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Everything posted by jim100361

  1. I guess you can't do it with dark eyes - at least not going through the exact same steps. I found this pic and thought it was so weird I just had to try it for the laughs (this is the orig -unmodified- pic). All I was able to do was lighten the eye up (I started working on the left eye) a little bit to a reddish color.
  2. Thanx. Yes, I have to keep reminding myself to use them (gotta start forming some good habits in order to improve my work).
  3. For a true "neon" effect, I think you would've been done once you added the guassian blur. At that point it pretty much appeared like the neon lights were turned on (except maybe not quite so heavy a blur).
  4. Thanx, my personal preference would be the '65 Coupe Convertible (you can't beat drivin' with the top down - which I did frequently when I had my Jeeps), and like you, I guess I'll just go on dreamin'. I think the only way I'd ever acquire one is if I found it buried on my property - lol. Here's my latest piece (slightly off-center):
  5. Thank you for your help, I'm sure others will appreciate the ability to go immediately through the tutorial vs reading 30+ responses (or at a minimum, 17) before jumping into it.
  6. I'm sorry but I'm irritated about this. Five months now since this tutorial was created and he hasn't fixed the page yet! I get almost all the way through this thing only to come to the conclusion that I didn't have a plugin vs possibly different version of pdn where at one time maybe it existed, and now it doesn't So I say to myself, what am I missing. Since I'm learning this stuff (hence the need for the tutorial), I go on an easter egg search to see if "Metalize" exists anywhere in my menus. Nope. I better double check because my eyes have been straining all throughout this. Nope, still not there. OK, did I miss some step where he said to save this as "Metalize" or something? Re-read. Nope. Are you sure, your eyes are tired. Look again. Nope. I guess not. OK, do I have the right version of PDN (maybe it doesn't exist anymore in this version or something - dunno). I'll go Google "Paint.net Metalize". Oh look! It's a Plugin!! WOW!! HOORAY!!! Guess what, I don't have it!!!!!!!! The heck with this! Poorly written tutorial. Oh wait, didn't he say previously he "didn't miss a step" or something of that sort? Sorry, I had to air this complaint. 5 months: Lucky I didn't fill this with a ton of 4-letter words!
  7. lol, technically they are real (if you know what I mean).
  8. I don't understand your point. I mean: So what? If you don't want to use it, then don't use it. Why would you NOT want it included in the program? If you purchase an automobile and since radios come pretty much standard in all of them these days, if you don't want to use it, then don't use it. Why would you ask the manufacturer not to include it in the future? I don't get it.
  9. Has anybody ever heard of Macros? ...just curious. I think it's the closest you'll be able to get to "automating". Just my 2 cents. (Penny for your thoughts? - lol)
  10. Just a simple example using the "Push" feature in the plugin. Before: After: And yet another:
  11. As far as creating the mask itself I think would be relatively easy. Open the image in PDN, then invert it. Since you would have an inverted smiley in the center, use the paintbucket to fill in the eyes and smile so the color will match with the circle, then with the magic wand select the outer perimeter of the circle, then grab the eraser and erase the area so it will be transparent. Then save it. I think using this method would probably be the quickest as you won't be messing around with resizing things. The center will be the same size as the smiley which is what you are probably wanting. Also, you may wish to take a look at the plugin here: http://forums.getpai...showtopic=14848
  12. I beg to differ. All that is required is an attention to detail (which, by the way, is something you'll need if you use the tutorials). One oversight will lead you astray in each instance. If you read what is presented then there won't be problems downloading. Here is a screenshot from the download page: And here is the subsequent page: Problem solved! Stay on target. Remember, this is FREEWARE. The advertisements are necessary to cover the expense of the product itself and these forums. The alternative in my opinion would be that we all pay for this and they can remove the advertisements. To be honest, especially in the current financial outlook throughout our country and others today, I don't think I would be able to afford it.
  13. What I really like about your flag is that the ripples/waves in the animation is more real than what you find in most types of animated waving flags. A majority of what I often see, the waves go the entire height of the flag whereas your method does not, which is a bit more realistic to when you watch a real flag wave (the winds just don't work that way).
  14. I created this using this tutorial as an example for another forum visitor in regards to a question he had (this picture is also found in my gallery):
  15. I made this to show to another visitor in another thread about a question he had: BTW, the Mustang background itself is what I have on my computer desktop as the wallpaper.
  16. Is this the effect you're looking for? If this is what you're trying to get, use the tutorial on the link above that I previously provided using a solid color instead of a flag and follow the tutorial. Once you've completed it, save the file as gif and then change the transparency on the whole picture to suit your needs. Although I didn't do it with this example, you will get a better effect if you add a drop shadow to it as well. EDIT: Here it is with drop shadow added: BTW, the Mustang pic used in the background is what I use on my desktop.
  17. If you wish to change the size of the whole picture, in the menus go to "Image" and the second selection is "Resize". You can modify the size by percent or by dimensions.
  18. I believe the script lab is a tool for those who create plugins.
  19. Under the menus, go to Adjustments, and then Select Color Balance. Adjusting the sliders will change the overall color of the picture. If you're wanting to get an effect like an actual colored sheet of plastic or the like ( with ripples and some light) over it, it will take more than that though. Maybe combine some effects from this tutorial to get a sheet look over it: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15442-creating-an-animated-waving-flag/ As opposed to a solid picture as shown in the tutorial, maybe create first a semi-translucent colored image first.
  20. The Red Scarab is such a cool piece. It looked so realistic that I could just about reach out and pick it up.
  21. jim100361


    The info at the link below may help you to post your pictures: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12193-how-to-use-images-in-your-posts-signatures-and-avatars/
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