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Everything posted by jim100361

  1. Yes, I had quite a few troubled spots getting through the tutorial. I had to backtrack several times because it didn't seem to be working out as the tutorial was demonstrating. I'm going to make another attempt at it and see if I can't get a better result. EDIT: Part Deux http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/KioskOrbLaPieta.png
  2. Tryin' another one of the tutorials: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/KioskGlobe3b.png
  3. Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate it. As I had mentioned I would do on the earlier piece, I lightened the rings on each end to more closely match with the wrench and rotated them so the highlights of the rings were inline with the center span. I applied bezel to the whole piece (after having merged all the layers down) which gave it a 3D look, and then I used the smudge on the rings to blend them into the span so the wrench looked like a single forged piece. Then a drop shadow was added. I think overall (at least to my stricken eyesight), it is a very realistic look and a nice improvement over the first piece.
  4. BTW, I think this would be a great addition to your sig
  5. Here's another wrench to throw into the mix: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/Wrench4.png EDIT: Excuse me while I toot my own horn.... I think this one is ROCKIN'!! (Compared to the previous one) Like I said previously, my eyes seem to be my worst enemy - they don't seem to help much anymore. I thought I made the right side smaller than the left, but they look the same to me now. Maybe I need some new glasses....
  6. Nothing fancy, just toying with the tutorial at http://forums.getpai...t-100-complete/ for making bullet holes: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/WindowViewBulletHoles.png The view's worth a mllion, but neighbors tend to get a bit roudy and loud!
  7. It doesn't take much to paste one image onto another. If you give more detailed info, maybe a more detailed response can be given beyond this. Visit the tutorials in these forums and you can learn how to do a whole slew of things. EDIT: I put this one together quickly. I have one already that is similar to this, but it's at work so I don't have access to it right now:
  8. Thanx for pointing that out. My eyes don't seem to be helping me much. I know what caused it, but I thought at the time I had repositioned it as it should have been, but evidently I didn't. I was repositioning and resizing the right side, then without deselecting the layer, I switched to the left side layer and started to reposition it. Needless to say, the boundary from the right side went through the left side piece, so with only a portion of it being selected when I started to realign it, only a segment moved (stupid!). I'm going to give 'er another try and see if I can't improve on this a tad bit - due in part from your comments in the tutorial section - I think the end pieces are too dark anyways and need to be lightened up to match closer to the span inbetween. Minners: I saw you had posted the link in the tut section, but until this morning I hadn't had a chance to check it out. Thanx for that. I don't know if I'll use it immediately as I want to try to get this process down in my head first before I stray too far away from it. Generally, I'm not a big fan of video tutorials as you have to keep pausing and backing up, etc as you're trying to follow along switching between the vid and paint.net. Some of them are done really fast (I guess to compress the playtime down on them) and make it even more difficult to keep up with them. That having been said, I do use them from time to time though, and I will attempt that one later on. Again, thanx. Aislin: I thought I gave it enough depth without going overboard. Once I created the piece, I added a light grey drop shadow w/o blur to first give the piece a 3D look. I saved that, then did a drop shadow again with black for the actual shadow with only a slight blur to it. Maybe the first (light grey) wasn't deep enough?
  9. Here's my attempt at the wrench:
  10. I don't understand why PrtScrn isn't acceptable. Simply paste your image from clipboard, select the area you want and crop to selection.
  11. Nice, I love it. It reminds me of one I did sometime ago with the globe as the iris of the eye (it wasn't as good as this though).
  12. They're all pretty cool, personally the one that I like the most of these recent ones is the last one and probably second to that would be the flowers. The very first one though brought a smile to my face as well, I thought it was lighthearted.
  13. Being underwater and with currents and such would deposit sediments upon the structures and thus reducing the details of the ruins. This is why my preference was to blur it. I think a middle ground between yours and mine might provide a better result. Just my opinion, so please don't take offence.
  14. Something else to check though I doubt this is the problem: Go to "Start" and then "Run". Type in "services.msc" (without the quotes) and press "Enter". Check to make sure .net framework is set to "automatic" as shown below: Beyond this, I'm at a loss what could be causing your problem. EDIT: I did see this line above from what you posted: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." It also shows this: "Physical memory: 3316 MB" Normally you will find memory listed like this: 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, etc. It appears to me you have more than 3GBs of memory but it's not showing nearly 2/3 of an additional Gig. I don't know if the "Physical memory" being reported from the crash is supposed to be showing total memory or available memory. What brand computer do you have? The reason why I ask is if it's Dell, they provide diagnostic software for their systems which you can run and verify if your memory (as well as other components of your computer) is ok and running properly.
  15. I like what you did, though the effect I tried to present was a certain amount of "murkiness" from peering through the water itself and having sat at the bottom of the ocean for ions. The foreground of your picture is a bit crisp for my personal taste, but it's still a worthy representation and quite plausible as well. The background is almost unnoticeable, which is a good result too. The further off in the distance it is, the harder it would be to see through the water. Nice job!
  16. Did you first uninstall, update computer, and then re-install after doing updates? Besides regular Windows updates, is the NET framework updated to current latest version? I don't really know if these are issues and/or fixes, they're just suggestions.
  17. It'll be interesting to see if you can perfect the effect.
  18. Very nice, must've taken forever to do (especially with all the chain links).
  19. My comments are strictly my own opinion. I am a weary traveller through these forums as you are. You voiced your comments, and I voiced my differing comments. I am not otherwise part of the official Paint.net "organization". I just frequent these forums for their tutorials, show-off my wares, and discuss things as we have done here.
  20. You really should pay attention when you read things. Is this how you enter into rental/lease agreements or mortgages? I've pointed out previously that it is clearly marked - is it more prominent? I suppose not, but then again that is more or less the idea behind the ads in the first place isn't it? To get people to click on them (inadvertently or otherwise). Afterall, he's got to generate revenue for a product that he is practically giving away free - I doubt everybody is donating to help him, and if they are, I also doubt it's anywhere near what it would cost you for that other program. Consider it fortunate the site isn't full of popups! Take your time and read, you'll soon find it's a valuable life lesson.
  21. I think we should all create some snow globes!!!
  22. Here is what I'm looking at: The right side should be (in my opinion) the same as it is on the left - judging from the shadows this would be exposed to the sunlight - so it shouldn't be darker, it should be lighter.
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