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Everything posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Thanks Woodsy and TKS - this is just playing with the plug-ins as I add them. Wait until I get serious
  2. I use it as a source image for testing all the plug-ins I˝m downloading. It morphs into some amazing pictures
  3. The first image I created proud enough to show off Interpret as you wish
  4. WOW - As a new user I will find this new tool indispensable. Just one comment - its an executable install that places the dll file automatically into the effects folder. Nice to see I am already up to date on the latest add-ins. It even automatically downloaded the latest list when first opened. With only 98 Plug-ins - you can imagine how quick and responsive it is for me. Can you imagine anyone having just 1 of TechnoRobbos add-ins. Must be a newbie
  5. http://fontzone.net/download/gigi Probably a mute point - I just hate to see unanswered questions
  6. Good Day Sir. Or should I call you GOD of PDN? In your list of pictures you mentioned a larger version of a pic in your dA account. What exactly does that mean? I looked here for it but could not find it. Going to your website next. 

    Now as a side note - Have you ever done any work in a VWW World - specifically Utherverse.com? I know you might think its a porn site but it is not. Its a place to show off your creativity in a 3D environment. Surely you have previewed this new platform for your artwork. Just curious. Very nice to meet you and hope we can be friends  :)

  7. Genius - Pure Genius is all I can say about this add-in. Have you noticed the link to your video has been broken?
  8. Greetings All - With the intro of WIN10 and newer faster computers - we are entering into a new age of computing. Genius - Pure Genius is all I can say about my second collection of Add-ins from EvanOlds. Words cannot express the kudos you deserve. New Install 4.0.13. Reminder - when everything works - do not change a thing LOL.
  9. Thank you for the Add-In. New Install 4.0.13. Reminder - when everything works - do not change a thing LOL.
  10. Greetings All - With the intro of WIN10 and newer faster computers - we are entering into a new age of computing. Genius - Pure Genius is all I can say about my first plug-in download. Zach Walker - words cannot express the kudos you deserve. New Install 4.0.13. Reminder - when everything works - do not change a thing LOL. As a final edit - thought I would show everyone what I learned from this PlugIn set
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