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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Please read the forum rules, espically rule #6 Forum Rules Closed.
  2. 1.Check the spelling of financial ! 2.For the ruler you could use the gridmaker plugin... Why not just google up a picture of a ruler?
  3. Well, CMD, since it is obvious that I won... who came in second?
  4. CodeLab will still be around. (Currently, there is no better place to prototype effects!) It's just that the UI code stuff I wrote will no longer be needed. CodeLab will be updated.
  5. Well, if CMD has the cold that I had... I was totally knocked out for 2 weeks and I'm still coughing a week later. It was definitely the worst in my memory.
  6. And, by "8 bit", Matt, I'm sure you mean 32 bit. Everything Paint.NET does is in 32 bit. Currently, the only way to convert your picture to 8 bit is to save it in GIF format. If you want to save it in 24 bit, just select BMP format. Rick has said that 8 bit BMP format is coming.
  7. Read this page: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6440 Save your images in JPG, PNG, or GIF format before trying to upload them.
  8. It does seem that no matter where you start drawing, you can never get a 1 pixel width line. I believe that Rick is using GDI+ for drawing shapes, so this is more a problem with Windows than Paint.NET. So, don't hold your breath waiting for a fix. If you need finer lines, you may want to mix a rounded rectangle and a normal rectangle yourself.
  9. That's strange. I see what you're talking about. I just right-clicked on your "after editing" image and saved it onto my computer and the thumbnail looks like the "before editing" image. I would say that your JPG image does indead include a thumbnail which Paint.NET is not updating. Currently, Paint.NET simply preserves all EXIF data so that it writes it back out after editing an image. In a future version, Rick has stated that he will be adding an EXIF data editor. As a work around, you could open your image in Paint.NET, select all, Copy, then Paste into a new image. When you save, there will not be any EXIF data saved with it. OR, you would wait to do your editing until Paint.NET is updated with an EXIF editor.
  10. Well, for one, you need to have a movie to get your frames from. Then, do frame captures from your DVD program or other software (can't help you much here, sorry) Finally, follow this tutorial to make an animated GIF: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2492
  11. Here is a picture I took in Monterey: Digital editing done in Paint.NET, of course! Published here: http://boltbait.deviantart.com/art/Swep ... r-66206264
  12. Here is one of my photographs: I think your plugin saved it nicely: I'm definately loving the beginner mode. 8)
  13. Can you show us a "before editing in paint.net" image and a "post editing in paint.net" image? Which EXIF data is not being updated? Can you show us the data and which fields are not being updated? What do you think the data should be after editing? Are you talking about 'thumbnail' images? If so, jpg does not contain a thumbnail--that is part of the OS. To regenerate a thumbnail, just right-click on the image and select 'Refresh thumbnail' from the menu.
  14. Please read the rules for this forum. viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 (espically rule #4) If you post like this again you will be banned for being an idiot. Understand?
  15. Please read this page: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/install It will tell you how things should be set up.
  16. Next time, just press the "report this post" button. There is no need to respond.
  17. Your post is a little vague. But, you might want to look at pleska's photo flood fill plugin.
  18. Save your image in GIF format and it will be reduced to 8-bit.
  19. You can get around this issue by changing the paint brush blending mode to "overwrite". It is located at the end of the tool bar and looks like this: :OverwriteBlending:
  20. JPEG files can not be animated directly. You could always convert the file to GIF and animate it. Or, you could convert to PNG and animate it using this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5294
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