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This is essentially a upgraded version of the existing Paint.NET Emboss/Relief.  Emboss/Relief+ has options such as changing radius, changing internal convolution kernel, and finally, having the option for each channel has their own convolution result rather than utilizing the average of convolution.


The original code was based on this  - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/9645-steerable-gaussian-filters


Download Plugin -> EmbossReliefPlus.zip


Output of Result:




Source code



// Name: Emboss/Relief+
// Submenu: Stylize
// Author: Reptillian
// Title: Emboss/Relief+
// Version: 1
// Desc: Extended version of Emboss/Relief
// Keywords: Emboss, Relief
// URL: https://forums.getpaint.net/profile/85868-reptillian/
// Help:

#region UICode
IntSliderControl radius = 5; // [5,25] Radius (px)
AngleControl var_angle = 90; // [-180,180] Angle
DoubleSliderControl sigma = 0.5; // [0.25,4] Sigma
DoubleSliderControl scale_value = 2; // [0.5,10] Value Scale
ListBoxControl output = 0; // Output|Relief|Emboss
CheckboxControl rgb_mode = true; // RGB Mode

double[] convolve_a;
double[] convolve_b;

int cut(int v,int image_max_index){
    return Math.Max(0,Math.Min(v,image_max_index));

int d2i(double v){
    return (int)(Math.Round(v));

int average(int r, int g, int b){
    return (r+g+b)/3;

double tau_sqrt = Math.Sqrt ( 2 * Math.PI);

// This single-threaded function is called after the UI changes and before the Render function is called
// The purpose is to prepare anything you'll need in the Render function
void PreRender(Surface dst, Surface src)
    convolve_a = new double[radius];
    convolve_b = new double[radius];

    double center_index=((double)(radius) - 1 )/2;
    double sigma_exp = 2 * sigma * sigma;
    double sqrsig = sigma * tau_sqrt;
    double M = 3 * sigma;
    double ni,rescale_factor;

    rescale_factor = 0;

    for (int p = 0 ; p < radius ; p++){
        ni = ((double)(p)-center_index)/center_index*M;
        convolve_a[p] = Math.Exp(-(ni * ni)/sigma_exp)/sqrsig;
        convolve_b[p] = (ni / (sigma * sigma)) * convolve_a[p];
        rescale_factor +=convolve_a[p];

    rescale_factor /= scale_value ;

    for (int p = 0 ; p < radius ; p++){

// Here is the main multi-threaded render function
// The dst canvas is broken up into rectangles and
// your job is to write to each pixel of that rectangle
void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    double theta = var_angle / 180 * Math.PI;
    double cos_theta = Math.Cos(theta);
    double sin_theta = Math.Sin(theta);
    int max_x = src.Width - 1;
    int max_y = src.Height - 1;
    int center = (int)(Math.Ceiling((double)(radius)/2));
    double inner_convolve_a_r,inner_convolve_a_g,inner_convolve_a_b,inner_convolve_b_r,inner_convolve_b_g,inner_convolve_b_b;
    double outer_convolve_a_r,outer_convolve_a_g,outer_convolve_a_b,outer_convolve_b_r,outer_convolve_b_g,outer_convolve_b_b;
    double result_r,result_g,result_b;
    int new_r,new_g,new_b,avg;

    int start_x,start_y;

    ColorBgra Reference_Color_A,Reference_Color_B;

    // Step through each row of the current rectangle
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        if (IsCancelRequested) return;
        // Step through each pixel on the current row of the rectangle
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)

            inner_convolve_a_r = inner_convolve_a_g = inner_convolve_a_b = inner_convolve_b_r = inner_convolve_b_g = inner_convolve_b_b = 0;
            outer_convolve_a_r = outer_convolve_a_g = outer_convolve_a_b = outer_convolve_b_r = outer_convolve_b_g = outer_convolve_b_b = 0;

            for (int p = 0 ; p < radius ; p++)
                for (int q = 0 ; q < radius ; q++)
                    Reference_Color_A = src[cut(start_x+p,max_x),cut(start_y+q,max_y)];
                    inner_convolve_a_r += (double)(Reference_Color_A.R) * convolve_a[q];
                    inner_convolve_a_g += (double)(Reference_Color_A.G) * convolve_a[q];
                    inner_convolve_a_b += (double)(Reference_Color_A.B) * convolve_a[q];
                    Reference_Color_B = src[cut(start_x+q,max_x),cut(start_y+p,max_y)];
                    inner_convolve_b_r += (double)(Reference_Color_B.R) * convolve_a[q];
                    inner_convolve_b_g += (double)(Reference_Color_B.G) * convolve_a[q];
                    inner_convolve_b_b += (double)(Reference_Color_B.B) * convolve_a[q];


                outer_convolve_a_r += inner_convolve_a_r * convolve_b[p];
                outer_convolve_a_g += inner_convolve_a_g * convolve_b[p];
                outer_convolve_a_b += inner_convolve_a_b * convolve_b[p];
                outer_convolve_b_r += inner_convolve_b_r * convolve_b[p];
                outer_convolve_b_g += inner_convolve_b_g * convolve_b[p];
                outer_convolve_b_b += inner_convolve_b_b * convolve_b[p];

                inner_convolve_a_r = inner_convolve_a_g = inner_convolve_a_b = inner_convolve_b_r = inner_convolve_b_g = inner_convolve_b_b = 0;

            result_r = outer_convolve_b_r * cos_theta + outer_convolve_a_r * sin_theta ;
            result_g = outer_convolve_b_g * cos_theta + outer_convolve_a_g * sin_theta ;
            result_b = outer_convolve_b_b * cos_theta + outer_convolve_a_b * sin_theta ;
            new_r = d2i(result_r);
            new_g = d2i(result_g);
            new_b = d2i(result_b);
            if (rgb_mode)
                if (output == 0)
                    dst[x,y] = ColorBgra.FromBgraClamped(src[x,y].B+new_b,src[x,y].G+new_g,src[x,y].R+new_r,src[x,y].A);
                    dst[x,y] = ColorBgra.FromBgraClamped(new_b+127,new_g+127,new_r+127,src[x,y].A);
                avg = average(new_r,new_g,new_b);

                if (output == 0)
                    dst[x,y] = ColorBgra.FromBgraClamped(src[x,y].B+avg,src[x,y].G+avg,src[x,y].R+avg,src[x,y].A);
                    dst[x,y] = ColorBgra.FromBgraClamped(avg+127,avg+127,avg+127,src[x,y].A);






  const center_index=(w-1)/2;
  const sigma_exp=2*$sigma^2;
  const sqrsig=$sigma*sqrt(2*pi);

sh. 0 ts={is#-1/$4} rm. /. $ts

+rotate. 90

s[-2,-1] c

+convolve[0] [-4]
convolve. [-2]
+convolve[0] [-3]
convolve. [-5]
*. {cos($theta)}
*.. {sin($theta)}
add.. .




Note: Don't bother editing radius limit into more than 50. I would advise you to go into the G'MIC Emboss/Relief if you need it since it's faster with higher value there.

Edited by Reptillian
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G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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