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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. For the millionth time... Paint.net is not an animation tool. And, for another thing: This forum is for POSTING tutorials ONLY.
  2. What you can do is create a new layer, paint on that and then use the magic wand to select it, switch layers and apply your effect. When you are finished, go back and delete the new layer you created. That's the way I do it.
  3. Wow! Nice job. However, I think you should avoid using the word "Google" in the project. Potential copyright issues.
  4. Rick, this is the sort of thing you need for 3.0 http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2227 IMO, that kicks < no swearing >. Speaking of which, is there a way that a filter can create a layer and put its results there instead of on the source layer?
  5. I'm glad you got it working. Now, show us some results!
  6. Read more closely... it can do exactly what you want. Read the thread for instructions on how to use the "Alpha Only" option.
  7. Where do you think he finds alpha testers?
  8. Try this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1463
  9. Well, I'm a computer programmer so that may not be a fair question... I never could figure out how keep my toast from burning.
  10. Wait a minute, Rick. Are you saying that you are thinking of adding an Options screen? I'm sure if I spent a minute or two I could dig up a post of yours where you state that you would NEVER do that. Now for a serious comment: I like the tollerance being sticky. But, I suppose I could live with the abililty to change the default to 31%.
  11. Here, try this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1734
  12. Hehe. Great minds think alike. And, so do we.
  13. Think about the total no0b... You are smart enough to change the tool, they may not be. They run a paint program and want to start painting. Let them discover the selection tool on their own.
  14. Thanks. It's a bit shorter now. And, a little grayer. Heh. I was about 27 in that photo and I'm 42 now. Perfect. That's what I was shooting for. I think I'll go with the second one. Thanks, guys.
  15. OK, which one do you like better? or I'm having trouble deciding. BTW, I've never taken drugs. CLEAN FOR LIFE! YO!
  16. It was me at one time. My hair is a little shorter now.
  17. All done in Paint.net: I'm about to upload that to my dA account as my ID.
  18. Create an image and then rotate it by 90* The thumbnail doesn't look right. It has the wrong shape, and the unused area is black.
  19. barkbark00, I love the burned edges on that. Can you give a tutorial on how to do it? I want to do the same thing to the following picture as well as changing it to sepia: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40038304/
  20. There is a somewhat easier way to do this (no plugin required). Create a new layer Select the flood fill tool (paint can) Set tollerance to 100% Select colors black/white In the toolbar at the top of the screen, select a fill style of "|||| Vertical" or "=== Horizontal". Click on the canvas to fill it with vertical bars. Adjust layer properties to taste. You can also expirement with other fill styles, there are tons of them.
  21. I think it would look better if the dress matched her eyes. Oh, and the hair got a little sloppy around her forehead and right shoulder.
  22. How about F12 If any tool windows are open, it hides them. Or, if none are visible, it shows them all. How bout... F12= If some are shown, It makes them all Appear the first time, Hit it again and they Go away, Hit it agian, they come back? something in that order if you know what i mean? Because that's not how Windows-D works?
  23. How about F12 If any tool windows are open, it hides them. Or, if none are visible, it shows them all--Similar to how the Windows-D key works.
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