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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. Hmm, ok. Now I can reproduce it. I'll file a bug. Thanks. For now, Ctrl+Alt+V and then Ctrl+A, Del, Ctrl+V will do what you want (it'll make a new image, delete it all, and then re-paste correctly).
  2. Doesn't happen here. Please give an exact step-by-step list of instructions that cause this to happen for you.
  3. Nope. The new icon's way better, you're just used to the old one. The old one has been retired.
  4. Paint.NET has filters. We just call them 'effects.' Heck, Alpha 3 adds three more, plus a redone Sharpen.
  5. aka metadata editor. Already planned for a future release, it'll get done when it can be done. (there's already something like a 5 year backlog of features...)
  6. This is the third public test release for v3.0. To install this from v2.72, make sure that you enable File -> Updates -> Also check for pre-release (beta) versions. The preferred way to get this is by using the built-in updater. From within Paint.NET 3.0 Alpha 2, got to the Help menu and then click "Check for Updates". Or if that doesn't work, download it straight from here: http://www.getpaint.net/files/PaintDotN ... Alpha3.exe Since version 3.0 Alpha 2, the following changes (and more) have been made: New effect: Outline New effect: Blurs->Unfocus New effect: Blurs->Median Improved: Sharpen effect uses a totally new algorithm, which looks better and performs faster Improved: Rendering performance of certain gradient types was slightly improved Improved: Most file types now use less memory when saving Improved: Gradient tool's transparency mode is more intuitive Improved: Gaussian Blur's maximum radius is now 200 (instead of 100) Improved: Some icons were improved / changed Changed: Gradient tool now uses opposite mouse button for moving both nubs instead of Ctrl. This is for constency with the selection tools. Changed: In Vista, the floating tool windows no longer have glass frames and heavy drop shadows Changed: Layers->Import from File no longer spams the user incessantly asking them to expand the canvas size Changed: Delete button was removed from Colors window Changed: Ctrl+F4 now closes a tab in addition to Ctrl+W Fixed: 18+ crash bugs reported by users Fixed: Rendering inconsistency with Move Selected Pixels when 'pixelated' quality was selected Fixed: When opening multiple images via Explorer, some of them might have been skipped over Fixed: Crash when pressing Esc while drawing or adjusting a gradient Fixed: Finishing a gradient w/ reversed colors would end up with non-reversed colors Fixed: Viewing a layer's properties was setting the image's dirty bit, which would cause errenous "Do you want to save?" questions Fixed: Right-click dragging on an empty canvas with the Move tool was moving instead of rotating Fixed: If the 'x' button was clicked on the dialog for importing vs. opening layers as a result of drag-and-drop, the operation was not cancelled Fixed: Application icon in Vista was not scaling up to 256x256, it was only going up to 48x48 Fixed: The crash log writer was crashing, causing double-crashes Fixed: History control hot tracking / highlighting glitch
  7. Thanks. This should be fixed in the next release.
  8. I'm not really sure what you're asking here, you're kind of jumping all over the place.
  9. Paint.NET isn't a slideshow program ...... I have no idea where you got the idea that it was.
  10. Hmm. Looks like you're mangling alpha values. CurrentPixel.A = (byte)((MaxAlpha/depth)*(depth-yd)); It's not taking into account the value of CurrentPixel.A. Perhaps if you multiply the right side of the assignment expression by CurrentPixel.A, then divide by 255, then cast to byte, it will be correct.
  11. I think you can also tell it to exclude Paint.NET from theming. Please report this to the WindowBlinds people as well (Stardock).
  12. The visual style you are using was authored incorrectly. My guess is that you're using WindowBlinds. Find a different visual style that doesn't cause this crash -- all the official ones work fine, for instance (Luna, Windows Classic).
  13. Your Verdana font file is corrupt or damaged. You will need to replace it with with a working one from another computer.
  14. I have no idea what you're talking about. Paint.NET does not have a "Crop to Size" command.
  15. BoltBait, you might be able to do that by doing Gaussian Blur like you are doing, and after that copying all the RGB values (not alpha) from src to dst in the render rectangle. This will effectively do the Gaussian Blur but mask it to just the alpha channel.
  16. Allright, here's the plan. If you have something like CodeLab, or any other modal window for that matter, the updater will know that and will not display the dialog. However, every 3 seconds it will check again and if there's no more modal window it will then show the update dialog.
  17. Heh, did you really copy and paste the Gaussian Blur code to do this? That's intense I recommend using composition instead ... basically you just instantiate a BlurEffect instance as part of your effect, and act as a proxy to its Render() method. This makes things much more manageable: the Gaussian Blur code is optimized for performance, and its readability and maintainability suffers as a result.
  18. This should be fixed in Alpha 3. It was disabled for various reasons while doing a bunch of other work, and it just wasn't re-enabled.
  19. Right but once you have all that information, having replay / scripting is practically a corrolary feature (aka free).
  20. Having tutorials available in Spanish depends on there being someone willing to translate, or to write it bilingually (in both languages) to begin with. Also, this is intended to be primarily an English-speaking forum, we cannot have vast amounts of content in other languages because it cannot be moderated.
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