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Everything posted by oma

  1. I like that blue text its real nice and sharp. sorry couldn't resist. actually I looked the other day and didn't have time to leave a comment on that space scene its really well done. ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Janettsue. those shoes are truly sassy, she looks like she's ready to break out dancing any min. just a bit of whimsy, and a whole lot of sultry.
  3. nicely done. the eyelashes are a tad too uniform and too thick but other than that superb job. I like your skin texture, and coloration. what colors did you use to achieve that? welcome to the forum and hope to see more artwork from you soon. ciao OMA
  4. @ MyChemicalSnowman If you need to do one right away, I sometimes do my own grid using this method . http://www.unleash.com/ronm/isometric/
  5. ? where would it have gone? check the trash bin. I'm notorious for sending things there. next step after that is I usually use search for anything *.pdn my hands are a bit shaky at times and I have been known to hold the mouse down and drag a file into the wrong directory. here's hoping you find those pdn's and don't have gremlins in the putor. ! ciao OMA
  6. I've always loved fractals and those are really pretty. I like the color you used. Blue just seems to be so spot on in fractals. ciao OMA
  7. @007 Nab couldn't find that tut again been searching for about an hour now thru my history, but can't locate. It wasn't as good as your picture but had the same feel. @Boude better pick up all the pieces of your head. LOL! sorry I keep doing that to you. Can I offer you a free sample of super glue ? @welshblue no snake, just worms. yes wormholes outerspace etc etc. I didn't start with any stocks, started actually with a torus shape. I first tried the one beta plugin but it was too slow to render so ended up using madjik plugin polygones can't recall settings but it was high high number of edges and stairization was fairly high I had to mirror one side across other to remove the large one color spot. EDIT: have pm'd you the settings for the torus. its three torus shape on top of each other, decreasing as you near top. color hue , black white and curves+ I also used lots of rotate zoom then maybe 30 other distorts. and of course polar inversion. shine additive. (the silver color must have stuck in my mind from the hubble pictures I saw on Television this week)
  8. :shock: for little creepy crawlies those buggies sure are cute!
  9. ok, it will take me this evening to write it out and take some screen shots. hopefully tomorrow morning. in the mean time you need to learn how to add plugins to your basic paint.net start with ED Harveys, and you also need his old splinter plugin (archived) . search for height to field. I'm not at my own computo so can not give you the link. use the search button upper top right of screen. ciao OMA
  10. so are you saying you need a tut to make sparkly snow from scratch? or the "absolutely horrible." weather where I live is awesome?. your answer to my question was clear as mud. is that the type of tut you need ? yes or no.?
  11. nab that is fantastic! so soothing to look at. great revision of a rival program tut. :wink: ======================================== tilo I cetainley agree with Yellowman about this one. That one is entirely a pleasant image to view all around. color choice is wonderful. ============================================================== Well I'm very influenced by the books I read and the latest coversations on Startrek must have run deep in my subconsious. This is the latest play image I worked on. I just let the fingers roam the keys, as I thought of worm holes, branes, waves, cold temperature. The words gamma and nuclear, and time space travel. "Deep 6 plus 9"
  12. hello Jaykaye welcome to the forum. cards well there is loads of scope there. first recommend you start with "what is the occasion" second "male" "female" third "fancy" or simple" fourth " what are you planning on printing this on? or is it just to email" 4 fold? 2 fold? fifth "are you using your own artwork in paint.net or you need to learn to draw something suitable?" I've a few ideas . ciao OMA
  13. oma


    looks real from the little thumb. I just went over to DA for a larger version. I've a fair idea how you did that one, but not totally.
  14. I've done snow on the ground in my "The Palace Guard " picture. I didn't make that one sparkly. If you need to make it from scratch snow is more bluish/greyish undertones than pure white in real cold climates. . Beleive me I know about snow. they are predicting more for this evening and a high of 1 degreee celcius tomorrow. let us know what exactly you are going for OMA
  15. lol guess we all are a real skinny bunch. anyways kaitiebugs the two photoshop tuts I looked at only used gaussian blur and something like the smudge plugin or perhaps faking soft brushes viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26981. also I'm 99% sure you could use the brushes plugin by Simon. I beleive it came with a soft brush. In the photo shop tuts they used two layers the bottom one is original photo top one is the gassiaun blured one and the one you use soft brushes on.. so you could easily convert using the same steps they use in their tuts. you would have to fiddle around with what settings you want to use. but both those tuts give aprox values, so they say the same thing depending on photo and how much celulite values vary.. both tuts are easily found thru google using celulite + photoshop. just do the same steps using free paint.net program. ciao OMA
  16. pdn = paint.net same software. PDN stands for paint dot net did you download paint.net or do you need the link? http://paint.net/
  17. :?: BoltBait ? control +d is the same as deselect button. I'm waiting Eleanor to post screen shot. chances are she has left clicked the mouse again after the deselect with the wand still selected. ciao OMA
  18. ? not sure what you mean its possible you have missed a step somewhere in your work. do you know how to do a screen capture. and load to photobucket? if so just PM a screen shot to me. its likely something really easy once you know what you are missing. perhaps its as simple as cliking on another type of tool after you have deselected. if you still have the wand tool selected and tap your mouse cursor to the screen its going to select it all again. ciao OMA
  19. see along the top there is the little icon of clip board for paste :Paste: . the icon next to that is the crop one :Crop: the next one to the right of that is the deselect button looks like this :Deselect: clik that deselect button.
  20. Are you having prior access to the computer's your students will use? (ie: to install any necessary plugins?) How long will each session be? Will you run from one session to the next with the same add on item or wish something quick and easy to just get them started. Any idea of what type of items you wish them to make? or will appeal to your students. If you are familiar with photo shop or another program and wish a translation tut of a suitable project, let us know.
  21. "DSE" :?: I spent the day working with the equations plugin trying different combinations. DSE do something else
  22. thanks World newser, This image I've changed my color pallet a bit. added a more yellowish undertone and like it better. It seems more natural skintone. I've been working on drawing hands in my sketchpad book at home. I've still a ways to go on real good ones in this program. I've been having trouble translating over to paint.net all the little tiny planes and angles. Rick I definetly need more nodes on that line tool. hope he was listening. I like your image as well I viewed both over on DA . little dark for my personal taste but I think that's the mood you were going for . The name Medusa thru me a bit. I didn't want to clik the full view incase I saw snakes. But I took the chance and really enjoyed the pictures. #2 is definietly better than #1. not loads of differences but enough to make a better statment.
  23. actually they are not bad at all. my fav. well I should say the pear ..... but I love the green cucumber snake. great salvage of an image in that one. just love it. I look forward to seeing many more items from you. Remember it takes practise and there is always something to learn or try out in a new way almost everyday. ciao OMA
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