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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Thank you so much for your input. I also have a TWAIN scanner. Of course, I'm using 3.0, so I'll have to wait for the source code to be released for that... But, THANKS!
  2. Perhaps its time to implement masks then. A Transparancy Tool will always be incredibly useful, whether it affects alpha directly or it creates a control layer object. (Could it be coded one way now and converted to work the other way later?) Believe me, people are not using the gradiant plugin to make colorful fades, they are using it to fade one picture to another, or fade something to transparent.
  3. I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin' ... Supporting alpha only is trivial to add for just this feature. But it's just a matter of generalization: none of the other tools support it! What I really want are layer and channel masks. But in the short term it may make sense to just add a toggle button or checkbox for the gradient tool. If you don't want to support an "alpha only" option in this tool, I would highly recommend making a similar tool called the "Transparency Tool". It would have all the same functionality as the gradient tool, however it would always work with alpha only and always go from fully opaque to fully transparent. CorelDraw has such a tool and it is incredibly useful.
  4. From looking at your other posts, you are obviously a Photoshop/Paintshop user. Why are you even here?
  5. NICE! But, Rick, I didn't see "square" gradients, Alpha only, or HSV gradients. Are they included?
  6. I have absolutely no plans to do this. I simply said our rendering framework was flexible enough to allow for it. Ah! My mistake then.
  7. The problem is, you still have not shown us what you mean by bevel. Exactly what do you want beveled, and show us a picture that has the type of beveling you are interested in reproducing.
  8. NOX, I'm not really following you. Sorry. Perhaps you could show a screenshot or something. The only thing I've found that actually makes this DLL useful is to do an Oil Paint filter first. Then, it looks quite nice. Maybe I sould look into that fliter to see what it is doing. Is the source for that filter available in Codelab form?
  9. BTW, I do believe Rick has future plans to make vector layers--that is, layers that would hold vector objects (including editable text).
  10. This: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_drawing Or, more simply... http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_graphics
  11. Also, you can try the free SketchUp from Google. It is a 3D vector drawing program.
  12. I think you mean "Cut", as in Ctrl-X or Edit>Cut. Image>Crop would shrink the border down to your selection.
  13. It's really not necessary to ask the question in more than one thread. Many people on here read EVERY post.
  14. Follow these steps: 1. Go to http://www.photobucket.com 2. Create an account 3. Upload your image there 4. Grab the URL to the image after it is uploaded. It will be in the 3rd (of 3) box under the image. 5. Post here and paste that URL into your post box. It will look something like this: [img]some/path/file.jpg[/img]
  15. Do you have an example picture that shows what you want to do?
  16. The background looks black to me. After changing the settings on my monitor, I can see it. But, yeah, way too dark.
  17. I think my major problem is that I'm only looking at a single pixel. Heh.
  18. Well, I disagree. Which is why I'm asking for help. I tinkered with this thing for days and didn't get anything I liked. I just got so tired of looking at it that I posted it. Hopefully, someone will write a better one so that I can learn from it. I'll tell you something that does help, do a Oil Paint filter before this filter.
  19. Well, what would you suggest, "Uglify"? I know it sucks. Help me out here, make a better one! BTW, it is customizable, I just haven't put a UI on it. You can see the codelab script here: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/pastel
  20. OK, so I had this idea to create a pastel filter. What I evenually came up with looked fair on some images and poor on others. Well, I finally updated this effect and I think this is a winner! Here is a "before & after" picture: Anyway, here was my idea: First, I normalize the Hue to reduce the number of overall colors--similar to a "cutout" effect. Then, I compress all of the Saturation (S) information from 15-100 into 15-50. This should lighten up all the colors to a nice pastel tone. Then, it compresses the Value (V) from 5-100 into 85-100. This should really get rid of all the dark colors. The only thing left to deal with was the near black pixels. Finally, I converted all of the near black pixels to a shade of gray. If you like it, you can download the precompiled effect here: BoltBait's Plugin Pack Enjoy.
  21. But, you forgot to take the guy on the right out. (Nice job!)
  22. Hey, isn't that what I said on September 7th? http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2059
  23. Thanks, but I'm just about to throw in the towel on this one. I just can't get it to look the way I want. It is close, but I am reminded of a certain conversation I had with someone wherein I said, "You are aware, code that ALMOST works looks NOTHING like the code that ACTUALLY works."
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