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  1. Ok ! ... Thanks again ! Much appreciated ! ...
  2. Thanks again, Iron67 ! Is there a tutorial somewhere which explains how to make a screenshot with PAINT as far as you know ? ...
  3. P.S. in addition, just to make sure ... I am using the 'Snipping Tool' feature on windows to make the screenshot, and I do not see an option in the save dialog to 100% in there. Are you talking about making a screenshot using PAINT, which has such an option build in? ... And if that is the case, where can I find instructions - or are you willing to explain - on how to do that ? ...
  4. Thank you so much for replying and sharing your thoughts with me in this subject, Iron67. I will experiment with this further, based on and applying your suggestions. Again thank you !...
  5. When I make a screenshot from - for instance - a powerpoint slide and post this on my webpage the text and logo image comes out blurry. Is it possible to make a high-quality screen capture using PAINT, so when I post it on my webpage it comes out sharp ? P.S. 1st image is screenshot. 2nd image is how this screenshot looks on my webpage. Thank you very much in advance for your comments, suggestions, idea's ...
  6. Thanks Ego Eram Reputo ! Very considered of you ...
  7. Thank you very much for your response, toe_head2001 and MJW ! And 'point taken' about the thread titles. Apologies ! I've clearly overlooked that rule.
  8. Hi, I've downloaded PAINT to be able to make images transparent. After downloading followed the instruction how to do that and it all went great ! However with the second image, no matter what I've done (I uninstalled PAINT and installed it again etc.) going through the exact same steps, nothing made a difference. The image still came up with a white background. Does anyone have an idea what could be the cause and how to fix it ? I've attached the image, so maybe you can see it from there ... I would be very grateful for your support in this. Thank you in advance ! ... Christaano
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