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Everything posted by jim100361

  1. Overall, I think this is cool - one minor drawback from my perspective though: It appears the upper red cap has too much of a bottom curve to it ...it may be just me, dunno.
  2. Just keep it blank (white) like the curl currently does. Currently, only the top image is somewhat maintained (in the shadow of the curl). Don't change that.
  3. Aww doodie. Oma suggested it too to me, but I was unsure about it. I didn't know if: a.) I can apply to just the 2 visible sides (similar to doing a drop shadow) b.) If after skewing and resizing if it would even be visible/noticeable. Heck I can't even see the drop shadow on the puzzle (that's how bad my eyesight seems to be - even with glasses)! Well, for better or worst, here's what I got accomplished up to this point: EDIT: Here's a pic I added yesterday in one of the tutorial sections:
  4. Thank you, that shall we say, "warms me to the cockles of me heart"! As I say, I intend to re-accomplish it (and maybe I'll create a tutorial while I'm at it).
  5. Thanks for the help, but no matter what I've tried the lines themselves are still (and always will be) an issue. That having been said though, I did come up with a way to "minimize" the effect. As opposed to masking "cells", what I instead did was used the layout/template as a mask. Of course this removes the image where the lines exist, but there will be no duplicate edges on anything. I also modified the concept itself slightly. What I intended to initially do was to simply create an exploded view, but I modified it to appear like an actual puzzle on a table (see my gallery). I've received some other input on this via a PM which gave me an additional idea for what I did create, so what exists now will be modified once more. Once again to you and everybody else for their input, I thank you!
  6. Thanks Like, I agree the shadow beneath is too dark and I will correct it as best as I can. In the meantime, I came up with another piece. I've had some input from a couple people on this to help me, and though I was not able to do what I was originally hoping to do, I was able to modify the concept itself and work with that. That having been said, I'll show you what I've come up with at the moment, but be mindful I will be modifying this once more. Here's what I started with: I then modified this to obtain some (slightly) thinner lines: I used the resulting image to mask the first image to create this (and adding a touch of drop shadow): Having done that, I brought in this image and lightened it up: I then brought the latter 2 pictures together to create this: What I intend to change is to pull some pieces out and scatter them a bit w/some rotations and then finish so it's not quite so "tidy" a picture.
  7. Nice stuff. I like the first 2 of your parodies and the jewels are cool too. I've got to try out the jewels tutorial sometime myself.
  8. Here's my attempt: I figured the lettering were too slim to "fill" them with anything.
  9. "The error message: Die Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Bibliothek "wiaaut.dll" konnte nicht geladen werden." The Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) library "wiaaut.dll" could not be loaded. From what I can gather, it's technically not an issue with Paint.net but rather .NET Framework. Maybe the info found here can help you (if you can fully understand it). Specifically there's a paragraph titled, "Getting to WIA from .NET" http://channel9.msdn.com/coding4fun/articles/Look-at-me-Windows-Image-Acquisition
  10. Yes and no. Just a curl, not a cylinder - and capable of doing it either horizontally or vertically. Something like this image:
  11. I have this picture: Utilizing Masking, I intended to use this: I came up with these: Obviously, the problem comes into play with the original piece: the lines themselves separating each "cell". The first filled-in piece at a glance seems okay until you look at the second and you can then see the large gaps in between the pieces. Obviously, I was hoping to do an exploding arrangement (for lack of another term - spread the pieces out further maybe by utilizing alignment on a larger canvas and then put the second layer into those gaps (if I've explained myself adequately). Because of these gaps, I fear it will throw off the subsequent images as everything will actually be connected (a single picture filled w/holes vs individual pieces). The second filled-in image occurs from inverting. Initially I started out with 2 "blank" versions and alternately filled the gaps on one and did the opposite cells on the other. Utilizing this method creates a different problem. Essentially the edges of each piece will then have the same edges of it's "neighboring" piece(s) because both masking layers maintain the exact same cell separation lines. So, I'm at a loss as to how to correct/fix this. Any ideas, or am I out of luck utilizing the template like I wanted? EDIT: At least this hasn't caused me to lose my sense of humor:
  12. I'm not that "technically savvy", so I'll leave it to someone else to try to assist you. Sorry.
  13. Such a talented guy, great video! Thanx for that. But I was referring to and looking for a thread in here somewhere that I ran across just the other day where someone did a similar (and simpler/shorter) one. I must be going blind or something.
  14. That would be so cool! I was just wondering about such a tool myself and lo and behold there is hope! Thanx (in advance)
  15. I was looking for that myself and was going to suggest that maybe combine the two methods but was unable to find it. I went to Yellowman's profile and it's not listed, so I don't think he was the author of that thread.
  16. Umm, that's where my "talents" fail me. Don't know how to do that without it looking like trash. Here's what I did: I re-did the shadow layer (sitting beneath the car layer) and added one more that was over the car layer. The first layer I made a bit bigger and a tad darker. The second layer I painted a over the tires a bit and then applied the gaussian blur so that they blended a bit into the lower shadow: Any better?
  17. Go to "Run" and type in "Services.msc". You may be able to find it in there.
  18. http://www.vueminder.com/forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=588&p=2561&hilit=Memory#p2561 For what it's worth: At the link above there is a discussion in their forums about a memory issue and some business about Windows having trouble allocating memory to .NET apps and such. You may wish to read it and maybe from there better judge how you wll proceed.
  19. Love the room! Don't get me wrong, but judging from your work in here with PDN, I think maybe what you should do sometime in the future is create something in PDN and then see if you can't have a custom mural made from your image and then plaster it to the wall! Here's some places that will do it: http://greatwallonline.com/custom_mural http://www.magicmurals.com/custom-wall-murals/ http://www.muralsyourway.com/ Now THAT would be really cool!
  20. Let me see if I understand this correctly. You have a picture of a couch. But instead of it looking like a couch, you want it to "read" couch? And the word itself would form the couch's outline? Is this correct? If so, here's what I think you can do. Essentially you mask the couch and instead of replacing the whole outline with the word, insert the letters themselves individually - each as a separate layer. With each layer you can then resize them so that they can be adjusted accordingly to fill the space. Also utilzing the liquify plugin you can then reshape each individual letter to "form" the outline. The liquify plugin can be found here: http://forums.getpai...showtopic=20688 Or maybe you can do something similar to what is being done here: http://forums.getpai...the-background/ Check out this video to see how you can "Shape" something to fit onto something else (Caution: Rated R - adult subject matter - supervision required):
  21. Visit my gallery. ( http://forums.getpai...00361-my-stuff/ ). I just added a piece whereas I used the page curl plugin to get a similar effect. I also explained a bit further down from the image how I did it. See if that will work for you. Though it would be a time consuming process, by varying the selection sizes I think you can get the right effect. The page curl plugin can be found here: http://forums.getpai...fect-ymd100718/
  22. I have a request for an upgrade to this plugin if possible. As opposed to curling everthing from corners can this be upgraded to give the following options: a.) Curl from corner(s) - horizontally/vertically (as it currently does) b.) Curl straight - horizontally/vertically I think this would take the plugin to a whole new level giving users the most options/capabilities.
  23. The one with the page curls was a bit time consuming. Essentially here's what I did: Place the background, then add a layer and place a grid - in this case the default was black so I had to change it to white. Adjust the grid spacing to suit your needs. Next, I would drop back to the background picture and using the grid as my guide, I would select an area and copy it. Then I would add a layer and paste my selection to it. Before proceeding, turn off the background and grid layer so you can better see what you are doing. Next apply the page curl to it (you would have to toy with it to get it to curl in the direction you want.) Next adjust the darkness of the curl. The page curl plugin has some minor problems with it. Only the underside curl portion would contain the image. So I then deselected, then used the magic wand for the side where the underside of the curl exists and apply to that. Then grab the eraser and erase it. Once again deselect and you will see there is a black edge remaining. Again using the eraser erase this edge. Then turn on once again the bottom layer to view your progress. Repeat the process creating a new layer for each page curl to form the tear out. Once you have a perimeter made of all the page curls, merge all the layers down. Next I would select a portion of the white in the center, and copy and paste it back in and then use this as a mask to erase any of the background remaining in the center. Once that is done you can use the magic wand to select the center and then erase it and save it as a gif. This then permits you to apply it over another background of your choosing. The Rose Petals: As an after thought it came to me that before I overlayed the glass butterflies to it, I should've erased the white area (background) of the petals and then overlayed it to another (maybe lightly colored) background. Then I could've applied a very light drop shadow to the pedals as well creating a better effect. I may still do it just to see how it improves the picture. And here's my latest manipulation: You will note that this is the same Mustang from the earlie picture. There is one flaw in it though that I noticed (the others I corrected). When flipping the image and changing the color I had to correct first some elements in the layout. The little logo on the grill had to be flipped and the steering wheel had to be moved. The color adjustment changed the turn signal colors so I had to change them back to a redish color. The remaining flaw? The wipers lean in the wrong direction. I didn't know what I could do to correct them (other than maybe erasing), so I decided to simply leave them the way they are.
  24. Here's something I toyed with using the Page Curl plugin: Then I went to this: Edit: Add this:
  25. Here's the re-do on the "Metal Name Plate" with some adjustments and additions:
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