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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. I like it! I see medieval times when I look at this. Not "Bling."
  2. @CSM: Love it! Way better then your current! Add it! @MonkeyFace: Haha... Like the new sig!
  3. Yes, I am aware of that. You told me. But still, it is awesome! ------- I would say something like this: http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/Tt6HjEQlZfLMjEZuECtnZQ157678 ------ @MonkeyFace: I do not know. It is plain, but I do not know what you could add to it...a border would fit it nicely. And CSM said it is NOT 100% Paint.NET.
  4. Are you saying I am awkward and icky? I am offended! Borders FTW!
  5. Nice flow, the render stands out, but it needs a border. After that, it will be a solid piece.
  6. I like it, looks like a CSI crime scene. @Frontcannon: I think I will rate Road Station. I love it, only problem I have is how dark it is near the bottom. May I see the original image?
  7. Cute. JK, I like it. Sorta simple though.
  8. This wednesday, or next Wednesday?
  9. Your welcome! Man down! Man down! Get the hospital on the phone!
  10. I do not have any criticisms...it is all awesome!
  11. I am not entering this competition because I didn't have a whole lot of time. P.S. No, I havent seen Flip.
  12. Very nice job, WorldNewser. I like it. I love the sun-type thing in the middle!
  13. Very nice! So glad to see you took my advice! They turned out great! Ring of Water is by far my favorite!
  14. I love the new forum, and I am glad that you guys were able to do it. It is, as barbieq said, a huge milestone for PDN. This forum is way more professional looking then the Forumer one. Pyrochild, thanks for making this happen! I will make some coffe for you! -- And Rick, sorry to bring this up, but your icon is no longer from the Oatmeal, so you may want to take that out of your signature!
  15. It has too much noise. Plus, the elipse is un-even.
  16. I like the 4th one. The sig is really nice! And the text adds to it! On the other hand, the last one is great, but the two smallpapers are...nevermind. I would not want to offend anybody.
  17. Your sig is really nice. I like all the links built into it! About your graphics, they are all really nice. But, on the heart and easter pics, they need to be feathered. Also, on the Small Solar System, it is sorta all over the place.
  18. Nice job on the tutorial. I like the classy feel to it!
  19. @Possum: I think you would have won with either one of your wallpapers. They are both really great! @Welshblue: I like it. I just do not like the rings around it.
  20. Really cool, but really simple. Not bad though! Like the shadow. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the updated version of my 3D Room i made. I added walls, new baseboards, new window, and fixed the perspective of the floor. Again, 100% Paint.NET! Click it for full size.
  21. I like all of them except your current signature. Keep up the good work!
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