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Everything posted by oma

  1. for more than two color gradiants I generally use gradiant mapping you could try that and the layers is a must when working with multi colored gradiants. you get used to using the layers and you will never go back to the old method. takes a bit to get used to switching back and forth but the layer system is a reall bonus.
  2. did you use solid colors or gradiants? If you used solid colors try to set the tolerance down very low and hold shift and clik most prominent color cut and paste to new layer to separate them out. then do your gassiaun at a fairly low setting and use the transparency plug in to work the colors back to each other . repeat for each color. you might find you should possibly when you cut each color out find you should paste it twice into two separate layers and then do the above method at two different gassiaun settings and transparencies. remember keep one layer of the original on the bottom so you can clik the wand to the outside and control i to maintain the blur from going outside your original margins.
  3. oh you are so going to pay for that remark.... now wouldn't it be a real joke on you if you actually were to win the polar inversion sig contest. oops maybe we might get banned if you win? anyways I like your little rollercoaster. it is a good use of polar ciao
  4. wow! I've been busy this week but did a quick troll thru the pictorium tonight. see we have a few new people joining us and some early works by them posted here look very good. look forward to seeing more from knowitall6 XQse martje UFWhoa @wither your work lately has been sensational I especially like the two sincurve pieces. and your glass work is A++ @bugster those avatars you had up this week are real good some of your best work I'd say. the first one I think was the better of the two real clean clear colors. you might have brightened the second a bit too much. @K digernnaro gee hope I spelt that correct. I really wish that pic was done bigger that looks like a tichnique I'd enjoy trying. @Hapk welcome see you've mastered a few of the tuts. enjoyed the pictorium tonight now I'm off to play with paint.net and see what I can conjure up.
  5. That's the thing, fonts don't really have an art to them. You just choose something which goes with your sig/av/piece of art. ahhh so then I think I did pick a good clean font one that doesn't compete with the very detailed background. one that didn't distract from the polar, which was the intention of the piece. thanks Andrew I've just raised my happiness with this one to 95% :wink:
  6. thanks god I didn't use one of those fonts, although I was tempted. my worst area is fonts and text. colors and combinations of swirls and arcs I find come easier, fonts I just don't have that artistic harmony feel with them.
  7. @usehonda oh you are pulling all the big guns out now. good entry actually everyone has a good entry except cough cough "BoltBait" wait what I hear he doesn't like polar, tell me its not so. :wink:
  8. hey well bring it on what you waiting for? let the party begin.
  9. very good! thanks salu any idea for a better font? this is the one I entered in the contest but I've still the pdn and can change the font layer for my final sig to use in the forum. using this for now as the Christmas one needed to be trashed.
  10. ok so I'm happy 90% with this one. Of course I know the downfall will be the font I totally just am not good at picking them correctly but this is what I've got so far. (PS here I've still the PDN so if anyone can suggest a bette looking one let me know and I'll actually change it for the forum font. about this #13 week sig of the week. It was sure hard to condense that lovely polar down to this ittty bitty size of a sig but I like the looks of the flower image .
  11. this thread has me so totally lost. do I or do I not post my sig here? if not what's the link? I'm really needing to get something other than my Christmas one in use. :wink:
  12. Ok I'm ready the polar inversion sig wow that's hard to condense down to siggy size. but mine is ready I want to post. open this darn contest early ...pretty please!. if you notice I'm still using my Christmas sig and its about time for a change. LOL!
  13. yes you certainly are If I had to pick i would say I like the one with the sun the best. both are excellent.
  14. not sure if this helps but try making your picture save as tga then use infra view program there is an option under image to decrease the colors use the custom setting at 8 then save again as your .tga :wink: edit spelled the program incorrectly its irfanview http://www.irfanview.com/
  15. @aile and @Ash those two pieces are especially great. left my comments on your da galleries. Inspiring me to do even more work to come remotely close. perfection award to you both! @Madjik love your picasso pieces, here is mine in honor of the picasso award. :wink:
  16. thanks everyone on the advise on how to get the craigy skin. I did manage last night. used at least 10 layers of the under skintone very low transparencies with small amount of noise on each. two or three of the layers were then gassiaun blurred and the bottom layer of skin tone was the the full alpha and on that I did film (found under Photo) the finished fellow is now in my Deviant art gallery you can all look at him there by just following the link within my sig below. remember any of the ones in my gallery just click on them and they will come up larger and you are more than welcome to leave a comment there.
  17. thanks Salu I've still not figured out how to give him that craigy skin look. Not sure its possible in Paint.Net but maybe someone will give me some ideas. I'm stuck. I posted some screen shots of the transformation from photo thru the vector to this picture on my Deviant art gallery. if you want to have a peek http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... n-73717874 (the link for the rest of my gallery is just under my sig)
  18. for Vista and BoltBait he still needs a bit of fine tuning but you get the picture now. :wink:
  19. the face lines were a bit wide so the blending isn't going smoothly but I'll work it out :wink:
  20. here you go boys he is started. I just took out the white with the magic wand (hold down the shift) closed off the openings and changed the outline to brown, it works better for later shading and blending into skin tones. this is him started now go to my facial contours tips and you will get the idea how he's done still working but here is you quick peek
  21. Thanks! I can't color it. Maybe we can get oma to do it. Come on BoltBait, you can do it. You've wrote plugins yet you can't colour it in - why? Anyway, I'm gonna PM Oma to colour it in! Seriously! Ha Ha Ha you guys are funny. got the PM let me think on how to do this one. I'm going to take my time. have to separate out the layers of background first. back in a few days with a start for you all. ciao
  22. ahhhh now I understand why I didn't notice much difference between how your method turned out and how mine worked on the image. I'll have to keep this other method in mind for larger pics. thanks for explaining. :wink:
  23. rather complicated for simple straight drop shadows required on straight lines in a picture. since he is only doing the under edge of the cross pieces would not a simple transparent layer on top and use a line tool set at lower alpha gray work just the same no blending required.
  24. you can cheat it using the shadow plug in and the vignette found under photo effects OMA
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