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Everything posted by Blooper

  1. I think it should go below 50%. You'd be surprised to see how useful this is to imitate PS' scatter settings... That doesn't looks as horrible as you would've thought, does it?
  2. That's usually done by hand to start with, then vectorized in Illustrator (expensive) or Inkscape (free), and after that, you can add some splatter brushes.
  3. Like I already said, darken your low-lights using levels.
  4. You can probably get similar results with Soften Portrait, under Effects > Photo [Edit] Yup. First, run Soften Portrait with on 0-20-0, then with 10-20-3.
  5. Hyrule, you can just crop half of the empty part right off, and you're good.
  6. In the future, avoid posting 3 times in a row. On the right hand side of your post, there's a button that says "Edit"; use it!
  7. The same way you do it in the Photoshop tut.
  8. Yeah, my mom is behind me though. It must be odd when your kid is googling "wound" or "big cut" or "war victim"... [Edit] Yeah, I tested myself, it's hard, i takes patience, but it works.
  9. Well then I'm going to try and make a zombie and tell you how I did it then. Let's just hope these pictures don't get too ew-y. :?
  10. Well, the only semantic differences are: Layer masks = Alpha Masks, someone released a plugin somewhere. Soft Light = Overlay, but not as harsh. Just use Overlay at 50-100 (out of 255) opacity.
  11. You have to add stock pictures and only do hue/sat in some places. In the tut, the author used pictures of varicose, a mummy, and a war victim.
  12. I remember the creator of the old Pictorium used to make those. This is how you did it in Photoshop, it's roughly the same in PDN. It's all about overlaying stocks http://www.asksabre.com/photo-manipulat ... ify-people
  13. ooh. Awesome. [Edit] Does this import each frame in a different layer?
  14. What are the differences between this and Ed Harvey's color filter? Excuse my silliness.
  15. This is like Height Field to Normal, just better.
  16. No skipping other works please. And that doesn't mean just when it's my sig
  17. Psychedelic. The sig has too much contrast, and it's a bit busy so it's hard to get what's what.
  18. It's good as it is if you ask me. It makes making forum markers MUCH faster.
  19. When you make a sig, it should have a put where your eyes are directed to immediately, jizer. AKA a focal point. When you put your text on one side of the sig, and the render on the other, I tend to look in the middle. At first I thought it was an abstract.
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