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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. That's the broken installation we've been telling you to remove.
  2. It must be failing before the NGen logging even starts. You could try installing while in Windows' Safe Mode. I'm not really sure that'd make a difference though.
  3. The deadline to submit for your Walnut approacheth. We have about 39 hours to go. A big Thank You to all those you have already submitted entries... competitions are no fun without actual competitors.
  4. Common Language Runtime. Basically, it's what executes .NET code. My comment wasn't specifically directed at you, so don't burden yourself by looking into it... unless you're a programmer and want to learn.
  5. Also keep in mind that the CLR can over-allocate memory; some times by a lot. Some technical details: http://indexoutofrange.com/Understanding-OutOfMemoryException/
  6. User-friendly tool: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/astebner/2008/10/13/net-framework-setup-verification-tool-users-guide/
  7. You successfully installed the .Net Framework v4.6.2? Please double check. The paint.net installer is still saying it (the .Net Framework) needs to be installed?
  8. Ok then, install the .Net Framework, and then install paint.net.
  9. You're saying the standalone installer for the .Net Framework v4.6.2 also closes?
  10. Please don't delete that; it's an integral part of Microsoft Windows. Whoever told you to delete it was smoking something. My tool only shows what Windows is reporting. If it says it's installed, then it is; albeit a broken/incomplete installation. When it gives you option to Uninstall paint.net, do it. After it has Uninstalled paint.net, you should be able to re-install normally.
  11. If you still want it, it's here: https://github.com/msepcot/pdn-plugins/tree/master/CloudEffect/Source
  12. Looks like a Font Size issue to me. @edgar, Try changing the DPI instead of the Font Size.
  13. Looks like you're missing the CLSIDs for UIAnimation.dll. Lucky, I already had them in a .reg file. No joking, I really did. Try loading this file, and then try the installation again. UiAnimation-CLSID.zip
  14. You can use the Circle Text plugin. Instructions for installing plugins are here: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  15. Keep in mind there's also TR's Alpha Cutter plugin. You probably won't need it in this case, but will prove useful for more tricky images. In another thread he said that he need the buttons specifically from a TiVo remote control, so a new button wouldn't fit his needs.
  16. Please define "upload" and "Paint bucket". I don't think your definitions match mine.
  17. As I see it, you have two options: 1) Cut out the button again, but with Antialiased Clipping () enabled 2) Use an antialiasing effect plugin, such as AA's_Assistant. Or do both, if that gives you good results...
  18. Version posted. This is fixes the issue with the Hardware Accelerated Blur plugins. Thanks for reporting the issue, @Panchdara. Just had to use Type.IsSubclassOf to check if they're derived from the Effect class.
  19. Yes, that's another way to do it; using resource files (.resx).
  20. Sorry, I misread your post. Perhaps the Namespace is not correct? Is the Default Namespace in your Project set to "Test01Effect"? And is your file named "Test01.rtz"? EDIT: Here's a screenshot, if that helps:
  21. Did you make the RTF file an Embedded Resource?
  22. props[ControlInfoPropertyNames.WindowHelpContentType].Value = WindowHelpContentType.CustomViaCallback; The CustomViaCallback enum means you're going to provide your own custom function to handle the help content. CodeLab can generate example code for you: Or do you already have that code generated from CodeLab?
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