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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Only to clarify this. Do you have Framework 3.5 SP1 installed? The SP1 is important.
  2. An improved water effect with some shading and highlighting will help to move away from the flat appearance.
  3. You could try using the Polygon Tool plugin on a separate layer, then activating the selection with the Magic Wand.
  4. Yeah. Okay, sure. Here's a PDN with a circle somewhat similar in appearance to the red apple. It can be looked at layer by layer to see its composition. Link to PDN File download. http://tinyurl.com/yh7hyyx
  5. bazuka: Looks like you'll be working with selections and gradients. Here's the link to the help file: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html Please check for PM.
  6. qwertyasdf: With PdN v3.5 Final on Windows XP. With settings as you describe, pure white is recolored as pure black. Even one RGB number off from pure white recolors as gray. It seems to recolor at these settings in a very close match to painting 50V gray on a new layer with a difference blend mode. http://tinyurl.com/yl9nacx ============================================== With a pure red to pure blue gradient, secondary R128-G000-B128 and primary as pure green, it recolors as a gradient up to 64% tolerance. 65%tolerance and up it recolors as pure green. It does not correspond to a difference blend mode in this case. http://tinyurl.com/yl6plr7
  7. Edit--That's right, work your way up like that. It doesn't matter when using only Normal blend mode (the default). If you are just flattening the image when you're finished it's taken care of automatically.
  8. To add on to what Wilson has said: Can I edit a layer in the middle or at the bottom as long as it highlighted blue? Yes. ======================================================= Is the top one the one I'm supposed to be currently editing? No, no need to move a layer to the top to edit it. ======================================================= How does the order affect the final outcome when I have to merge them altogether? If you mean flattening the image when you have finished, then what you see is what you get, before and after flattening. ---------------------------------------------------- If you have several layers with different blend modes in a stack, say 1,2,3 and 4 with 1 being the lowest and 4 the highest, then it's best to merge 2 down into 1 first. Next 3 down into 1 and, finally, 4 down into 1. ======================================================== Why is it important to have a layer on top, in the middle, or at the bottom? You could think of layers as stacked glass sheets you are looking down thru. Anything on the top layer will block the view of what is on the middle and bottom layers. Anything on the middle layer will block the view of the bottom layer, but not block the top layer. Whatever parts of the upper layers are transparent allow that area of lower layers to be seen. Applying different parts of your editing on separate layers makes it easier to mix-and-match, discard and adjust previous parts of your editing.
  9. Okay. Right-click the Paint.NET shortcut on the desktop, click on Properties, then on Open File Location or Find Target... There should be an Effects folder in the folder that has just opened.
  10. Probably wouldn't hurt to install SP2 for Vista and bring Windows Updates current. Also, do you have NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed?
  11. Which plugins are you trying to install, and what have you done so far?
  12. Just an observation for those who are helping to solve this difficulty. Betty 2's OS seems to have Irfanview set as default program for .dll files. Could this be a factor, or not likely?
  13. No need to uninstall Paint.Net. Post your questions in that thread. Be specific about what you have tried so far, and state what plugins you are trying to install. ================================================= Most plugins are Effects types. They go inside the Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects folder.
  14. If you can post a link to an actual example image it would help.
  15. You could try this: Open your image with Paint.NET. Duplicate the layer. Click on More >>, to expand the Colors window. Use the Color Picker :ColorPicker: tool to determine the RGB numbers of the grayish background. Go to Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast. Increase the brightness incrementally one or more times until the Color Picker shows 255 for R, G, and B. Compare the adjusted layer with the original to see if the image has been affected adversely. If so, adjusting the Contrast and the Saturation (Adjustments > Hue/Saturation), may correct things.
  16. Three of them. Might be interesting to go Right-click > Properties, and see if anything on the various Properties tabs clarifies what each of the three relates to. The one that was there before starting the install may be the problem.
  17. All that stuff belongs there. What's it show during a PDN install attempt?
  18. A System Restore shouldn't remove any personal files you have made. You'd have to reinstall any programs installed later than the restore point. It's always smart to back up personal files first, just in case there's a problem. System Restore not System Recovery.
  19. Maybe a System Restore to a point before the deletion would bring it back.
  20. Have you checked the Recycle Bin to see if you can retrieve the folder?
  21. Maybes. http://support.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=knowledgebase.techarticles.articleShow&d=35066 --------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Here's a link with a possible solution. http://www.thewindowsclub.com/programs- ... n-progress
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