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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. That doesn't actually look like Windows 10 to me. Do us a favor, press Windows key and type CMD and press enter. In the DOS box that comes up, type winver and press enter. Give us a screenshot of the message that comes up.
  2. I don't think there's any way to do that. Even if you draw your first line and press Enter to finish it, you can't immediately start drawing the next line. You actually need to move your mouse before you can click to start drawing the next line.
  3. Feather.dll is outdated. If you want the feather effect, you need to download my plugin pack and install the file ObjectTools.dll and SelectionTools.dll.
  4. If you need to stay within CodeLab, I suggest using the help system: http://boltbait.com/pdn/codelab/help/tutorial6.php If you've moved your code into Visual Studio, there is a way to add small amounts of help text right into the UI. For an example of how this looks, check my Effects > Object > Old Feather effect. If this is what you want, check out my Hue/Saturation+ project here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28613-x You can download the Visual Studio project in that thread. In it, you can see the help text between the 4th and 5th slider. This is not something I will be adding to CodeLab as it has situational dependencies. ___________
  5. The Object Feather effect is located in the file ObjectTools.DLL and the Selection Feather effect is located in the file SelectionTools.DLL.
  6. Nah, just a random picture in my FB feed.
  7. There were way too many things pinned in this forum. I combined some threads (like all of my tutorials) and pruned some others.
  8. Read this. It is a real-world example of a DLL versioning problem right here in River City! BTW, this is EXACTLY how CodeLab works today. Since converting over to the Notepad++ editor, we needed to include a separate DLL with the editor in it. Instead of shipping 2 DLL files, we're using ILMerge to combine both DLL files into one. It is a little harder to compile CodeLab, but most users won't ever notice the difference and they won't have problems with versioning if we ever upgrade the Notepad++ editor version we're shipping.
  9. So, you want to learn how to write a plugin for paint.net--well, you're in the right place! Getting Ready The first thing you'll need to do is install* CodeLab: Download CodeLab (English) Download CodeLab (Russian) *How to install plugins You may need to configure your system for CodeLab. When installed properly, you'll find CodeLab in the paint.net menu Effects > Advanced > CodeLab. Tutorials Now, here is a list of tutorials to get you started*: All the tutorials you need to get started are here CLICK! (for 10+ tutorials!) These are the old, broken tutorials: Removing dividing lines from your Visual Studio based Paint.NET Plugin** Adding Tabs to your Visual Studio based Paint.NET Plugin** These tutorials are also old: Sharing Your Work Once you have an effect working the way you want, and you'd like to share it with the other users of paint.net, simply follow these steps: Compress the effect DLL file along with the install.bat file created by CodeLab into a ZIP file. You should find these files on your desktop. Create a thread in the Plugins forum by pressing the Start New Topic button. Fully describe your plugin and attach a few screenshots of what it does. Be sure to include the UI of your effect in the screenshots. Attach the ZIP file to the post using the Choose File button followed by the Attach This File button. If you choose to post your effect's CodeLab script (source code), be sure to paste your CodeLab script inside of a code block (Click the code button <>, select C#, and paste your code into the proper spot. Press the Insert into post button.) Help If you start writing a plugin and you get stuck, post your code in the Plugin Developer's Forum and someone will try and help you figure it out. Just be be sure to paste your CodeLab script inside of a code block (Click the code button <>, select C#, and paste your code into the proper spot. Press the Insert into post button.) Here is a general list of what is and is not possible when writing a plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14566-p As you can see, plugins are flexible, but they can't do EVERYTHING. If you need more capabilities, maybe what you need is a macro recorder. Try this one: TinyTask. Or, if you're looking for a command line utility to manipulate .PDN files, try https://www.irfanview.com/ There is a plugin that allows it to view Paint.NET files. What About FileType Plugins? How to write a filetype plugin *Those tutorials listed in Bold have been rewritten for CodeLab v6.0! **These tutorials are for Paint.NET v5.0+ plugins
  10. I'm having fun with this plugin too...
  11. To me, these conversions to B&W look fine. I think MOST users would agree. If you don't, there is a simple fix: write a plugin to do the conversion you want. That is the beauty of paint.net, it has a rich plugin system... and tons of resources to help you if you get stuck. In fact, give me the formula you want to use to convert from color RGB to B&W* and I'll write you a plugin. *something similar to this:
  12. Since this is already listed in the Popular Feature Requests, I'm closing this.
  13. MJW, what you are asking for is easy for you to code by hand. Here is a minimal example with comments: #region UICode IntSliderControl Amount1=0; //[0,100]Slider 1 Description #endregion int A1Old = -1; // initialize with any value outside of slider range void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { if (Amount1 != A1Old) // Has slider 1 changed? { // TODO: add your initialization code here if (IsCancelRequested) // Did slider 1 move during initialization? { A1Old = -1; // Reinitialize variable so we will need to recalculate next time return; } A1Old = Amount1; // Initialization was successful for this slider position } // Standard render loop: ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { CurrentPixel = src[x,y]; // TODO: Add pixel processing code here dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } }
  14. I have now published my new Oil Painting+ plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/109948-oil-painting/ Now you can play with it yourself. Enjoy.
  15. Oil Painting+ a new artistic plugin The Idea I was never quite happy with the output of the built-in Oil Painting effect: The built-in Median effect flows better, but also has some problems: I do like mixing the output from my Pastel plugin: ...with the built-in Pencil Sketch effect: That's where I started... The Result I combined the best parts of Oil Painting, Median, Pastel, and Pencil Sketch: Download This is now part of my plugin pack which you can download here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-v It is designed for small images, like the ones you see in this thread. So, reduce the size of your image before running the effect. Enjoy! __________________________
  16. Without a sample image to know what you're trying to achieve, here are a few plugins to try: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/9364-polar-transformations-plugin-ymd100718 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32240-droste-v10-aug-31-2015/ http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18968-shape3d-2007-08-24/ or you could try the built-in effects Distort>Polar Inversion or Distort>Twist.
  17. href="/monthly_07_2016/post-44727-0-23584500-1468113322.png">
  18. Do you have this problem with ALL plugins, or just specific ones? If it is just specific ones, list them here.
  19. All of those plugins are really outdated. I don't suggest downloading them. I have left a message on that video, feel free to give it a thumbs up!
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