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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. I'd place it into the Adjustments menu. Don't forget to add some color decorations to those sliders.
  2. Open your second image separately. Resize it to the correct dimensions, and then copy & paste it onto a New Layer in background image.
  3. I looked into the issues this morning. TL;DR: Firefox's fault. It's saving HTML as a PNG image. Ok, I guess it's PhotoBucket's fault too, because they are redirecting requests to the PNG image to an HTML page. While Firefox places several formats on the clipboard (including valid Bitmaps/DIBs), paint.net ends up trying to load an invalid PNG image. Too bad the image is actually HTML code saved as a PNG. Here's the PNG file on the clipboard: And here's the content of the "PNG" file: Chromium based browsers (Chrome, Vivaldi, ect.) don't place so many formats on the clipboard, so paint.net ends up loading the Bitmap/DIB, thus avoiding the issue of PhotoBucket redirecting requests to PNG images.
  4. I think we can make that happen for the next release of ShapeMaker.
  5. Make sure you save in a format that supports transparency, such as PNG.
  6. Yes, please follow the established rules. There are reasons behind each one them. Please review the rules, and bring your entries up to qualifying standards before the deadline. Unqualified entries will not be accepted into the poll. In regards to rule #1: If your baseball is not able to be displayed on white, then (and only then) you may use a solid grayscale color for the background. I'm not sure grayscale is the right word here, but in other words: off-white, any level of grayness, or black. As I've said before, I don't want to be the dictator of the rules. If you disagree, you may state your case and we can discuss it.
  7. Yes, you can use the ShapeMaker plugin does this. Wouldn't you be better off using a PCB design program though? I like to use KiCad, but I've heard the freeware edition of DipTrace is also good.
  8. Object of the Fortnight #3 – Baseball (ball) ⚾️ This object was chosen by the last winner: Woodsy. Your baseball must not have any labels on it. The deadline for entries is 0100 UTC (1:00 AM UK Time) on Saturday, February 25. To see how that equates to other countries, see the World Time clock or the UTC Time Zone map. Competition Rules: 0. Your baseball must not have any labels on it. 1. Your entry must not have a background/backdrop/scene; just the object.* Shadows are fine. 2. Your entry must be 100% made using Paint.net. Don't use another image editor. Don't use stock images/photos (in full or parts thereof). 3. Max dimensions are 800x800.* 4. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline. 5. Multiple entries per entrant are allowed. Make a separate post for each one. *You may link to alternative versions, but they will not be part of your entry. This thread is for posting your entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, or ask a question regarding the competition, you can do so in the discussion thread found here.
  9. For 'Object of the Fortnight #3', Woodsy has chosen: Baseball. As in the actual ball itself, not the sport in general. Additionally, at his request, it must not have any labels (that includes "Babe Ruth" signatures ). We don't want people voting based on fancy labels; we want them to vote on the object itself. Remember, you can link to an alternative version with your fancy label, but that version won't officially be part of your competition entry. Another video, just for fun. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108037/
  10. In this case, the OutOfMemoryException is a misnomer. MSDN says it's caused by bad image format. Further details are in the link IRON67 posted. Out of curiosity, when the image fails to paste into paint.net, are you able to paste it into any other programs? Or does it fail in the other programs too?
  11. 1st Place: @Woodsy with 10 Votes 2nd Place: @MJW & @Pixey with 9 Votes 3rd Place: @Ishi with 4 Votes
  12. It could, but it really shouldn't. In the coming days, I'm going to have a close look at the code, and see what's going on there. EDIT: I spent about 30 minutes trying to get it to crash, and I was unsuccessful. If I can't get it to crash, I can't know where the issue is in the code. It's like a needle in a haystack.
  13. Everyone and their mother needs to vote! I've extended the poll by 24 hours in the hopes we get more votes in.
  14. The memory issue is the least of your problems. The plugin and paint.net only supports raster images, not vector images.
  15. @katust, sorry for the delay... I didn't get around to doing this until tonight. Copy and paste the script into CodeLab. The three Rectangles are based on the image template you posted. void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { Rectangle fromRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(229, 202, 361, 238); Rectangle toRect1 = Rectangle.FromLTRB(215, 353, 283, 389); Rectangle toRect2 = Rectangle.FromLTRB(306, 353, 374, 389); ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { CurrentPixel = src[x,y]; if (toRect1.Contains(x, y)) { int offSetX = x - toRect1.Left + fromRect.Left; int offSetY = y - toRect1.Top + fromRect.Top; CurrentPixel = src[offSetX, offSetY]; } else if (toRect2.Contains(x, y)) { int offSetX = fromRect.Right - toRect2.Right + x; int offSetY = y - toRect2.Top + fromRect.Top; CurrentPixel = src[offSetX, offSetY]; } dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } } Let us know if you need further help.
  16. Instead of defining the Bounding Rectangle with a selection, you define it programmatically. You said you're continually using the same template, so the values of the Bounding Rectangle could even be hard-coded. I'll see what I can come up with this weekend. It should be pretty straightforward.
  17. That is possible, but you wouldn't do it with selections. Do you have basic programming skills? You write a script/plugin with CodeLab. If not, I or someone else will be able to assist.
  18. Try the Median effect. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/EffectsNoiseMenu.html#6
  19. You may vote for up to 4 entries. Poll will close on at 0100 UTC (1:00 AM UK Time) on Friday February 10. To see how that equates to other countries, see the World Time clock or the UTC Time Zone map. Poll is Closed.
  20. That's precisely the reason you were ask to use it. Paint.net's files are already removed from your computer. This utility will remove the vestigial installation information that's causing your issue. Seeing those two in the same line makes me chuckle.
  21. Yes, exactly. The blue is a Base64 stream. The red is an image file. There you go, there's your answer.
  22. MSDN says an OutOfMemoryException from the Image.FromFile method actually means unsupported/invalid format. So, it's not an issue with system memory. What a misnomer. When you copy an image from the browser, is it an actual image file, or is it a Base64 stream? Google uses those in its search results (Base64 streams can be stored in a database; image files can't). Base64 streams will start with this: data:image/png;base64 For the record, Base64 streams works alright for me. I'm copying from Firefox. It looks like Firefox is converting the Base64 stream, and also placing a Bitmap and a DIB on the clipboard, in addition to the Base64 stream.
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