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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Sorry if my message was unclear. I was not suggesting to write your changes in a new post. I was just adding some information for those who will be looking into the situation. I agree, this posting software is quite broken. Rick will need to submit a support request to the hosting company.
  2. I've been getting the same message on one of my posts when trying to edit it. Posting new messages works fine though.
  3. You are using a VERY old version of paint.net. Please upgrade to version 4.0.10 and see if the problem persists. Until you upgrade, we can not give you any further assistance. I'm going to close this thread for being very old. If you still see the problem after upgrading to v4.0.10, post another thread about the problem. Please see forum rule #7
  4. Install my plugin pack. With it you can select the area you want to adjust the transparency and use the Adjustments > Transparency menu option. Download my plugin pack here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-
  5. That is preventable by the plugin authors. If that happens to you, just post on that plugin's thread and let them know what is wrong. They can fix it.
  6. I didn't even know that there were that many adjustments published. Adjustment authors! You can put your adjustments into folders just like Effect authors can.
  7. The paint.net installer prevents you from installing directly onto removable media. This is to prevent all kinds of problems. You'll need to install to a harddrive first, then copy the installed directory to your removable media if you want a portable copy.
  8. Nope. That piece of code gets you ONE PIXEL. You'll need to iterate over your wrk surface and calculate each pixel you want. But, first you'll need to calculate an xfactor and yfactor that will give you the difference between the size of your wrk surface and the source surface selection. I would highly recommend you read through all the tutorials listed here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/109990-
  9. If I understand you... Possible. (Keeping this in mind: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14566- of course) You'll need to create your own surface to hold your resized image. Then, you'll need to resize the image to that surface. Here is a function to help you: wrk[x,y] = src.GetBilinearSample(x * xfactor, y * yfactor);
  10. When you tried to install it, what happened? If you got an error message, post it here.
  11. I think what you're looking for is Ctrl-Alt-V (Edit > Paste into new image).
  12. I have just updated my plugin pack. New: I have written a proper installer. This means, no more copying dll files to the paint.net folder... let the installer do it for you. Oil Painting+, a NEW EFFECT! It makes your photographs look like they've been painted. I think the results are better than the built-in oil painting effect. 45 Custom Shapes. I have combined my shape pack with my plugin pack. Now, get everything in one place. Please note, if you've previously downloaded my shape pack, delete it from the paint.net shapes directory before running this installer. I have changed the filenames of all of my shapes. Sorry for that, but this makes it much better going forward. Here's a screenshot of the installer: NOTE: Before running the installer, be sure to open your Palette Folder from inside of paint.net: Click 1, then 2. This will open a folder. Once opened, you can close it and close paint.net before running the installer. Enjoy! _____________
  13. Click "Show Details" and copy-and-paste the entire details section here in this thread.
  14. After a Save As operation where it is necessary to flatten the image, just press Ctrl-Z to get your layers back.
  15. The whole purpose is to move the corners of the canvas to the center of the screen where they are easier to work on.
  16. He is Gary Johnson the Libertarian nominee for the President.
  17. OK, I know what your problem is. When pasting the smaller image onto the larger image, you need to use Ctrl-Shift-V instead of Ctrl-V. This will paste the smaller image into it's own layer.
  18. Eli, "Auto-detect" will select 32-bit if your image has any transparent areas. It will choose 24-bit or 8-bit if your image has no transparent areas.
  19. Here's one thing to try: On the Save As screen, select PNG format, specify a filename, and click Save. On the "Save Configuration" screen that comes up next, be sure the Bit Depth "Auto-detect" is selected before clicking OK.
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