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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Wait... I didn't win? Oh, and CMD, I voted for you. I just forgot to PM the vote to you. Sorry.
  2. Also, make sure that if you have an active selection your text is inside it. Otherwise, you can press ESC to get rid of your selection before trying to use the text tool.
  3. Learning C# is a good start. Once you have a basic handle on that, read all the source code for plugins that you can get your hands on. Many of the posts in the Plugin forum include their source code. Then, when you are ready to write your own, download the CodeLab plugin http://boltbait.googlepages.com/codelab . This will allow you to quickly prototype your effect. Once you have that working, if you only need 1-3 sliders (or an angle) you can use CodeLab to compile your effect to a DLL that is ready for distribution. If you need more controls, you can write your effect in Microsoft Visual C# Studio 2005 Express--which you've already downloaded. It is more involved than CodeLab, but also more flexible. Here are some links to get you started: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5281 (How to write a plugin using CodeLab, Part 1) viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5308 (How to write a plugin using CodeLab, Part 2) viewtopic.php?t=6405 (How to write a plugin using CodeLab, Part 3) Here is a template for Visual C# for writing plugins: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2618 Good luck!
  4. It is best to save two copies of any file that you wish to edit again in the future... one copy in PDN format and one copy for distribution (JPG, PNG, or GIF format). In order to save in the various formats, choose the File > Save As... menu option. You will then see a dropdown list of file formats below the file name box. Simply choose the desired format from the list before clicking the save button. More information here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6440 Oh, and saving a PDN format file first will preserve the layer information so that you can edit the original later.
  5. Paint.NET already has an eraser tool... why would you need to create one? This forum is for Paint.NET general coding/programming discussion. We can not typically help you develop other programs in there. But, you can download the Paint.NET source code and look for yourself how the eraser tool works.
  6. This effect can already be done with this plugin: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/Gradient.dll Choose the ending colors for primary and secondary, then run the effect and choose the Long HSV method. Description of this effect can be found here: viewtopic.php?t=2294
  7. This function can already be done with this plugin: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/scanlines
  8. Plugins can not be tools. So, no, there is no blur tool plugin you can download. I think what you are looking for is a smudge tool. According to the Popular Feature Request list: And, according to the Roadmap, 4.0 is 1-2 years out.
  9. Which is why he needs to walk the dog. Walking is a good part of any exercise program. Just remember to stay hydrated and don't over do it!
  10. I want to vote for this one: Only the image of Jerbert was used. The rest was done with the :LineCurveTool: :PaintBucketTool: :Colors: and :GaussianBlur: .
  11. We typically just leave these posts open just in case someone else needs the information.
  12. Here is a tutorial for CG Painting with Paint.NET: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6193&p=69301 Enjoy. 8)
  13. Blur works like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_blur
  14. Good luck with that! I think Rick even said that he doesn't know what the pdn file format is. I believe he said that he simply dumps out the in-memory structure to an xml stream that gets compressed on its way to the disk file... or some such nonsense.
  15. You mean the source code to CodeLab? If so, it is available for download on my page. (Link in sig)
  16. I disagree with this statement. No self-respecting pixel artist would use anything except the pencil tool. Period.
  17. We don't have a tool, but we have the next best thing... a plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3285 8)
  18. To answer your question... No, it is not possible to change what is selected from within a plugin.
  19. Michael, maybe you just need to set up a custom palette. Here is one I set up: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/palette Hope this helps.
  20. More information about how the Soften Portrait effect works can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4097 Enjoy. 8)
  21. OK, then, yeah, tone the shine WAY down and add some noise. Velvet doesn't really reflect the light well. But, leave the shadows.
  22. Maybe tone the white highlights a bit down? No, no! Don't change a thing! It looks absolutely beautiful.
  23. If you are using the latest version (3.10) then try the Soften Portrait effect. You could also try using the Clone/Stamp tool: http://getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/CloneStamp.html
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