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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. BoltBait has some Bevel effects in his plugin pack. https://forums.getpaint.net/BoltBaitPluginPack
  2. This is an unsupported configuration. Your hardware does not meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11. The graphics from you APU is showing up twice. That's not good. Normally I would say to reinstall graphic drivers, but your hardware is too old to have drivers for Windows 11.
  3. You were probably using the Brush Filter plugin. Have you tried using Dynamic Draw?
  4. I too use three monitors. On my system, Paint.NET is re-opening on whichever monitor I closed it on. Can you provide some more information, so we can try to reproduce the issue? Maybe post the diagnostic information found within paint.net. Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to clipboard.
  5. You must be talking about tearing a tab off into a separate window. (Yes, "Tearing" is the technical term for this action.) Paint.NET doesn't even support running multiple instances, so you can't have additional windows.
  6. No, it was not moved. The checkbox in the Settings completely disables all Windows Ink features in Paint.NET. You're thinking of the button in the toolbar, which only controls pressure sensitivity for the current tool (ie. the paint brush tool).
  7. You are affected by a Radeon driver bug. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/122534-what-is-the-maximum-resulution-i-can-use-effects-and-stuff-without-my-images-getting-all-screwed-up/
  8. I have coordinated with @SodiumEnglish to add "Permanent Links" to the Plugin Index. Below the search filters, there is now a button that creates a link based on your set parameters. The button will create links like this: https://forums.getpaint.net/PluginIndex?keywords=Grid&author=All+Authors+&type=1&status=7&compat=3&order=title&menu=All+Menus+&release=0 If you only care about certain search parameters, you can omit the other parameters from the URL. If you do omit a parameter, the default value of that parameter will be used. So, you have sorter links like these: https://forums.getpaint.net/PluginIndex?author=toe_head2001 https://forums.getpaint.net/PluginIndex?keywords=Grid
  9. I guess you don't know paint.net v4.3.12 exists. Having said that, we don't offer any kind of support for old versions. Can't you just ignore those so-called "inconvenient features"?
  10. Image menu -> Canvas Size https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ImageMenu.html#9
  11. You all need to report the false positive to your AV vendors. No one here can do anything about it, so you're essentially wasting your breath.
  12. The Paint Bucket is filling pixels in accordance to the Tolerance level you set. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/PaintBucket.html#4
  13. You are using a old version of paint.net, and you must update to the most recent version. Settings -> Updates -> Check Now
  14. The popular quick-and-easy option is to paste the image into Microsoft Word, and then print from there. Another good option is to use IrfanView, which has lots of printing customization:
  15. Place the file directly into the Effects folder. There's no need for an Objects sub-folder.
  16. That's how the PNG specification is defined. The specification has long been standardized by various organizations including: Internet Engineering Task Force, World Wide Web Consortium, International Organization for Standardization, and International Electrotechnical Commission. If Arma 3 is deviating from the standardized specification, it would seem they are the ones with the bug. Or maybe you are mistaken that the PPA format is PNG-based. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. These two methods do literally nothing. You can just delete them from your source code.
  18. Tool settings don't affect how a file is saved to disk. Which file format are you using, and what save parameters are you using?
  19. Sounds like you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net anew.
  20. Which plugin are you using? BoltBait's Apply Alpha Mask, or Illnab1024's Alpha Mask Import? BoltBait's plugin looks like this: Illnab1024's plugin looks like this:
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