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HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread


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Hello there!

If you've cluttered up your desktop, then no wonder you can't find anything. Nothing should be on your desktop that should be in Paint.NET.

Assuming you installed Paint.NET to the default location, you have to move the downloaded effects (DLLs or unzip the ZIP folder) to the Effects folder found in C:\Program Files\Paint.NET.

Have you found this folder before? If not, do that first then we'll see what to do afterwards.

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Ok i need help, i am very computer illiterate. I downloaded MadJik Pack Set and stored in Program files in Paint.net under Effects and then i went into paint.net and it says

1 of 1


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\PaintDotNet.StylusReader.dll

Effect Name: (Not Supplied)

Full error message: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.2600.2180, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

File name: 'Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.2600.2180, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'

WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.

To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.

To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog

Did I do something wrong??

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Please help. I'm trying to install plugins, namely the Unsharp Mask (but it came with a bunch of others) and I cant seem to get it to work. I've been reading through the threads and it seems others had this problem, but none of the solutions worked for me. Problem: .dll files show up in my effects folder, but are no where to be found when I open PDN. Any thoughts???

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Hello lynnley.

Have you unblocked the DLL? Have you looked in the Photo submenu in Paint.NET? Have you restarted Paint.NET since the installation? Have you had any problems with any other effects other than Unsharp Mask?

I know it sounds as though I'm firing off questions which could be seen as obvious, I'm not underestimating your skill, just trying to get to the root of the problem. Sometimes that root could be the simplest of things we overlook without even thinking about it.

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No, you're not underestimating my skill.....I really don't know anything about this stuff. I just downloaded PDN a few weeks ago and this is my first attempt at plugins. Someone emailed me the plugins with instructions and it seems I did everything right, it's just not showing up in PDN. What do you mean by unblocking DLL?? Also, I've read that I have to be installing under system administrator. How do I know who this is? My hubby and I both have log ins. Sorry if I'm totally dumb with this stuff ; )

Hello lynnley.

Have you unblocked the DLL? Have you looked in the Photo submenu in Paint.NET? Have you restarted Paint.NET since the installation? Have you had any problems with any other effects other than Unsharp Mask?

I know it sounds as though I'm firing off questions which could be seen as obvious, I'm not underestimating your skill, just trying to get to the root of the problem. Sometimes that root could be the simplest of things we overlook without even thinking about it.

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If someone has emailed you the instructions, then with no slight against the sender, I would highly suggest reading this page instead, which was written by a long standing member of this community and one of our moderators, BoltBait: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/install

Try that first, see if you have missed out a step or two - it even details the unblocking of DLLs if this is your problem.

Also, how were the plugins emailed to you? If it was a link to their topics on this Forum, then no worries. Although, if they were sent as attachments or other means, I would try to find them again here and install them once more.

If, however, you are still unable to use your plugins, finding out what type of account you hold on your computer is the next best step. Try not to bombard yourself with all this at once, try the instruction page above first, then this below; no need to do it all at once ;).

To find out what account variety you hold, if you head towards Control Panel > User Accounts under 'pick an account to change' you should see a list of the accounts on that computer, with privileges accompanying those. You will see account types as Limited Account, Administrator and so on. If you're on a Limited Account yet your husband as an Administrator, then he will have to install the plugins for you. As you know, you have to be in possession of admin rights to access and modify system folders.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I don't know what the problem is. I'm about to give up :(

I checked the Pc and we're both listed as administators, so thats not the problem. I followed that link you sent and learned how to unblock dll. That didn't help. I even tried downloading a random plugin from the PDN site in case it was the email attachment that didnt work. That plugin didn't work either. I really love PDN and now I feel like I'm going to miss out on so many cool effects! Thanks for trying.

If someone has emailed you the instructions, then with no slight against the sender, I would highly suggest reading this page instead, which was written by a long standing member of this community and one of our moderators, BoltBait: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/install

Try that first, see if you have missed out a step or two - it even details the unblocking of DLLs if this is your problem.

Also, how were the plugins emailed to you? If it was a link to their topics on this Forum, then no worries. Although, if they were sent as attachments or other means, I would try to find them again here and install them once more.

If, however, you are still unable to use your plugins, finding out what type of account you hold on your computer is the next best step. Try not to bombard yourself with all this at once, try the instruction page above first, then this below; no need to do it all at once ;).

To find out what account variety you hold, if you head towards Control Panel > User Accounts under 'pick an account to change' you should see a list of the accounts on that computer, with privileges accompanying those. You will see account types as Limited Account, Administrator and so on. If you're on a Limited Account yet your husband as an Administrator, then he will have to install the plugins for you. As you know, you have to be in possession of admin rights to access and modify system folders.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I don't know what the problem is. I'm about to give up :(
I'm quickly running out of ideas with which to help you. Could you try a reinstall of Paint.NET, please? This includes manually deleting the Paint.NET system folder after the uninstallation.

We'll try a complete, fresh restart to see if that sorts you out. We'll have you back up and running in no time! :)

Woah this thread makes my head spin. :shock:

Too many words....

Don't read it then


(I was tempted to omit the smiley...)

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I'm afraid you'd have to walk me through this. I'm pretty computer illiterate. sorry ;(

Thanks for the suggestions, I don't know what the problem is. I'm about to give up :(
I'm quickly running out of ideas with which to help you. Could you try a reinstall of Paint.NET, please? This includes manually deleting the Paint.NET system folder after the uninstallation.

We'll try a complete, fresh restart to see if that sorts you out. We'll have you back up and running in no time! :)

Woah this thread makes my head spin. :shock:

Too many words....

Don't read it then


(I was tempted to omit the smiley...)

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You'll want to go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs, find Paint.NET's entry and click the Unistall button beside it.

Once you've successfully uninstalled it, go to C:\Program Files and delete the Paint.NET folder. Been as you've already uninstalled the program, this will not have any adverse effects on your computer, so all will be fine. You should be aware, though, that this will remove all your plugins. You'll have to re-download these later on.

Now you can install Paint.NET once again. You can do this either by downloading from the Download page, or if you had saved the EXE before, install from that.

Now you can download any plugins you want, following the instruction page from before. It is always good to keep a backup of your plugins incase you ever need to restore them, as it will save you the tedious process of downloading each one for a second or even third time.

Does this make sense?

As side note, there's no need to quote my post every time you do, we know who you're replying to ;).

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i have used the boltbaits plugins successfully. yestderday i downloaded a new plugin. now none of my plugins will come up wheni open paint. they are still in the program effects folder but they just are not on the paintshop when i open it. i have them unblocked. i even deleted and reloaded a few of my plugins that were working before and they still will not come up now. .help pleasee i need my reflection back for a project i am working on

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You'll want to go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs, find Paint.NET's entry and click the Unistall button beside it.

Once you've successfully uninstalled it, go to C:\Program Files and delete the Paint.NET folder. Been as you've already uninstalled the program, this will not have any adverse effects on your computer, so all will be fine. You should be aware, though, that this will remove all your plugins. You'll have to re-download these later on.

i tried this Myrddin uninstalled it but my computer would not let me delet the folder. it said either disk is full or it is in use? oh well guess i was just not ment to use the plugins. will hope that pdn makes a new version soon with some of these great plugins like the reflection as part of the program. but thank you any way for you suggestions

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Okay... that wasn't directed at you exactly, it was intended for lynnley. That does not matter, we can still help you if you have got that far from my instructions. There are there for anyone.

To find a way around this hindrance, try closing the folder and reopening again, or, if the folder is in Read-Only mode, right-click > properties > uncheck the Read-Only option. You may be able to delete the folder now. If not, restarting your computer will do no harm, and has on occasion solved the apparent 'write protection' issue for me.

Once both you and lynnley have been able to delete the folder, you can then reinstall Paint.NET as a fresh installation (pretty much). Hopefully the both of you will be back up and running in no time.

Remember that deleting the folder is not paramount, mostly a last resort for the quite desperate situation you two appear to be in. Ordinarily, this would not be necessary at all if you're reinstalling.

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Thanks, Im new to the forums and downloaded my first plugin (Shape 3d)

Im already pretty good on it (Using my brothers CPU, witch already has it) But i wanted it on my computer...

That posed a problem: THE MANUAL IS IN JAPENEASE WITH NO README FILE! So, This was a big help, Thanks!

"Aim At Enemy" Quote from the instruction manual of the Spike Rocket


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