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WOW!!! BuzzKill that is AWESOME!!!!

Only one thing I noticed, though, in your sigbar.... You probably already know this and/or wanted it this way, but the reflection is right side up, instead of being upside down as a reflection would be...

But that Batman image is superior!!!

I put that right up there with your fire orb, Rick's new sigbar and Crazy Dan's PDN orb as my favorite images from this post!


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Thanks guys!

Yeah, tk, I noticed it right after I put it up. :(

Why is it you never notice these things until after you have already hit enter? :x

I'll be fixing it here in a bit. :wink:


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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@ Rick

Yes, but before I rotated it I used SI's Transparent Fade effect on it... fading from transparent to opaque, top to botton. By doing that it got rid of the "bunched up" look at the top (end) of the Tile Reflection. Compared to the Batman image. :wink:


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Based on the same methods as before only this time I added in the warp.cs that came with CodeLab to give a wavey look. :)



- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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@ BuzzKill

Ya, I know, and I was hesitant about saying anything about it because I know what you mean.

Based on the same methods as before only this time I added in the warp.cs that came with CodeLab to give a wavey look. :)

Gee, if one didn't know any better, they might thing you are trying to simulate... water and waves!!!! :lol:


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Ya, I know, and I was hesitant about saying anything about it because I know what you mean.

Don't ya just hate that?!? :lol:

Made a new sig, not sure if it is better than the other one but it is new. Although it is harder to see, I made sure to make the lettering in the reflection upside down this time. :wink:


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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i'm new to this forum but first off i'd like to say this is an awsome program :D ...

here are a few things i've done. although they can't compare to some of the other vastly superior images i've seen here

i made using the awsome orb tuturial


I like the etched effect here


an attempt at creating something 3-d with lighting(it looks better if you back away from the screen a few feet)...


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Hello and welcome to the forum!

Nice job on your images. I especially like the recessed lettering in the second image... sharp and clean.


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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I have internet again!!!

I haven't been around in awhile...

...but I'm endeavoring on a new project, to further expand on the never-ending usefulness of Paint.NET. Utilizing Paint.NET, I'm going to create a texture for an object which will be imported into Garry's Mod v9.3, a mod which allows you to interact directly with the innovative features of the Source engine used in Half-Life 2.

I will be using this in conjunction with 3D Studio Max R7, following tutorials found at Mixerman3D.com. Since 3D Studio Max R7 is a fairly expensive commercial program (I didn't buy mine, I won it :D), I'd implore others who would like to do this to abstain from pirating and download Blender3D instead. A quick Google search led me to some useful stuff for that. I'll probably be done shortly, after which, I'll post screenshots.

Toodles. :D

EDIT: Oh, and wish me luck. :D

Photobucket - Blog

Newest Film: Beowulf (Feel free to PM me comments, criticisms)

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@ telconstar

  • How about a 'before' shot and a description of what you did to touch up the photo?

@ A_Pickle

  • Welcome back sir! Looking forward to those screenshots.


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Well, I'll give this topic a try...

This is my first "published" Paint.net graphism.

I wanted to have a beautiful flower reflected on water, so I searched google for a flower :


I cut the flower from the background (using this method http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1100), added a reflection, faded this reflection (http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1185), compressed it a little, added a tile effect (http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1150) and blurred it a little.

I wished I had a water reflection script, but I did what I could...

And here is the result :


I know it's quite pink, but I wanted to keep the color of the flower for the background and the flower I found was pink ^^

So I know it's way behind some of your works, but I'm quite proud of it :)

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Now that is the way to make an entrance onto the pictorium!

WoW, Litchi!!! I must say that is a very good and detailed piece of work. :) Can't wait to see more! :)

There is a script for a water reflection effect in the same thread as the distortion plugins.

Here is the direct link to Tom's water reflection script:



- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Well I don't have a "before" shot because I override my original. If I post another one though I'll definitely do that.


Yes that's definitely a dodeball poster....The Chuck Norris camio is the best part.


Now if only my bank account looked like Michael Dell's....

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Now that is the way to make an entrance onto the pictorium!

WoW, Litchi!!! I must say that is a very good and detailed piece of work. :) Can't wait to see more! :)

There is a script for a water reflection effect in the same thread as the distortion plugins.

Here is the direct link to Tom's water reflection script:


Thanks :oops: You're too nice :) It's the first time I really have something I can show, but if I have a comment like this each time, I might do more paint.net-ing (and less work at my office :lol: )

I already saw the water reflection effect but I couldn't figure how it worked. I tried again this morning (it's 9:30 in the morning in France) and it worked, but the result is not what I wanted, it's too twisted. Maybe when a plugin is out, I might use it :D

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