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The Making of "Stumbled Upon" - Updated


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In this tutorial, I will be showing you the accidental discovery of a really nifty texture I posted in my gallery called "Stumbled Upon:"




Required plug-ins:


Gradient Bars by pryochild




Splinter Blur


The steps


1) With Paint.NET open, make sure colors are set to default (black and white).


2) Make a new layer.


3) Run Gradient bars (Effects>Render>Gradient Bars) and enter value as shown in screen shot:



4) Gaussian blur at 2. Then run Splinter Blurs and use value as shown:




5) Duplicate the layer. Flip the image horiztonally (Layers>Flip Horizontal).  Set blending mode to Darken. Merge down. See screenshot if you are confused.




6) Here comes the tricky part: duplicate layer.  Flip image vertically (Layers>Flip Vertical).  Set the gradient to transparency and use screenshot as guide. When you have it, merge down.




7) Before we move on, we need to set the colors in the Color Palette window to light grey and dark grey.  I used the default color.  Again, refer to the screenshot for clarification.




8) Duplicate the layer and run Diffuse. See screenshots for what I did.  After running Diffuse, Gaussian blur to 2 to soften the roughness, and set blending mode to Glow.




9) At this point, I leave the tutorial to a close, but I strongly encourage you to keep on playing.  Merge down the Diffuse layer, and then duplicate and play with blending modes, or utilize Curves, or whatever!  At this point, you are free to go on and try something different!  Maybe you want to leave the Diffuse layer intact, and duplicate the original layer, and play with blending modes.  Or better yet, try to run the Diffuse layer on the duplication of the original layer, and enable Flip Color.  Have fun!


10) In "Stumbled Upon" I used Rotate/Zoom to zoom into the texture.  It's really nifty.


This was something I created in writing this tutorial:



Edited by TrevorOutlaw
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Wow, really cool!  I would recommend that you put a "finished product" image at the top of your post so people can see what they're getting before they start.  But it has a nice engraved, visceral, almost tangible look to it!


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Great job, Goon.  I think it could look like a printed circuit board.  Try to see some sample images on the internet and I think you will get it.


Thanks Trev. My thoughts entirely. I have already been browsing images of circuit boards for ideas and have started on making mine into one. Slow going at the moment though.


Nice work Seerose. ;)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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Thanks Trev. My thoughts entirely. I have already been browsing images of circuit boards for ideas and have started on making mine into one. Slow going at the moment though.


Nice work Seerose. ;)


Many many thanks.  wt7suwk6.gif

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.




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