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Shiny Buttons


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This is my first tut/2nd post here :D but I've been keeping an eye on you guys :shock:

For this tut, we're making these 2 buttons:


and than this:

scrollszd0.th.jpgthpix.gif :D

For the both of these, you'll need the plugins:Smart Blur and Drop Shadow if you're adding text.


1. Start with a normal canvas.

2. Use the Rounded Rectangle tool, draw one(the size you want your button to be) with a Brush Width of 2.

3. Draw 2 circles with a brush width of 2, each at the ends of the Rounded Rectangle.


4. Using the Magic Wand tool, select the outside of your shape and Invert Selection(Ctrl+I). Then cut the selection.


5. Select the part you just cut.

6. Use a Linear Gradient from the top to the bottom of the selected area. Note: think of a color for your button. The SECONDARY color will be this color and the primary color will be a darker version of it. For this example, I'm using Crimson and Red. :D


7. Add a new layer.

8. Use the Rounded Rectangle again(use Draw Filled Shape-White) and draw one between the top and middle of the button.


9. Select the white part and use a Transparency Gradient from the top of the selection and drag it down until ANY of the white touches the bottom of the selection.


10. Deselect

11. Add a new layer.

12. Use the Round Rectangle again :lol: on the bottom half of the button. Note: The color should be the secondary color you chose in Step 6.

13. Select the part you just made and use a Linear Gradient with the secondary color from Step 6 being your primary and the primary color from Step 6 for your secondary. Drag the nub from top of the selection to the middle of it.


14. Flatten Image.

15. Use Smart Blur-

Radius:10, Strength:0.23

16. Add some text and Drop Shadow and you'll get something like this:




Circle Button-

1. Start with a normal canvas.

2. Draw a Circle(2 width) using the Eclipse tool.

3. Select the Magic Wand tool, select the outside of the circle, Invert Selection(Ctrl+I), Cut.


4. Use a Radial Gradient from the middle of the circle to the top of it. Note: Think of a color. The primary color will be this and the secondary color will be a darker version of this. for this example, I'm using Orange and Brown. :D

Drag the nub from the middle until the 2 nubs' distance is the circle's diameter. 8)


5. Add a new layer.

6. On the top half of the circle, use the Eclipse tool and draw a smaller circle(White-Filled Shape)

7. Select the white circle. Use a TRANSPARENCY Linear Gradient from top until ANY of the white touches the bottom of the selection.


8. Add new Layer.

9. Use the Eclipse tool and draw a circle(same size and the one before this) on the bottom half of the entire circle. The color should be the primary color from Step 4.


10. Flatten Image.

11. Smart Blur-

Radius:10, Strength:0.11


12. Add some text with Drop Shadow and you'll get something like this:



Well, thats all. Tell me what you think about this. :lol:

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Your screenshots are broken. You need to fix them by the time you log back in, or I'll have to lock it. Sorry!


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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