to be as good as ash. (itll never happen... but im having fun trying!)

thanks so much (theres even a sig with your name in it by yours truly in the superheroes SOTW comp.)


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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...and the ones that are registered were gaping in awe, and couldnt say anything otherwise they'd choke :P

really, just cause we dont post doesnt mean none of us use your tuts. some of us just dont have a practical use or start right there and then, but later we use them, and ont even think about putting it in the tuts forum.

all ill say is this.

you helped me in PDN immensely. your tutorials, your work, all gave me a reason to stick at it.

i said to myself, i want to be as good as ash. (itll never happen... but im having fun trying!)

thanks so much (theres even a sig with your name in it by yours truly in the superheroes SOTW comp.)


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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Ash remember that its the quality that matters not the quantity. So don't worry about replies and stuff (i know its a good feeling when someone says "Awesome tut" or something similar) as your tuts are top quality anyway. ;)

I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ;

You can do this in 4 steps.

1. Clouds.

2. Add noise.

3. Motion Blur.

4. Add color.

So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Ash remember that its the quality that matters not the quantity. So don't worry about replies and stuff (i know its a good feeling when someone says "Awesome tut" or something similar) as your tuts are top quality anyway. ;)

I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ;

You can do this in 4 steps.

1. Clouds.

2. Add noise.

3. Motion Blur.

4. Add color.

So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Ash remember that its the quality that matters not the quantity. So don't worry about replies and stuff (i know its a good feeling when someone says "Awesome tut" or something similar) as your tuts are top quality anyway. ;)

I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ;

You can do this in 4 steps.

1. Clouds.

2. Add noise.

3. Motion Blur.

4. Add color.

So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Ash remember that its the quality that matters not the quantity. So don't worry about replies and stuff (i know its a good feeling when someone says "Awesome tut" or something similar) as your tuts are top quality anyway. ;)

I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ;

You can do this in 4 steps.

1. Clouds.

2. Add noise.

3. Motion Blur.

4. Add color.

So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Thanks guys and gals, just a little ranting.

HELEN: You've just been too kind to everyone, Big Bird award? :wink:

Possum: I have no idea which topic those 4 steps hint are from, I drop many hints all over the forum. :P

Goon: Not disheartened, however 5000+ views and 29 comments is not even 0.6%. Just sucks the energy right out. Even a car needs some gas. :)

cazaron: "It will never happen"? Not if you keep thinking like that. :wink:

LFC: It doesn't need to be "Awesome tut!" comment, just a simple thx, or let me know how the tut worked out for ya or where did you use the method and such would be good enough.

Anywayz, enough ranting and stuff!

Possibly a new eye tut will follow the gem tut. :)

Thanks all!


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Thanks guys and gals, just a little ranting.

HELEN: You've just been too kind to everyone, Big Bird award? :wink:

Possum: I have no idea which topic those 4 steps hint are from, I drop many hints all over the forum. :P

Goon: Not disheartened, however 5000+ views and 29 comments is not even 0.6%. Just sucks the energy right out. Even a car needs some gas. :)

cazaron: "It will never happen"? Not if you keep thinking like that. :wink:

LFC: It doesn't need to be "Awesome tut!" comment, just a simple thx, or let me know how the tut worked out for ya or where did you use the method and such would be good enough.

Anywayz, enough ranting and stuff!

Possibly a new eye tut will follow the gem tut. :)

Thanks all!


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Thanks guys and gals, just a little ranting.

HELEN: You've just been too kind to everyone, Big Bird award? :wink:

Possum: I have no idea which topic those 4 steps hint are from, I drop many hints all over the forum. :P

Goon: Not disheartened, however 5000+ views and 29 comments is not even 0.6%. Just sucks the energy right out. Even a car needs some gas. :)

cazaron: "It will never happen"? Not if you keep thinking like that. :wink:

LFC: It doesn't need to be "Awesome tut!" comment, just a simple thx, or let me know how the tut worked out for ya or where did you use the method and such would be good enough.

Anywayz, enough ranting and stuff!

Possibly a new eye tut will follow the gem tut. :)

Thanks all!


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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