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Hue / Saturation Plus - for v4.0

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Hue / Saturation Plus

This plugin is for Paint.NET 4.0+ only. It will not work on v3.5.11 or below, sorry.


User evanolds has made a more feature rich version of this plugin.*
I am releasing this as a demonstration for how to add slider decorations to 4.0 plugins.**

*evanolds plugin can be found here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13003-a

**Read the tutorial here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28423-a


That said, here's what it looks like:



Users can download here:

BoltBait's Plugin Pack for Paint.NET v4.0+

I think the best way to get used to how this effect works is to play with this using a picture of a color wheel. That way you'll see how the condition works. The adjustments work exactly the same as the built-in Hue / Saturation effect.


Programmer's Section


Programmers can download the CodeLab script here:


// Title: BoltBait's Hue / Saturation Plus v4.1
// Name: Hue / Saturation Plus
// Submenu: Photo
// URL: http://boltbait.com/pdn/
// Author: BoltBait
// Version: 4.1
// Desc: Conditional Hue/Saturation Adjustment
// Keywords: Conditional|Hue|Saturation|Adjustment
#region UICode
IntSliderControl Amount1 = 0; // [0,360,1] {!Amount10} From Hue
IntSliderControl Amount2 = 360; // [0,360,1] {!Amount10} To Hue
CheckboxControl Amount3 = false; // [0,1] {!Amount10} Also select gray pixels
IntSliderControl Amount4 = 0; // [0,100,3] {!Amount10} From Saturation
IntSliderControl Amount5 = 100; // [0,100,3] {!Amount10} To Saturation
IntSliderControl Amount6 = 0; // [-180,180,2] {!Amount10} Hue Adjustment
IntSliderControl Amount7 = 0; // [-100,100,3] {!Amount10} Saturation Adjustment
IntSliderControl Amount8 = 0; // [-100,100,5] {!Amount10} Lightness Adjustment
IntSliderControl Amount9 = 0; // [-100,100,5] {!Amount10} Alpha Adjustment
CheckboxControl Amount10 = false; // [0,1] Preview original image

int loc = -1;

byte Clamp2Byte(double Value)
    if (Value > 255) return 255;
    if (Value < 0) return 0;
    return (byte)Value;

private UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness saturationOp;
private UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness graySatOp;

unsafe void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    if (Amount10)
        dst.CopySurface(src, rect.Location, rect);
    bool GrayCond = Amount3;
    int FromHue = Amount1;
    int ToHue = Amount2;
    bool ReverseHueCond = false;
    int FromSat = Amount4;
    int ToSat = Amount5;
    bool ReverseSatCond = false;
    if (FromHue > ToHue)
        int TempHue = FromHue;
        FromHue = ToHue;
        ToHue = TempHue;
        ReverseHueCond = true;
    if (FromSat > ToSat)
        int TempSat = FromSat;
        FromSat = ToSat;
        ToSat = TempSat;
        ReverseSatCond = true;

    saturationOp = new UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness(Amount6, Amount7+100, Amount8);
    graySatOp = new UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness(0, 100, Amount8);

    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        if (IsCancelRequested) return;
        ColorBgra* srcPtr = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y);
        ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y);
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
            ColorBgra CurrentPixel = *srcPtr;
            byte R = CurrentPixel.R;
            byte G = CurrentPixel.G;
            byte B = CurrentPixel.B;
            int K = (int)((double)CurrentPixel.R / 255d * 100d);
            HsvColor hsv = HsvColor.FromColor(CurrentPixel.ToColor());
            int H = hsv.Hue;
            int S = hsv.Saturation;
            int V = hsv.Value;
            byte A = CurrentPixel.A;

            // Adjust only if not gray
            if (R != G || R != B || G != B)
                if (CurrentPixel.A > 0)
                    // Check if we're in selected Hue range
                    if ((H >= FromHue && H <= ToHue) != ReverseHueCond)
                        // and selected saturation range
                        if ((S >= FromSat && S <= ToSat) != ReverseSatCond)
                            // adjust the pixel
                            CurrentPixel = saturationOp.Apply(CurrentPixel);
                            // adjust pixel alpha
                            if (Amount9 < 0)
                                CurrentPixel.A = Clamp2Byte((double)CurrentPixel.A + ((double)CurrentPixel.A * ((double)Amount9 / 100.0)));
                            else if (Amount9 > 0)
                                CurrentPixel.A = Clamp2Byte((double)CurrentPixel.A + (((255 - (double)CurrentPixel.A) * (double)Amount9 / 100.0)));
                if (CurrentPixel.A > 0)
                    // Adjust if gray
                    if (GrayCond)
                        // adjust a gray pixel
                        CurrentPixel = graySatOp.Apply(CurrentPixel);
                        // adjust pixel alpha
                        if (Amount9 < 0)
                            CurrentPixel.A = Clamp2Byte((double)CurrentPixel.A + ((double)CurrentPixel.A * ((double)Amount9 / 100.0)));
                        else if (Amount9 > 0)
                            CurrentPixel.A = Clamp2Byte((double)CurrentPixel.A + (((255 - (double)CurrentPixel.A) * (double)Amount9 / 100.0)));

            *dstPtr = CurrentPixel;


Download the Visual Studio project here: HueSatPlusSrc.zip


Enjoy B):beer:

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  • 1 year later...

I like this plugin very much, and use it quite often, but I wish it had "From Value/To Value" (or "From Lightness/To Lightness") controls.


The UI is getting pretty long as it is. But, something like that shouldn't be too hard to add. This plugin is actually on my list for a rewrite. So, after I finish my current project, I'll give it a go.

BTW, have you checked out the evanolds plugin I linked to in my original post? It may have the controls you're searching for. (It's been so long since I played with it, I can't remember.)

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Thanks BoltBait. I haven't tried evanolds's Hue/Saturation plugin, but maybe I'll look at it. For the most part, Hue/Saturation+ does everything I need it to do, even without the Lightness range. There have been occasions, though, when Lightness controls would have been useful.

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Cc4FuzzyHuggles, in IndirectUI there's no way to set controls to specific values, except to the default values, so I doubt Hue/Saturation+ could support multiple color choices while still using the range-slider interface. A similar control that uses a specified color and tolerances (like the HSV Eraser) could do it. That would probably be a useful plugin, but it wouldn't have the often-convenient ability to directly select the ranges. (I hope that's relatively clear.)

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  • 3 years later...
4 hours ago, MusicProf said:

How do you use this? Is there a help file for this plugin? Or a tutorial? I'm trying to replace one color with another and I thought this was the solution. Thanks!

Once you run the plugin, click the ? button at the top of the plug-in’s window to read the help file. 

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  • 6 months later...

Look under the Adjustments menu. The name to look for is 


Hue / Saturation Plus
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