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Ego Eram Reputo

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Posts posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. 11 hours ago, Heretic said:

    As soon as I move the cursor to the image, the size I previously selected is locked in until I make another manual adjustment in the tool bar menu. This means I have to go back and forth a few times until I find the right size for the cursor.


    ...once you've upgraded to the latest version, hovering over the Brush size + and - will show you a tool tip, which tells you how to change the Brush size using keyboard input.



    ;) no more going back and forth!

  2. 9 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

    @Ego Eram Reputo might have a link


    The image is 800x600 pixels. Here it is in all its glory.




    I created it by running   @Red ochre's Cuboids plugin over a duplicate of the source layer (which can be seen in the background).


    @xaml - you are quite correct. The source layer was created using @MadJik's Generate 96 Colors plugin (available in MadJik's Plugin Pack).

    • Hooray 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Shahdo said:

    Question I have is WHY do the colors look totally unlike what I originally posted? I did not use those colors.


    I was testing color fill on various regions of the model. I didn't particulalry care what colors I used. When I tried to fill the face the fill leaked out into the background. That was your problem.

    1. Use the color picker tool :ColorPickerTool: + Right click to set the Secondary color to a mid-yellow from the image.
    2. Choose the replacement color as the Primary color.
    3. Activate the Recoloring tool :RecoloringTool:
    4. In the toolbar, set the Sampling to the Secondary color. :RecolorToolSamplingSecondary:
    5. Increase the size of the brush to something like 100
    6. "Paint" the new shade over the old.


    Here I've replaced the yellow with blue



  4. 9 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

    I think I know what's happening here. This is not a change or new bug in 5.0 (or technically even a bug at all), but rather unexpected behavior for your scenario. When something is pasted, where it goes depends on the zoom and scroll position. Paint.NET will generally try to position it relative to the top-left of the current viewport.


    Imagine you've copied something small, and then you scroll somewhere else and do a paste: it will be pasted into the newly scrolled-to area, not to the original location it was copied from. Otherwise you'd be yanked back to the scroll location where you copied from, and it would be frustrating, especially if you're copy/pasting many times.


    Understood. I assumed paste in to new layer with Ctrl + Shift + V would respect top left and was surprised when things weren't aligned.


    I've just repo'd this with the attached image, steps:

    1. Open the single layer image
    2. Zoom in a bit using Ctrl + Mousewheel (e.g. 22%)
    3. Shift-select the purple squares with Magic Wand
    4. Ctrl + C
    5. Ctrl + Shift + V




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