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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Easy... 1) I followed this tutorial: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=4841 (Good tutorial, even though its hard to read) 2) I made a duplicate of the background 3) I used the magic wand on the mask layer to select the background 4) Switched to the duplicate layer and pressed the delete key. That left only the people on that layer 5) Use the eraser tool to touch up around the hair. 6) Feather with a radius of 10 using the shrink method. 7) Switch to the bottom most background layer. 8) Gaussian Blur with a radius of 10 Here is what my canvas looked like: 9) Turn off visibility of the mask layer. 10) Save as JPG (flattening as required) and DONE! Judging by my post times, it took about 12-15 minutes to complete.
  2. Ash has a nice list of plugins on his web site. (Find one of his posts and look for the link in his sig.) Plus, if you download the full CodeLab package, it comes with lots of examples that can be built into Effects. (Link in my sig)
  3. Ugly, ugly code--I know. But, once something works, I rarely go back and clean it up. Sorry. For encoding the image: if (token.FullColor) { point.R = (byte)((((int)point.R + 18) / (int)36)); point.G = (byte)((((int)point.G + 18) / (int)36)); point.B = (byte)((((int)point.B + 18) / (int)36)); point.R = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel.R) & 248) + point.R); // 11111000 point.G = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel.G) & 248) + point.G); point.B = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel. & 248) + point.; } else { ColorBgra srcGrey = this.desaturateOp.Apply(point); iColor = srcGrey.R / 32; if (( iColor & 4) > 0 ) { point.B = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel. & 254) + 1); } else { point.B = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel. & 254) + 0); } if ((iColor & 2) > 0) { point.G = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel.G) & 254) + 1); } else { point.G = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel.G) & 254) + 0); } if ((iColor & 1) > 0) { point.R = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel.R) & 254) + 1); } else { point.R = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel.R) & 254) + 0); } } For decoding 1 bit images: for (int x = roi.Left; x { ColorBgra CurrentPixel = *srcPtr; GreyLevel = ((((int)CurrentPixel. & (int)1) * 4); GreyLevel += (((int)CurrentPixel.G) & (int)1) * 2; GreyLevel += (((int)CurrentPixel.R) & (int)1); CurrentPixel.R = (byte)(GreyLevel * 32); CurrentPixel.G = (byte)(GreyLevel * 32); CurrentPixel.B = (byte)(GreyLevel * 32); CurrentPixel.A = 255; *dstPtr = CurrentPixel; ++srcPtr; ++dstPtr; } For decoding color images: for (int x = roi.Left; x { ColorBgra CurrentPixel = *srcPtr; CurrentPixel.R = (byte)((((int)CurrentPixel.R) & (int)7) * 36); CurrentPixel.G = (byte)((((int)CurrentPixel.G) & (int)7) * 36); CurrentPixel.B = (byte)((((int)CurrentPixel. & (int)7) * 36); CurrentPixel.A = 255; *dstPtr = CurrentPixel; ++srcPtr; ++dstPtr; }
  4. Sorry, I thought you wanted to pass a default search string into the form text box.
  5. Ctrl-E? Nice. Matches IE7's jump to search box. Here is some javascript for you: <br />var has_input = document.URL.indexOf('?');<br />if (has_input != -1)<br />{<br /> addr_str = document.URL.substring(has_input+1, document.URL.length);<br /> document.getElementById('q').value = unescape(addr_str);<br />}<br />document.getElementById('q').focus();<br /> Just put that at the bottom of your page (at least below the text box). Totally untested and entered directly into this Quick Reply box.
  6. Well, I tried it out. It got me much closer to the post I was looking for. The built-in forum search got me to the thread, this got me to the page withing the thread where the post was located. This is really handy for finding things in the Pictorium, for example where the thread is over 400 pages long. Nice.
  7. Sure. We just need a brave soul to code it up. I tried writing a filetype plugin... once. I got confused.
  8. Actually, David, this would be possible with a filetype plugin.
  9. Wow. Nice set of steps. It works exactly as described. How in the world did you come up with those steps?
  10. It looks like an install issue to me. Ed Harvey's effects require more than 1 dll. You are probably missing EdHarvey.Edfects.Common.dll Redownload the zip package from his post in the Plugin forum and install BOTH zipped dll files into your Effects folder.
  11. Quality of both images will always suffer. To hide a color image, the main image is losing 9 out of 24 bits of information. Plus, the hidden image is being converted from whatever you are using (24 bit?) down to 9 bits. There is no way around this with the algorithm I'm using. There are an unlimited number of algorithms that could be implemented--many that could be encrypted or lossless. So, if you want to code your own, go for it!
  12. That would be very nice. OK, I'll see what I can do.
  13. Yeah, I removed it from the default script. You'll see that in the next release. By the way, in your script examples, it would be helpful to change "Slider 1 Description" to the actual text you would want to see on the slider when the DLL is built. Here are some other tutorials on how to use codelab: - http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=5281 - http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=5308 Your post makes a good follow up to the two I wrote.
  14. Project Spartan, the problem with your image is that you've save in jpg format. It is critical for the integrity of the hidden image that a lossless format be used to store the image. Try PNG next time.
  15. No. What you want is the magic wand. You just need to adjust the tollerance while using it. Or, you could try one of the tutorials on cutouts, or the Alpha Mask Plugin. BTW, your sig is too big. Size limits is 500px by 150px.
  16. Link icons and HTML code can be found on this page: http://getpaint.net/download.html 8)
  17. Mine is better :wink: you can edit the quote so the images don't have to be in there. We are still on the same page after all. Edit: Thanks You can edit the post before without the need to post again :o Or, you can do what Paint_Boy did and just quote for the fun of it.
  18. OK, you need to resize your avatar. Max size on avatars is 120px by 160px. Max size on sigs is 500px by 150px Rules thread: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3446
  19. I understand now. Thanks for the props! 8) (I'm feeling rather needy because of the debacle I created with my second edited image of the day--don't ask.)
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