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Everything posted by AndrewDavid

  1. It's not about changing ownership. It's about giving yourself administrator privileges. But that's a Windows Issue
  2. Hi @dbareis Welcome to the Forum Sounds too easy. Using the rectangle select tool, select the area you want removed and press delete. This leaves an area of transparency. Now select the transparency and extend the selection to include the bottom area of the picture. Use the AlignPlugin to move the bottom to the top of the selection. Quick link to the plugin https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/4193-align-object-plugin-updated-06172007/
  3. I used it through the notification area and had no problems. Nice for the op to let me know it was there.
  4. Hi @HopperElec If you are looking for perfection - try one letter on its own separate layer, then flatten for a png.
  5. This does not apply to the Classic Version @Robyn Ensure you unzip the file first. Place the file in "C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects" Folder. Restart Paint and the new plugin should appear under Effects/Photo sub-menu. Hope this helps
  6. Using Adjustments/Black and Alpha with your color on the bottom layer. Slightly different than @welshblue's but noteworthy
  7. Have a look at this: 1. Open the palette list and see the currently selected palette with a check mark (New I believe). 2. Add a new color to palette. 3. Open list and checkmark is gone from current palette. Without knowing this, I thought the selected palette had lost its functionality.
  8. Hi @hamwizard I tried your procedure and found no problems at all. Has to be something specific to your environment, Followed all @BoltBait methods,
  9. Hey @XCrunnerS Welcome to the Forum Try creating a PDN file with your preferred size and color - save to your desktop - use this icon to open paint to get the display you prefer. A common Windows shortcut.
  10. GitHub provides a platform for programmers to build effects collaboratively. Most allow redistribution. some do not. In this case @Moshyfan did not.
  11. I think this the reason. Your ZIP file only contains the DLL. Not the DLC Option based libraries are covered from other plugins I have.
  12. I don't see the actual command needed to open ZIP files "Extract"
  13. Version 1.0 fails to load in 4.2.10. It provides this error
  14. Hi @USMARINECORPS Hope you get my message.
  15. @welshblue Have a look at these shapes and see what you think. 3 of 11 done. Load each one in shapemaker and see if a light bulb turns on inside that head of yours. If you would like I can do all 11 of them and post it in the shapes thread. These are the project files. Not the actual shapes. You can export them from shapemaker to create the usable shapes Frames.zip
  16. And if that doesn't work, try https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/111532-tone-gradient-angle-new-july-17/ One of the choices in the drop down list of color blend modes is Gold.
  17. Goto your post - press edit and scroll down to see the attachment, look for the trash can icon and click it.
  18. Hi @Reptillian It is a bit tricky. If my memory serves me correctly; Go to your profile to see your list of attachments Go to the post you made that included the attachment and you can delete it from there. Before you do though, you might want to move pics to a hosting site. Other files like dll's or Zip's will be removed. You might want to download them just to be sure you still have them.
  19. It looks like you missed the copy step as well. That's why you are seeing transparency. Ctrl - C to copy the inverted selection Then use Ctrl-V - Never mind the Edit menu.
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