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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. BoltBait's Selection Tools What are selection tools? How are they different from other effects? Good questions! I have grouped this set of effects under the Effects > Selection menu because of how they work. Most effects don't really care about the shape of the selection, they just do their effect. These tools, on the other hand, apply their effect based on the shape of the "marching ants" selection. The Idea The very first effect I ever wanted to write was a feather effect that would feather along the selection. I couldn't really figure out a good way to do it so I wrote another feather effect that used transparency to determine the edges of objects. While good, it was never really the effect I wanted to write--it was just a "hack". Well, I finally figured out a good way to do it! The Effects Feather Selection To use: Create an irregular selection and run Effects > Selection > Feather Selection. It feathers the selection along the trail of marching ants. As you can guess, this will be REALLY useful for making photochops! And, I think, MUCH less confusing to use compared to my current feather plugin. Outline Selection To use: Create an irregular selection and run Effects > Selection > Outline Selection. It outlines the selection along the trail of marching ants using the selected color. Bevel Selection To use: Create an irregular selection and run Effects > Selection > Bevel Selection. It creates a 3D... like... um... "puddle" (I guess)... out of the selection along the trail of marching ants. You'll just have to play with this one to see what I mean. It makes some great looking text! I can only take partial credit for this one. While I did have the idea and wrote the first version, it was sooooo slow that it really wasn't usable. Ed Harvey took me to school and taught me ways to increase the speed of the effect... and fixed some bugs along the way.* To give you an idea, his version was over 1000 times faster than mine. :shock: Inner Shadow Selection To use, select the area where you want to render the shadow. Looks great with text or other irregular selections. The Effect DLL All 4 of these effects are grouped together in SelectionTools.dll which you can find in my plugin pack. Download it here and install it in the normal way... BoltBait's Plugin Pack If you need help installing plugins, I recommend reading this page: How to install Paint.NET plugins. And, if that doesn't work, post your troubles here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1708- Enjoy. *Some of the bug fixes in Paint.NET 3.36 were a result of the development of this effect. Thanks, Rick!
  2. It's ok. If TheWildOne wants to name their gallery "Help/advice" that's fine by me.
  3. Try using the Windows > Reset Windows Locations menu within Paint.NET.
  4. Try this thread: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023
  5. This is not a Paint.NET question. It is a HTML question. I suggest you find an HTML support forum and ask your question there.
  6. Manette, you may want to read the following pages. They should show you how to make a UI in CodeLab. From the CodeLab help file: [*:21j2og26]Designing a User Interface for Your Effect [*:21j2og26]Sample Code for User Interface Elements ...and finally... [*:21j2og26]Building a DLL File
  7. If you want a vector image editor, do a web search for Inkscape.
  8. Yeah, it's a mess right now. The problem is that both Curtis and I put in code to handle indenting... Curtis already fixed that kind of stuff for the next release for me by removing his indent handling. Give me a couple of days to finish my updates...
  9. Nice. I like this much better than your original ones. Although, now you don't have the black drop shadow around the whole button.
  10. Type your text on its own layer. Then, use pyrochild's Outline Object plugin to add the glow.
  11. If you have a black and white image that you want to color, simply create a new layer above your picture. Change the blending mode of that layer to Multiply. Select a color and start painting on your new layer. You don't even have to be very careful when coloring as the Multiply blending mode will handle the sloppy coloring well.
  12. Kat, I like the buttons. I wonder, however, how they would look if the shadows of the button contents was similar to the top button outline instead of gray.
  13. Like this: viewtopic.php?t=2935 :?: If you follow the steps, just don't do step 9. Instead, do Image > Flatten.
  14. Regardless of what type of UI is employed, the rendering algorithm is still not very good. I bet Tanel could write a better algorithm. I'm curious where he wondered off to...
  15. Read this: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/install And, if that doesn't work... post here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023
  16. Try this plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6524 Try the built-in Effects > Noise > Reduce Noise effect. Also, try the Adjustments menu. And, finally, look in the Effects > Photo menu for some interesting stuff.
  17. In Corel Photo Paint, the red eye removal is a tool, not an effect. When you select the tool, the cursor changes into an eye, then you simply click on in the center of the eye you want corrected and the tool handles the rest (including figuring out the proper size, etc.) Perhaps you could change yours to match?
  18. What do you mean? (OK, actually, I do have 3 new plugins... 2 ready to go and 1 being optimized by Ed Harvey right now. I'll publish all three when he's done.)
  19. Show us a screenshot of your Effects folder. Are you sure you've "unblocked" the dll files?
  20. Have you tried Simon Brown's Custom Brush plugin? You can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23093
  21. Where did you find this plugin? How do you know that it is compatible with Paint.NET?
  22. That I'm not too sure about. Some of the settings produce wild results. Not very smooth at all (especially at the left part of the sliders).
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