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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. Greetings All, XnConvert is a freeware (for non-commercial users) that is compatible with more than 500 formats and exports to about 70 different file formats. It will read & write to .dds and as a part of its 80 different operations it does batched image conversions. https://www.xnview.com/en/
  2. The short answer is no. It currently can't be done and probably will not be implemented in future versions.
  3. I just copied all of the .dds files from my Visual Studio folder (There were 15) and I added them to my batch que in IrfanView and converted them to .tif.
  4. @Mr.Curious According to the IrfanView supported formats page, it will read .DDS files after you install the IrfanView plugins: https://www.irfanview.com/main_formats.htm
  5. Parts of BoltBait's tutorial my be applicable to your problem
  6. Now that Pit as seen the information for installing the plugins for Paint.NET by 3 sources they can now do it. It was clear to me also when I agreed with toe_head2001 and referred Pit to go back to the link and its second yellow highlight note on how to create the /paint.net App folder and its sub-folders in the My Documents folder. I also include a video link on how to create and place a folder in Windows just in case PIt was a novice to this procedure. Now we can all wait and see if any of this advice helped!?
  7. I am sorry to hear about the death of Woodsy. He was a master draftsman and a great teacher.
  8. All apps are programs. Computer Program From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. Most computer devices require programs to function properly." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_program
  9. The link that toe_head2001 provided explains where and how to create folders and sub-folders to place the effects, filetypes, and shapes plugins into. Read the second yellow highlighted not from his link about creating folders for effects and filetypes for the store version of Paint.NET If you are novice to Windows and you do not know how to create folders here is a tutorial link:
  10. @Pit I use the Olympus PEN E-PL1 that creates RAW files as ORF images. To get the ORF images icon to appear as image thumbnails and open in Windows Viewers you will need to install the RAW CODEC for Windows. Here is a link to the CODEC and information about it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/Download/details.aspx?id=26829
  11. Maybe pulling your head out of it long enough to get a picture of it done could be therapeutic you!
  12. @mars_hill What you describe as dots representing rain is actually some type of fill pattern. This effect can be achieved with the limited fill patterns supplied in Paint.NET. In my illustration below I create a transparent layer for my outline area to be filled. I used the Brush Tool set to ~2 pixels for the width and with Magenta as Primary color. Next I changed the Fill from solid color to spheres, with my Primary color as Magenta and my Secondary color as Alpha Opacity set to 0 and use the Bucket Fill Tool to spill spheres into area that i outlined earlier. To finish I used Boltbait's Transparency Adjustment v4.5 plugin set to -80 on my Layer A. @Elvis Hbpbgrtnk The mal-grammarian persona was never amusing to me in the beginning and did not get amusing over time, and it probably does not translate well for viewers using translation features of their browsers. IMHO
  13. Greetings! The effect that you are trying to achieve can be accomplished by applying lines, curves, and/or shapes to layers and composite them onto your image after using various blurs to diffuse them to simulate reality. What you are referring to as glare is also referred to as highlights. In art highlights and shadows are applied to an image to simulate depth and is called 'modeling'. I use Paint.NET's built-in Effects>Blurs>Gaussian Blur to diffuse and vary the opacity. In my example I created a quick illustration of how this can be done. I used two line segments and a ellipse to show how the effect you desire can be achieved. (No plugins were use for this illustration)
  14. Greetings. Your project seems simple enough. A background layer with text on a transparent layer on top. Using Layers In Paint.NET (information on applying text upon a transparent layer begins ~ 14 minutes into the tutorial)
  15. Here is my contribution using the plugin:
  16. The Canon EOS M50 went on sale on March 23, 2018. The Canon CR3 codec has not been an independent download since 2013. In order to get the codec plugin for Windows 10 you can to install the Canon Digital Photo Professional software: dppw4.10.50-installer.zip I have the Nikon D3500 which uses the NEF RAW codec. I did not get my NEF photos to appear as thumbnail icons nor in the Picture Viewer in Windows 10 until I installed the Nikon codec.
  17. Greetings! There is a plugin for Text Distortion by xod that does something like that but does not have the extrusion feature: The Trail 3D plugin allows for adding adjustable combinations of color gradients to be use as extrusions of objects or text on a transparent background:
  18. Your current central image will not auto-fit into a 200 x 200 px frame without a downward re-scale. Example:
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