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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. It's pretty stable. Give it a shot, if it doesn't work out you can alway uninstall and go back to the latest non-beta release. Its not that its not stable, its that many plugins are in-compatible, so i rather wait. Infact i already downloaded it earlier, and went straight back...
  2. Considering he's the one who finally convinced Rick that a color-chooser was a must.... Pyrochild, man, today im missing the obvious and your stating it. And thanks KrisVDM: Im going to still wait for a stable build
  3. So are you now planning to implement the colour choosing feature when 3.30 stable build is developed?
  4. NO. Does this mean im banned from your plug ins. Nooooo. Anyways.... If the colour tool was made would it be possible for you to organise this plugin into tabs
  5. Right, 'cause that's never been requested before It's even in the topic post as "Features to come." Dork Lol, woops my bad...
  6. That's what the internet is for Stock-photos are not specifically related to any graphics program, Paint.NET or other, so it doesn't seem right to me for them to have a section of our forum. Wikipedia Commons and deviantART are great places to find or share stock photos. This forum, not so much. Good Point. Maybe more like stock pdn file for you to mess with. If you know what i mean.
  7. Its suited perfectly for all new members :wink: Welcome to the forums
  8. I think that would be cool. Also would it be possible for you to implement a feature where you can select which way the bars are going (Vertical or Horizontal)
  9. Have you made sure you clicked maintain aspect ration when resizing each image?
  10. Wow I thought it would be next month, I cant wait. 1st Post EDIT: Maybe a section for posting free to use stock photos
  11. Malazar, you did a good job. You may want to try again to get a better outcome
  12. Sorry, Thanks janettsue for explaining bettter. Sometimes i forget that people aren't as familiar with the program as me.
  13. Yes parts of it are :AntiAliasingOff: and others are :AntiAliasingOn:
  14. Lol, i really liked that tut, along with this one.
  15. I am The update kicked both "AA's" & "Basic AA's" behind. I never get tired of hearing that. Lol, the first time i heard that I laughed
  16. That's really good PrettyDarnNeat. @Ash i tried to remake your glass and decoration balls. Any tips? I used a white semi transparent background and S3D to make the glass... EDIT: It looks very bad imo, I had to make the glass opaque so many times feather then transparent... over and over again. resulting in the bad edges
  17. This cleaner look, looks well a lot cleaner, but i think i'm going to wait for a while due to plugins
  18. Expand the canvas size and then paste the image in
  19. You should resize it in Paint.NET, it helps a lot, also you can try using a plugin called Feather do make the edges less rough I tried to edit for you Url-http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z267/jerkfight/Forsomeoneelse.png
  20. I dont think this would effect it, but is Paint.Net Running?
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