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Andrew D

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Everything posted by Andrew D

  1. Sometimes the author has text on an image for a reason, such as copyright or other lisences, meaning you shouldn't really be removing it.
  2. Well, 1. Paint.NET dosen't yet have the ability to allow you to edit text after you've saved it as a .PDN, or even after you've deslected it, and that feature can only really come when PDN 4.0 is made. 2. If it's a .jpg, it's only one layer, meaning it's improssible to edit it anyways. In any program.
  3. Well, I just want a competition which isn't as open as this one, and also not as confusing. Mabye something Winter related, or something with a set topic, like something to advertise a website, or something using game renders, something different? By something different, I mean something not classified under an art catergory (i.e, abstract, fan art, pyshedelec (spelled wrong, I know) etc.....).... Anyways, lets see what Helio decides to do
  4. Even still, it isn't worth downloading a huge framework (upgrading from 2.0 means about 120 mb, upgrading from 3.0 means 50 mb, and starting from scratch is about 200mb) for one or two plug-in's, besides, the new VS allows you to compile class libaries for .NET Frameowkr 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5, the only new features you'd need are in PDN itself, you wouldn't need any of the .NET Framework libaries, apart from the drawing tools which aren't needed for PDN 3.20 because of the IndirectUI system.
  5. Because I wanted to see how much he screwed PDN up. He screwed it up worse than Paint Shop Pro. @ BoltBait, Norton scans the computer pretty often anyways. Besides, I really don't think he's smart enough to add that kind of stuff anyways. And also, the standard un-installer which comes with XP works fine.
  6. Well, I've just tried it. Thankfully I kept a back-up of my old plug-in files and the likes. Fisrt of all I found it un-installs any new PDN version, which makes me ask, can PDN not remove itself unless it's by a new actual PDN version? Now, after waiting for a while to see if it would install (it did, unfortunetely, after 10 minutes) I saw he had a damn donate button. Yeah. The cheek of him. Now, lets just take a look at it.......... *just peeded himself from the start up thing* WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! Seriously, I really got scared by it opening up. Now, if you call this bad, it still remembers which things I opened while I had PDN.....Dead scary..... And it also uses the same plug-in's I have! I didn't even choose C://Program Files/ Paint.NET as it's instaillation directory! *me wee's himself again* And now there is a really dodgy noise whenever I use the paintbrush...... It's like a gun! Anyways, I'm back to installing the real PDN! After I find out how to un-install Creative Paint.......
  7. This is guy is a huge internet fraudster.....I'm getting a list of all his ripped off stuff..... There may be some more, but this guy is seriously in one hell of a trouble.....Say, 10 years in jail at least? And also here is the entire site directory of his ultra-software site. http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?q= ... ftware.com
  8. Read the Popular Requests Thread. * Andrew D wishes he had a clapper for when he clapped a thread would be locked
  9. Well, sue him. Sue him. Means he gets arrested for trying to make money out of your hard work, either that or you don't release the source code openly (i.e, you request it) And now, 1. I'm going to send him a lot of e-mails to him 2. Try and find away for his website to be took down, as he's plagurises tons of programs. EDIT: Found some information on his web host, meaning you can contact them about it.
  10. Either that or just let the winner decide what to choose........ 850 posts!
  11. 1. Read the forum rules. 2. Read the Popular Requests Thread 3. Hardness is basically a term defining how transparent it is/isn't, and if you mess with the aplha values of the colour your using, the brush will use that hardness, basically meaning, it does. Leading onto my final point... 4. Learn about PDN before asking questions and posting in the wrong place.
  12. CodeLab automatically uses the refrences which you would need to build a plug-in, the ones which come with PDN itself. Adding an ability to allow your own choice of resources would make it more complicated than needed, and if you want to make a complex plug-in, I would seriously have to turn you towards Visual Stduio C# Express Edition 2008.
  13. Wrong place, and also if I'm right this has been discussed before. Well, the mouse wheel anyways.
  14. How about you get to make a sig based on anything you want, but has to include different things? Say, a signature which muct include a picture of someone, uses Polar Inversion and can only be done using 5 plug-in's and 2 adjustments? Either that, a simpler version of that or something Holidays based
  15. Source? Picture of UI? Some explanation of what it does and how it works? If you can't answer any of those questions, then you really shouldn't bother posting it. We're not going to experiment for you.
  16. A question, comment AND a concern, What does it do?
  17. You don't need to "draw" anything really. Your trying to create a UI for a PDN plug-in, right? If so, either use the new "IndirectUI" system or the design tools in it.
  18. 200MB! What the hell! You get .NET Framework 3.5 with the new Visual Studio, it was only a 58mb download! Is it your first time using a .NET Framework?
  19. And we would want to know why? :?: I'm pretty much sure Rick has tested it with the .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5.
  20. I've decided to keep my "APLHA" version of the sig, to be honest. It's simple and lets you think what it's supposed to mean. The way I made it is also slightly simple, it's a landscape render from Terragen fed through a few effects in PDN.
  21. Wrong thread? I just wanted to say that I'm insanely jealous of Madjik's entry. That is all. Ah.... Anyone noticed the forum's lag to load is back? :? And now random emotion of the day.
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