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Request feature - Move to /Jump to / top/ bottom and between layers

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I'm working with MANY layers in any given project,

and I want/need to move layers between them many times.

using the up/down arrows to move the layer up/down is very slow and

takes a long time to get from bottom layers to top/upper layers and the opposite :-(

So from my point of view, the LAYERS window is missing some key features:

1. buttons that moves a layer directly to the TOP or BOTTOM layers no matter on which layer you are.

2. the option to move the layer to a direct layer.number. maybe a drop down selection of layer numbers.

or from a mouse right click on a layer in the layer window (move layer to -> )

3. the option to move a number of selected layers to a new place. using the above.

adding those options would make my and i guess others life very easy working with lots of layers.

if those features are already in the program i wish some one would tell me how to use then since

i haven't seen those options.

thank you


Edited by avim1968

"DDAP=Don't Drink And Post!" :-)

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Click and drag reordering will arrive (Rick said) in paint.net v4

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Click and drag reordering will arrive (Rick said) in paint.net v4


thank you for the answer.

however can something "simple" like asked (right click and select or a very simple drop down menu ) ,

can be implemented sooner then V4 ? (without the fancy drag& drop )

if not at least just the option to "move a layer to TOP or BOTTOM" be implemented sooner then that ?

i think it would help many :-)

thank you


"DDAP=Don't Drink And Post!" :-)

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As a work around for now, you can Cut >>>Add a New Layer where you want it >>>Paste into that layer (then delete the blank layer you've cut from)

Not ideal but I work with upto and + a 100 layers sometimes and it beats moving layers s**t loads of times. Plus you soon get used to it ...

yes this is a work around i'm using too, but its good only for projects with not allot of details.

but many of my photos and designs have lots of layers with only few items on each layer.

so when i need to make a design change,or even just to see how it would look like (then undo it all) ,

it takes very long time to move all the layers needed and sometime you make mistakes etc...

so even with the work around, its a must to have at least a small button to move the layer to the TOP or BOTTOM.

or +5 UP and -5 DOWN layers buttons :-)

thank you


"DDAP=Don't Drink And Post!" :-)

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Ctrl+click on Move Layer Up/Down will move it to the top/bottom in 4.0. Drag-and-drop reordering is already implemented. There will be no further changes for 4.0.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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sounds great :-)

looking forward to ver. 4 ...

one last question/request about layers.

can the words "copy of" be added to the duplicated layer name ?

thank you


Edited by avim1968

"DDAP=Don't Drink And Post!" :-)

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sounds great :-)

looking forward to ver. 4 ...

one last question/request about layers.

can the words "copy of" be added to the duplicated layer name ?

thank you


I was actually thinking of this just now. It would be nice to have something that distinguishes between the layers automatically (though they are exactly the same). The only issue I can see as a result of this is when people like me don't name their layers, and the "copy of"s start stacking up (copy of copy of copy of copy of layer 17 :00: ) Edited by pdnnoob

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Back in February I made a suggestion that the User be able to input the default name for new layers (the alphanumeric string just before the new layer number)

Rick didn't seem impressed with the idea at the time. Perhaps I didn't make a strong enough case for it.

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Well, working with other type of software (not for graphics) , they had a good idea that worked.

instead of doing "copy of copy of ..." etc..

they did something smarter :-) .

since each layer has its own FIXED ID number , not the name numbering that

can be changed by the user.

they used it as the base for the numbering and adding a counter to the words "copy of"

for example "copy4 of layer 17" or "copy10 of night sky"

saving the need for multiple "copy of".

i think that using this system of count, can be used here, even as a simple scan of all the layers names

if words "copy of " is not found for this layer then it would be added. if one is found then the next index count number

would be used.

of course if the user changed the name then all is well anyway and no "copy of " would be found, thus counting would start again.

I always give names to my layers, due to the way and projects i do.

but sometime , when you need to make a number of copies fast and don't need a real name

then it takes long time to duplicate and add an index manually :-(

please look into it, it shouldn't be that hard to implement, but it would help many/most of the people and allow faster

work without manual indexing or renaming for those who don't need real names for layers.

thank you



"Ctrl+click on Move Layer Up/Down will move it to the top/bottom in 4.0. Drag-and-drop reordering is already implemented. There will be no further changes for 4.0."

would it be possible to use the " Drag-and-drop reordering" with a number of selected layers and not just one layer at the time?


Edited by avim1968

"DDAP=Don't Drink And Post!" :-)

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would it be possible to use the " Drag-and-drop reordering" with a number of selected layers and not just one layer at the time?

There will be no further changes for 4.0.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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There will be no further changes for 4.0.

I'm sorry Rick :unimpressed: , it was not a feature request ! it was just a simple question if it was implemented by you in the "Drag-and-drop reordering"

you made.

from your answer I guess no.

10x :-)


Edited by avim1968

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