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The NEW Layer Styles Request Topic (for Paint.NET 4.0)

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Hey Rick Brewster,

I just want to know if the development team is considering adding vector layer styles to Paint.NET. It would help everyone on this forum a great deal for Text and Interface designing. Layer styles has the ability to change the face of a layer without adjusting the established raster image on that layer.

Options like the ones above show what makes layer styles very flexible.

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Yeah I've got a copy of Photoshop so it's easy enough to see what they're up to.

This is something I'd really like to add, but it certainly won't make it in for 4.0 and I don't have any concrete estimate for it. The new rendering engine in 4.0 makes this possible, however, which is an enormous leap towards this. In 3.5 and earlier, layer compositing is done on the UI thread (or at least, the UI thread waits on it) and so there's a limit as to how much "glitz" can be added. In 4.0 everything's on background threads with magic asynchronous updating, so things like this wouldn't be limited to either super simple effects, or extremely optimized ones. (Imagine if you had a layer style that applied a gaussian blur with a large radius. That can take quite awhile to render, and you don't want the program to be laggy and stuttering.)

Layer Styles seem to be a constrained form of layer effects, if I'm not mistaken. In other words, the rendering engine wouldn't need to care about the difference between them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

oh, i have to request a text layer.

i want to make a TEXT ONLY LAYER.

if i want change a font or size, just click a layer and change a font or size. like-photoshop.

but, not same-photoshop. i think layer is make a ONLY ONE. it's enough.

hmm... i'm live in non-english country, because i don't use english well... sorry :-)

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Rick are you planning any blend mode changes for 4.0?

I am in a discussion with Barbieq25 and a few days ago and the subject of Alpha Masking came up. I was wondering if Alpha Mask would make a good blend mode?

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An alpha mask would requre an additional layer channel or the possibility to define a whole layers as a mask for the above layer.

This would be a nice feature but you have to be careful to design the user interface.

Adding to many features and options means you are increasing the complexity of PaintNET and at the end your are getting GIMP ;-)

midoras signature.gif

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Ok. I suspected as much. It was just a thought. Thanks for the replies.

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What are you on about qwertyuu?

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What are you on about qwertyuu?

Just that everyone asks for a Photoshop this, Photoshop that... (talking about features)

And the more it goes on, the more Paint.NET is fading into a Free Photoshop clone.

Just like Microsoft. They are changing EVERYTHING and now they act 90% like Apple, which make me fear a little since Windows was my OS of choice... And seeing what they're planning in the future is just terribad.


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Just that everyone asks for a Photoshop this, Photoshop that... (talking about features)

And the more it goes on, the more Paint.NET is fading into a Free Photoshop clone.

No, it isn't.

Paint.NET is an image editor. So is Photoshop. There should be no surprise that they share a number of features because of the job they do.

Paint.NET is not morphing into Photoshop or anything else. It's the same image editor that was intended when it was first released. Yes Rick adds new features as time does by, but he also often says a flat "No" to some requests.

There will always be a massive difference between the two image editors - price alone should indicate this.

As for Microsoft - they are evolving as the world is changing. This is just good business sense. Nokia and the Blackberry didn't evolve fast enough and look what has happended to them....

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  • 3 weeks later...

As for Microsoft - they are evolving as the world is changing. This is just good business sense. Nokia and the Blackberry didn't evolve fast enough and look what has happended to them....

OffTopic: BlackBerry isn't dead yet. Research In Motion (The people BEHIND BlackBerry) are redoing their business. As of now, They are popular in the United Kingdom.

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  • 1 month later...

More layering options!?!?! **drools**

On another note, when it comes to software such as Photoshop, Gimp, PhotoPosPro, Paint.net, and even the older Corel Photopaint series, I've tried them all and without a doubt, Paint.net and Gimp are the only 2 that are worth keeping. Photoshop is a great program but it requires money to buy, requires time to learn how to use it, and it even requires a computer with hardware most people don't have. Paint.net can do exactly what other software does and it's a much smaller application which takes up less resources which is why I use it more than any other program.


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  • 7 months later...

Hello Rick, Boltbait, I don't remember, and all the other ones.
Please forgive my names memory !
Though I've being using Paint.net for 3 years at least, and downloaded many plug-ins here, just wanted to tell I'm a newbie in this forum.

A way to say hello everybody ! 

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Hello, djiack, and welcome to the forum!

There's a thread for introductions over in the Grand Theory of Everything.

Also, please read through the forum rules[/topic], particularly rule #11. This thread is quite old and the discussion died out months ago. Let dead topics lie in peace, right? ;)

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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