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Everything posted by MJW

  1. In that particular case, you could have an array of DashStyes and an array of ints (or an array of a struct containing both). The arrays would be initialized to the proper values, then indexed by AmountX to get the gPen.DashStyle and gPen.Width. gPen.DashStyle = penDashStyle[AmountX]; gPen.Width = penWidth[AmountX]; g.DrawLine (gPen, a, b, c, d); It could, of course, be put in a separate method.
  2. I've seen the same thing happen a number of times.In fact, it happened today. I believe it usually occurs when I've had the same instance of PDN up for a long time. I don't use images as large as 3000x3200. I've learned that when plugins start disappearing from the menus, it's time to save everything and restart PDN.
  3. That's why I think it might be better to have the image in the clipboard and the result in the canvas. That way they could be somewhat independent without requiring preprocessing.
  4. Thanks raeanana, that was a very clear explanation. I was going to suggest TR's Custom Palette Matcher, but I see you already know about it. I'm not aware of any plugin that does what you want, but I don't think it would be too difficult to write one. Maybe someone will do that, or if no one volunteers, maybe I will. For plugin writers: TR has a link to his code. I suggest the plugin could be based on TR's code to avoid having to re-invent the palette loading stuff. By using the original palette, the numbering would be in the same order. (The interpolation option should probably be omitted.) The image might be taken from the clipboard, and the grid and numbers rendered to the canvas using GDI+. Another approach might be to produce a file-type plugin that would produce an CSV file from the image in the canvas. That's something I know little about. I would guess two digit numbers would be sufficient.
  5. I have a feeling there are some techniques and plugins that would be useful to you, but I don't really understand what you're trying to do. It would help greatly if you'd explain it in more detail. For instance, you say it's difficult because some of the colors are very similar, but I have no idea what set of colors you're referring to. In the finished product, are the beads the same as pixels? If so, why call them beads, not pixels? Is there a significant distinction? Are the images you show the finished versions, or the starting points? If they're the final versions, what was done to produce them? If they're the starting points, what will be done to produce the final versions, and what would the final versions look like?
  6. There's a table of StickMan Info in the opening comment. Look under Manual.
  7. (Since this is a somewhat different question, you might want to start a new thread rather than extending an old thread.) If you have two images (with white backgrounds), one containing the stuff you want to be dark, and the other containing both the stuff you want to be light and the stuff you want to be dark, the following simple method should work: Put the light-and-dark image in a lower layer. Put the dark image in an upper layer. Adjust the opacity of the upper (dark) layer to get the desired look. (By "light-and-dark" I mean how you want them to appear in the final version, not what they'll look like in the layer, itself. In the layer, they'll both be dark.) If the stuff you want dark is in one image, and the stuff you want light is in another, I believe it's slightly more complicated. I won't bother explaining it unless the above method won't solve your problem.
  8. I say resize. Better than disqualifying it because of size.
  9. Thanks for the very helpful explanation, Pixey! Also thanks to the links to the YouTube videos. I'll have to watch some more of those.
  10. Congratulations to Pixie and Woodsy for their excellent entries. I was particularly impressed by the smooth curvature for the cross-section of Pixie's entry. If it's not spilling any secrets, I'd appreciate a brief summary of the techniques used. In particular, were the reflections and highlights manually drawn, or was some more automatic method used to produce them? Both the winning entries did a very good job of handling that tricky 15° bend in the box end, which gave me fits for the off-angle view. Congratulations, too, to AndrewDavid. (And even though his second entry wasn't really a combo wrench, the reflections on the top of each end are very well done.)
  11. Very well done! Better than many book covers I've seen in Barnes and Noble (and I pay attention to book cover art).
  12. Perhaps Ed Harvey's Extract Channel. But if you're going to request a plugin, "[I'm] not really sure how to describe it" isn't, to me, reasonable. Take the time to tell us what you want, perhaps by describing how you intend to use it.
  13. I question the following code: propRules.Add(new ReadOnlyBoundToBooleanRule(PropertyNames.E2ang, PropertyNames.End2bool, true)); . . . propRules.Add(new ReadOnlyBoundToBooleanRule(PropertyNames.E2ang, PropertyNames.Linesthin, true)); I don't know if it might result in a crash, but I don't believe it does anything useful. I've experimented with that sort of thing, and concluded it uses something like the last checkbox that changed to control the enabling of E2ang, not some logical ANDing or ORing of End2bool and Linesthin. There doesn't seem to be any coordination between the read-only control of End2bool and Linesthin.
  14. A similar plugin, yes. But if Distort This is to be maintained, I think it would be better if it did the transformation correctly. It's not as if the intent of the plugin is to perform some other type of transformation. It's explicitly presented as a perspective transformation. On the other hand, perhaps it's going too far to modify someone else's plugin beyond what are essentially bug fixes.
  15. I have a request: true perspective. As I recall, the current version does some sort of bilinear approximation.
  16. I don't recall changing the theme, or having any option to do so. Perhaps that's the Windows 10 default setting.
  17. Thanks. Next time it occurs I'll try disabling Animations and see what happens. (I don't believe the last time it occurred I had any active selections, which is about the only thing I can think of that's animated.) I thought Windows Areo was a Windows 7 thing, back when the window design was a bit elegant, not the current utilitarian squared-off-corner look.
  18. From the lack of response, I seem to be about the only one experiencing this problem, but I'm certainly experiencing it to an annoying degree. It's very bothersome. I have to restart PDN, which causes me to lose all the current plugin settings. It seems to always begin when I run a plugin. One time the cursor returned after a while, but that was the exception. I've waited for many minutes without the cursor reappearing.
  19. It happened again, so I tried disabling hardware acceleration. It had no effect, I don't know, though, if that change takes place immediately or not until PDN is restarted. EDIT: I also tried re-enabling Hardware Acceleration, without any affect, but after I went to add this comment and returned to PDN, the cursor was back. I don't know if it was something I did, or if I just had to wait long enough.
  20. Application version: paint.net 4.0.13 (Final 4.13.6191.1824) OS Version: 10.0.14393.0 Workstation x64 .NET version: CLR 4.0.30319.42000 x64, FX 4.6 Processor: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz" @ ~3193MHz (4C/4T, DEP, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4_1, SSE4_2, XSAVE) Physical memory: 8108 MB Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 (v:8086, d:412, r:6), Microsoft Basic Render Driver (v:1414, d:8C, r:0) Hardware acceleration: True (default: True) UI animations: True UI DPI: 96.00 dpi (1.00x scale) UI theme: Aero/Aero + DWM (Aero.msstyles) Updates: True, 4/5/2017 Locale: pdnr.c: en-US, hklm: en-US, hkcu: en-US, cc: en-US, cuic: en-US Nothing special about my mouse functions or parameters. Defaults except perhaps the motion speed. My mouse is a standard HID-compliant Dell USB mouse with the Microsoft driver.
  21. Lately I've had several occurrences of the PDN cursor disappearing. When I move the mouse outside the PDN window, the cursor is visble, and when it's within the PDN window, everything works normally other than the lack of a visible cursor. I tried a few things, such as changing the Tool (and hence type of cursor), but haven't found any way to make the cursor visible again.
  22. Read BoltBaits's link, but here's a very brief explanation: The alpha value determines how much of the lower layers show through. For a fully opaque layer, if a pixel's alpha is the maximum value of 255, the pixel is opaque. If the pixel's alpha value is 0, the pixel is completely transparent. For alpha values between 0 and 255, the pixel is partially transparent, with the opacity increasing as alpha increases. (Note: the layer itself has an opacity value which changes the transparency of all the pixels in the layer. The layer opacity is combined with each pixel's alpha to determine the transparency. If either is 0, the pixel will be transparent.)
  23. Which plugins are most useful depends on what you want to do. The best plugins for creating images are often not the same as the best plugins for editing photos. I suggest you first look at the section of the forum devoted to plugin packs. The pinned threads are for packs judged to be particularly useful to a wide number of users. Of course, just because a thread isn't pinned doesn't mean the plugins aren't useful. Ed Harvey's effects aren't pinned, and I find many of them to be very useful. As toe_head2001 suggested to you recently, you might want to find tutorials that do the kind of thing you're interested in, and download the plugins used. That's probably how I got most of my plugins.
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