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Pasted images no longer have transparent bgs

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I've been using Paint.NET for several years and it's been my most used editing software due to one of its feature. The ability to copy and paste a transparent background image into Paint and have the background be transparent. It's an incredibly helpful and time-saving thing that makes me prefer to use Paint.NET to Photoshop for quick editing.


For some reason after updating to the latest updates, the transparent backgrounds for pasted images are no longer there, instead just using a black background color like Photoshop does. This is something that has really, really annoyed me due to how used I am to simply pasting a transparent image into Paint, and not have to worry about saving it to my hard drive and loading it in there. I also work as a graphics designer on another forum, with copy and pasting images with transparent backgrounds and resizing them are part of my job.


I've tried checking the options and settings in Paint.NET, and I've tried checking this forum for answers. The only thread I could find was someone mentioning this same problem, in which it was shown that pasting via ctrl+shift+v brings back the transparent background unlike ctrl+v, but I have tried this out multiple times and it still gives me the black background.


If there's any way to fix this, or if there is an upcoming update that will fix this, please let me know. This is a problem that's genuinely making me consider no longer using Paint.NET.

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Hello @Rose00 and Welcome to the forum :)


I think I read on the forum, not so long ago, about some people having this problem with images saved via Firefox.


Where are copying the transparent images from, please?  Also, can you attach one in a post here so that we can test it.


As you are a long time user of Paint.net I assume - if you are saving your own images, that they are saved in .png format and saved either with Auto detect, or 32 bit.


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I encountered this issue when testing the DIBV5 code with Google Chrome.

The easiest way to reproduce it is to open Chrome and copy the Google logo on google.com to the clipboard.


The problem is that Chrome sets the DIBV5 header to indicate that there is no alpha channel when the image contains a premultiplied alpha channel.

Because Chrome is indicating that there is no alpha channel there is not an easy way to fix this issue.

Changing the DIBV5 code to use "Detect dishonest alpha" would break other scenarios, such as the Windows Snipping Tool black line bug that was reported here.


DIB alpha channel handling is the Kobayashi Maru of Windows development.

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I used to have that problem with Google Chrome, Opera, and Firefox when I copied  PNG or WEBP files, but it does no occur anymore.
Could this be do fix in updates to Windows 10?
I am using Windows 10 Home 64 Bit Version 1089 OS Build 17763.529.

Edited by HyReZ


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