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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Paint.NET operates on one layer at a time. This layer is highlighted in the Layers window. To edit a different layer, click on it in the Layers window. What you see in the editing window is a composition of all the visible layers. I suspect this is where you are seeing the changes and assuming this is a single layer. It's not. It's all the visible layers. Does this help?
  2. I ran both 3.5.11 and 4.0.x side by side for a while. I certainly felt v4.0 was faster and more responsive. RE: installation location. These instructions should work if you want to roll back, then install 4.0 alongside 3.5.11: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27227-paintnet-40-alpha-build-5034/?p=399792
  3. Try unzipping the file to another location (i.e. the desktop). Then manually copy the *.dll over to the /Effects/ folder.
  4. 1. Position the pointer over the point of the nose and note the mouse coordinates in the Status Bar. Next, do the math 2. Top left will be X= noseX - half the square size, Y=nosey - half the square size. 3. Bottom right will be X+square size, Y+square size. 4. Activate the Rectangle Select tool. 5. Position your mouse at the top left location click and drag out the square (i.e. hold down Shift) until the mouse reaches the bottom right. 6. Press Ctrl + Shift + X
  5. Thanks for the info LtRskn. I've added this to the list of incompatible plugins: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list/page-3#entry406300
  6. Added: (GPU) Motion Blur. Tested with 4.0.5168 as reported here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19364-hardware-accelerated-blur-pack-v24/page-3#entry406283 Full error message: PaintDotNet.WorkerThreadException: Worker thread threw an exception ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.Rendering.PointFUtil' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Base, Version=4.0.5168.12074, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
  7. You may have an active selection which is limiting where the text may be placed. Press Ctrl + D to deselect and try again.
  8. There is no way to customize the hot-keys within Paint.NET. You might be able to find an external program which will remap the keys, or try something like this: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/Remap.htm
  9. Accepted. As to what's happening.... you're becoming a Paint.NET Forum User. Your sense of humor will save you. Nearly.
  10. Effect plugins cannot operate over multiple layers. They get to read or write only to the current layer. Complex plugins sometimes use the clipboard to hold extra data to get around this limitation. You're probably going to have to analyze the differences between two layers then compare the third in two separate steps.
  11. My quick take on the mud hole. 1. Open the water image 2. Import the mud image as a new layer. 3. Press F4 and lower the opacity of the mud layer to around 50% (so you can see through it for the next step). 4. Using a large eraser, remove the edges of the mud which goes past the edge of the land. 5. Run TR's EFX (Edge Fader Extreme) on the mud layer to soften the edge (i.e. blend it). 6. Press F4. Set Opacity to 210 and the blend mode to Glow. 7. Flatten & save.
  12. Please update your post when you have identified the plugin. It WILL be in the Plugin Index
  13. All the plugins you have found will originate from this forum. My mistake if I linked to the incorrect one. Have a trawl through the Plugin Index and see if you can identify the plugin you found. Often the plugin dialog will name it (top left corner). This should be sufficient to id the plugin. Failing that, the name of the DLL file should be searchable in the PDF version of the Plugin Index. Either way, once you have found the correct plugin on the forum - please edit your post above to link to it.
  14. 1. Edit your post where you want to add images. 2. At the bottom of the Editing window is a button "Use Full Editor". Click that. 3. In the full editor, check the toggle switch in the top left of the Tool Bar is in Compose mode (so the forum tags in your post are visible). 4. Place the cursor at the position you want the image to appear and type [img= ] 5. Position the cursor immediately after the = symbol and paste your PhotoBucket URL there. 6. Save/submit the modified post.
  15. Hello Shurla - welcome to the forum Your question is not a tutorial - so it does not belong in the tutorial section of this forum. I'll move it to the Paint.NET Discussion & Questions section for you. In answer to your question, it sounds like you have a background that you would like to enlarge so you can place other elements over the top? The easiest way to achieve this is to open the background image then go to Image > Resize ( Ctrl + R opens the same dialog). Make the image larger by typing in new height/width or a percentage increase then click OK.
  16. Try loading each image into separate layers. Set the Blend mode to XOR to see the differences between layers. The other blend modes should give you plenty of options to blend the layers together. There is also a plugin which extends the types of blend that can be applied (Blend Modes Plus - find it in the Plugin Index - there's a link in my signature). for writing plugins we recommend CodeLab. You will need some knowledge of C# to use this tool.
  17. There are some issues with the clipboard in v4.0. These are a high priority for the developer (Rick) and he is working on them. Don't worry - just be patient.
  18. For the same reason that you're finding. It's a LOT harder than it looks. Anyone can chew up a photo - it takes real skill to make the results believable.
  19. Please read my warning about downloading plugins from elsewhere on the Internet
  20. Honestly I'd paste them into a Word document and print that.
  21. I've edited your last few posts to A. Remove the link to software pirates, and .. B. Correctly link to the forum thread for Camera Lens Distortion. All reputable Paint.NET plugins are released via this forum. Either get them from here, or from links posted here. DO NOT TRUST PLUGINS FROM ANYWHERE ELSE. Please - it's for your own good. The link you initially provided is operated by software pirates. They have been proven to bundle viruses with the plugin pack. To locate plugins by name or author, or to download the free listings (updated monthly) - see this thread Plugin Index
  22. This thread is well dead. Rick has the information he wanted. <locked>
  23. Hi Poc - welcome to the forum. Downloading Paint.NET can be a bit confusing. You need to use the underlined text link in the top right corner of the webpage. See this link for more: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27517-dumb-question-which-link-do-you-click-to-download-the-program/
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