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Everything posted by oma

  1. look again those shapes are not really symetric. ... flat top on some round top on others its semi symetric but not totally. the only copied and flipped pieces are the four corners. the stretch you are seeing is likely insideout and polar inversion from max settings. . ciao PS most of my test pieces are semi symetric patterns that's how I determine what each plugin does and doesn't do.
  2. just a little play remember last time forum was down for over a day. I said I spent the time playing with equations. and sinwaves and sincurves. anyone hazzard a guess to how any of this was done. hint: there is polarinversion in there on at least one layer perhaps more..... LOL!
  3. so this is advanced critique. I'm going to have hard time with 50 words. so here goes. 1) I think the colors are not quite harmonious. very clashing and dsturbing to view. 2) you have no real focal point. there needs to be some sort of contrast somewhere between clear sharp and smudge. 3) it looks like you just mushed a bunch of effects around. good abstracts don't just happen or I should say very rarely. There is some planning and knowledge of the direction your use of plugins will take an image. 4) a good abstract very rarely is done in less than 10 mins. 5) an abstract should convey something.... an emotion, a play on words, a distraction from reality...something other than "I just threw a bunch of things together and voila and abstract". not one of your best sorry if its harsh critique. I think know you are capable of much more.
  4. yes Benni it is possible. so lets help you think this thru. 1) lights flashing this will mean you need two images one lights on one lights off solution you need to know how to isolate just the lights tip explore cutting out images the easy way . it is in the tut section. Simon did a nice little remake of an old tut. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=28790&start=0 2) lights on picture this means you need to add some sort of glow. solution adding brighter hightlights. you say orange lights so some yellow little bits for hightlights and even some white spots on one layer with some glow behind. Now seeing the truck with the lights off would provide better explination of where to place highlights. If its one of those grid style lights usually in centre of the grid, also depends on perspective. some hightlights off to one end brighter etc. when I say glow behind I mean layer below ...glow the simple way is blur the same color) plenty of tuts for "how do I make it glow" in fact it was just discussed yet again on the forum last week. seems we get asked this one once a week. Here's just one answer, viewtopic.php?f=12&t=30158&hilit=glow there are other ways depending on what you effect you are going for. all avail by using that search button upper right of the forum page. 3) animation there is a plugin by Simon you should check out. also there is an older legacy tut I find very simple to understand the mechanics of making animated images. well worth a read viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2492&hilit=unfreeze a bit of reading but I hope that helps you get started. ciao OMA
  5. I think Simon is talking about rule #23. You really are not advertising for artists but asking for help. which we offer lots of here on the forum. I'd say try the tut section and work on something simple as your first sig until you feel more comfortable. Actually it is not necessary to have a sig at all, it is just nice way for us all to recognize your posts. take your time, get the feel for the program, then tackle the sig issue.
  6. perhaps make two layers of the image. emboss top one and change mode to overlay. play with the opacity a bit. on the top layer. this may give you the effect you are after. if you've text like above by Welsh Blue and have flattened already"
  7. thanks you jesmic that is exactly what I was going to suggest as onlinecop is very vague . we all are not mind readers so what sort of handle are you wanting? not likely a tut but there can be some tips and hints avail. picture link please. ciao OMA
  8. ohhhhhh pretty! sparkly gemstones. and you used my palmleaf tut. wonderful work. very realistic looking. Those opals are really nice. is that noise? ciao OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "blushhhhh" thanks you Helen, I try to be good person. I work on tut but it is difficult to have just a few steps and layers , when I might do about 40 little tiny bits on individual layers to give depth to shading. That area around the blue eye was simplified to about 20 layers and its not the best. so I work to make even less? complicated not sure I can but I will try. ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks Goonfella, Benji2 and Helen. here is the original eye "tossing around ideas for a tut". very very early stages I think I'll wait until the new version of paint.net is out so my screen shots can use any of the new features. and just because you asked so nicely here you go Helen
  11. I married a German and my grandkiddies all call me OMA. ciao OMA
  12. did you type it St. with that period in there as part of the file name? that could be part of your problem the computor is programed to read anything after the period as the file name. just go to where you saved it and rename St Mary de Lode.jpg see how it opens then. ciao
  13. looks kind of like "dirty bakers dozen"
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    a blur between reality and abstract 18940
  15. @VanCrusoe that is a pleasant looking little flower. such a happy piece, If that's your first image ever in this program I can't wait to see what you come up with in the near future. Lovely keep it up, keep the pictures coming..... this is an experiment canvas texture and gold image " The blur between reality and imagination"
  16. really nice looking mock up Helen. if there was anything that I'd possibly change would be the button top upper right. that black lettering against the dark blue is a bit difficult to read. but other than that it looks good to me. ciao OMA
  17. thanks Tilo too bad I'd have to go into outer space to ask him. LOL! maybe his particles are part of the wormholes in my image. he passed away back in the 1980's , and his ashes are scattered in space. ciao
  18. possibly use the align plugin. viewtopic.php?t=4900
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you pophri I try. flip you are correct they do need aa that was the last thing I added to the image it was the final that overstepped the clarity. see my message to Jermey I was pushing plugins to determine their limits in doing gold metal, before the metal faded out and it just became colors again. and bad :AntiAliasingOff: ones at that. .
  20. madjik made this mini tut maybe that can help a bit in what you wish to do. page 514 of the old pictorium 1. Create a square image large enough to keep a good quality of the text. (ex: 800x800) 2. Write your text centered and from size to size of the image with a little left/right margin. ...The text must be at 1/4 of the height from the top. ...(ex: for 800x800 image, the text must be around y=200 and the size you want but 100px maximum) 3. Press Ctrl+G to rotate the image. 4. Effect/Render/Shape3D, sphere: all default except: ...Texture map: full sphere map (or half sphere map repeat) ...Scaling: 1.50 (or adjust as you need) ...X axis rotation: 90° ...Light: uncheck I used this method above with the addition of tilting and rotating layers for this image http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... t-69591366
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Jeremy its a study of the color gold. I was forcing the yellow tones to the limit to see just how far I could stretch the idea of gold with out overstepping the clarity. Welshblue yes some releif in one layer. the others I've mentioned in my pm to you. Helen thanks you. funny my stepdaughter often tell me that same thing. Goonfella thanks you Stormshadow. ahhh now there are so many things to make sharp pictures. but in this case lots of additive mode layers and very judicial placements of backlight. salmon and green tones. ciao all thanks for looking.
  22. thanks thanks thanks. I'd been trying combos of regular grid and hex . smashing and so easy. thanks again Madjik ciao OMA
  23. I can't get the settings correct so it lines up. using two passes of hex grid. which did you use? I'd love a simplier method. I don't often use the grid but sometimes its handy to have. ciao OMA
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