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Everything posted by Maximilian

  1. It's a nice possibility to consider and I'd love to try it. The only inconvenience is my current inability to free hard disk space to install more software, since such resource is mostly taken by the programs I already use, plus my artworks. Not ruling it out though, but too hard to give it a go right now
  2. Yes, I know, but I decided to leave things as they are because I was in a moment when I was testing both new plugins. Since I plan to go on using this, I'll also make further tests with the other outlining plugins.
  3. This is so good for textual works! (the outlines within the text windows were done with TR's Quick Outliner)
  4. Appending a 3.5.11-compatible version of the plugin for the lovers of the vintage Paint.NET (will try it out over the weekend —hopefully. In the meantime, thanks for sharing the source and icon MJW. Fortunately, you are a considerate contestant ) Texture View Skewer for PdN 3.5.11.zip
  5. Thanks for the source and the icon, toe_head! EDIT: those interested can find Text Window v1.2 for Paint.NET 3.5.11 in post 21 further below.
  6. Thanks for the fixes and updates, midora! (You keep doing a remarkable job, even when you don't always feel completely satisfied ) Thanks, Seerose! Glad you liked it!
  7. In my humble opinion, both plugins are equally impressive and useful in their current stages, and perhaps you tend to demand a lot from yourself. You can only do what you can
  8. I too like the theme and I too would like a postponement!
  9. Thanks for the tute, Pixey, and great animations by everyone! Here's a little test of mine (actually the first I made):
  10. Been wanting to try this plugin for a long while but was busy with school and life and all. Anyway, I had to try it someday
  11. I think I've found a solution. I changed double Amount5 = 0.75; // [0.1,1.5] Path Shape to this: double Amount5 = 0.1; // [0.1,1.5] Path Shape and it's running fine, although my range of values for Path Shape are between 1 and 15 instead of 0.1 and 1.5 and I don't know how this affects the path shape in the end Now I remember I've seen this problem before, and I remember someone once told me about it. Not being an expert coder, I tend to forget about these subtle coding issues.
  12. Nope, I didn't make any changes at all. I just loaded the source into CodeLab and then I compiled it.
  13. TR, is it possible to make this compatible with 3.5.11? I compiled the source code, but when I run the effect I get an error about ranges of valid values. Here's the error I get:
  14. TR, you are the man! If I were beside you, I'd give you a good number of pats on the back! Also thanks to Pratyush for the cool concept! Just remember we are in 2015, not 2010 (thread title)
  15. Thanks, Drew! Thank you, I like it too! And don't worry about the glasses... butterflies in a sig pic turn out so small it's easy to take them for flowers
  16. Thanks for hosting this time around, Pixey! And congrats/thanks to entrants and voters! Congrats back on the 1st place! They are actually alien butterflies Here's a thumb (link) to one in natural size:
  17. You can't, at least not from that particular FileSwap link. As you can read when you open the link, there's a "There are no files shared in this folder" right there.
  18. I agree with Red. Looks like a tute to me too
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