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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. If that's to me thanks. Ill make another darker. version. PS. DeviantART version
  2. My Nion Cell is COMPLETE. After about 30 layers it is complete This is only the small version. COMMENTS?
  3. Very well done, Everything but the card i figured out, thanks for the tut.
  4. I wouldn't mind this feature, but its not something i NEED
  5. 1, unless u make #2's text black, and lose the green thing. Nion Cell Phone Concept. (Nion, NOT NEON) CLICK FOR BIGGER VIEW EDIT: Its only an outline.
  6. Maybe. I don't know. Edit: Post 700! Lol 700, already. Making a design for a cell phone
  7. Thanks it has 13 layers i think, my first relistic art. Deviantart Worthy?
  8. Use html... try herehttp://www.htmlbasix.com/mouseoverimages.shtml
  9. Salu, Sword 1 because i will be making more That tree is awesome! but the land is yah...
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