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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. flamingfox: That's the right folder. Recommend that you use the current stable version, if you want everything to work. http://www.getpaint.net/download.html#download ===================================== Make sure there are only plugin files in the Effects folder, no folders of any kind or anything else.
  2. flamingfox: Need more info. Which plugins don't work? What Paint.NET version are you using? What OS - Vista, XP etc.? Did you put the plugin files in the Effects folder?
  3. fishrod: Just a few suggestions. Be sure that there are no video files or files that use DivX in the folder you're saving your JPGs to. Also in your Paint.NET program folder is PdnRepair. You might try running that. As a workaround try Layer Saver, found in the plugin section. It's not actually a plugin, but a standalone executable. It will extract every checkmarked layer in a .pdn file as a separate image file. Good luck with solving this.
  4. Yeah. That sounds pretty screwy alright. Dunno.
  5. v3.36 requires only .NET 2.0, although 3.5 is recommended. Sounds like sticking with 3.36 is best bet. 3.31 not available.
  6. The checkerboard indicates transparency. When you move something like that it leaves a hole in the image. How to avoid it depends on each individual case. With a white background you can paint over the hole with white.
  7. So, was it Conditional Hue/Saturation that worked for you?
  8. If for some reason your finished image has to be limited to a set number of colors, then the recolor tutorial won't do. If a very close approximation is good enough, then the tutorial can be adapted to work with your pixelly car.
  9. Select around your color chart, then press Ctrl + C, and Ctrl +V. Then drag the chart over the left car. Press Ctrl + V again and drag above right car. Now you have a chart over each car. Edit - Didn't read carefully. Just do same but drop chart wherever.
  10. Using Shadow/Highlight Recovery will bring back shadow detail of your blue tree edit.
  11. You could try using the image as a mask for itself as before. I suspect some "hand work" will be necessary.
  12. Because the tree image is on a white background, is anti-aliased, and has some whitish reflective highlighting it will probably require some work by hand to cut it out from the background. The currently 2nd and 3rd items at this link will explain the basics of cutting out an image. Link Removed.
  13. It is what I missed, or misread. I thought you needed the white gradient of the blue background replaced with transparency. Not so. What you want is the white removed from the other image. Yes?
  14. First install the plugin, with Paint.NET closed. HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS ======================================== Next, open your banner file with Paint.NET, click on Effects in the Menu toolbar, click on Alpha Mask. Checkmark Invert Mask, browse to where your banner file is kept and click it. OK. Save as .png .
  15. For the banner I believe you can use Alpha Mask Import plugin set to Invert Mask, using the banner file as a mask for itself. Afterwards, save the image as a .png file to preserve transparency.
  16. If you can select the background area and leave the object unselected, then you can use blur on the background to smooth it out. ================================= Link Removed. The second and third stickyed tutorials here can help you with separating out areas. Just don't proceed to the cutting out part, but use blur instead. Be sure to make your outline on a separate transparent layer.
  17. Need more info. Which plugins don't work, what Paint.NET version are you using, what OS version ? - (Vista, XP etc.) .
  18. Regarding the landscape, both versions are beautiful. Nice to see the sheep back. Generally I like the original. The placement of the grazing sheep. The warmer, brighter lighting, as though the sun is fighting through a weak spot in the overcast. Really like the fence wire on the new version better. Maybe you could send a crew out to rewire the original version? ========================================= A lovely colorful parrot. Nice work on gradients and highlighting on the wall tiles, too. Always a pleasure to see your work.
  19. If you can post image links to what you have done re: realistic hair using Paint.NET, it will make it easier for skilled PdNers to make suggestions. Give specific comments of where you want each image to go from where it is.
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