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Everything posted by AndrewDavid

  1. You may have to post a pic of what you consider a true pencil sketch is. There are several examples when doing a google search.
  2. @Grateful Dave When selecting a font to use, enable antialias before you type. Top is without antialias, bottom is with antialias Hope this helps
  3. Here's some quick examples and I hope you can figure out how to do the others. I think this is what you are looking for.
  4. You cannot see the animation within Paint.net without this plugin. You will find it in the first post to this thread.
  5. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. The boxes are for layers. GIFs treat them as frames.
  6. When you save as GIF, are you seeing the proper dialogue screens? I.e. - not getting errors or showing file size When you look at the GIF, what software are you using? As a last resort, post the GIF on this thread, (looks small enough to me) and I'll take a look at it.
  7. Glad you got it sorted out. A learning experience for you. Have a good day.
  8. The current version is 4.2.13. I suggest you update to resolve this problem. If there is a reason you can't update that would explain everything.
  9. @RandomUser123456 What version of Paint.Net are you running. Do any errors show when you look at Settings/Plugin errors?
  10. They are the first 3 files in your screenshot
  11. Yes That's all that is required. What version are you running?
  12. This might solve your problem. Add the ImAGIF.pdb to your File Types folder.
  13. You should see a inverted "V" at the end of this dialogue bar that allows you to change the type of file you want to open. AGIFs will not be seen as an image type.
  14. Hi @ICopTo Welcome to the Forum Do you remember installing the classic or store bought version of Paint.net? If you installed the Store version the effect files are found in a different place. In the Windows Store version of paint.net, the directories for plugins and Shapes are different. These will have to be created manually. Let us know how it goes.
  15. Hi @LSDesigns Welcome to the Forum You were wise to think something was Off. All *.XML files that you have in C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects belong in C:\Program Files\paint.net\Shapes All the files you have in C:\Program Files\paint.net\FileTypes can be moved into C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects with one exception "AnimGIF.DLL" Let us know how it goes.
  16. Hi @4goTTen21 Create a blank document with color 727272 and save it to your desktop. When you click on it, it will bypass the white screen that blinds us. Use this shortcut to open Paint.Net and your eyes will thank you every time
  17. Worked on a project for about three hours. I was working with Median at the time, with areas selected with magic wand. Doubt I could reproduce but here's the crash report just in case you see something that shouldn't be there.
  18. @Pixey Get rid of Plugins? Never! I played with your posted GIF and was able to rip it apart and put it back together. The posted 3 layer GIF demonstrates I can make a GIF. I am at a loss as to why the crash occurred on the one I was trying to create. It was not the first time I had seen that crash. I have tried creating GIFs with other AGIF files I have and have had mostly success. However I made one successfully last night and added a few layers and experienced the crash when trying to save again. I am hoping that one of our guru's see's something in the crash log that explains it.
  19. So did I. It must be something specific to my system. Only the guru's of Paint can decipher the crash report. As my example works for the first 3 layers, it is strange it fails when I add the fourth.
  20. I tried to create a simple GIF of a wheel spinning. Here is the working version. When I duplicate the top layer and rotate it 30 degrees, I get this error when trying to save
  21. Hi @DoctorMlemm Welcome to the Forum. Quick and easy method Adjustments/Black and White +Add new Layer Set blend mode to Overlay Fill Layer with the Red to suit your needs Merge Layer Down If not bright enough, duplicate layer and set top layer to Additive Merge Layer down Hope this helps.
  22. Seems we have to rethink our backgrounds considering the Dark Theme. Transparency turns to black
  23. One issue is we lost the Home and Top of page buttons at the top and bottom of the page. Or is this something @Ego Eram Reputo does?
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