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paint.net 4.3.7 is now available!

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This is a hotfix for a myriad of major issues when "Translucent windows" is disabled. This was caused by a bug introduced in .NET 6.0.1. This update also includes the big performance improvements and other bug fixes from v4.3.5 and v4.3.6.


NOTE for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and 32-bit/x86 users: Paint.NET v4.3.x will be the last release(s) that work on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or on any 32-bit/x86 version of Windows. It has become significantly more difficult and time consuming to support these lately, not very many people are using them, and I can no longer justify the cost and frustration of keeping support for these afloat. Starting with Paint.NET v4.4, only Windows 10 and 11+ will be supported, and only on 64-bit (x64 and ARM64). I have started working on v4.4 and will only release v4.3.x updates on an as-needed basis and only until v4.4 is completed.


Get the update

  • Microsoft Store release
  • Classic Desktop release
    • Download the installer directly (web installer for all CPUs and OSes). This is the recommended download if you don't have Paint.NET installed. It can also be used to update the app.
    • If you already have it installed, you should be offered the update automatically within the next week or so, but you can also get it immediately by going to ⚙ Settings -> Updates -> Check Now.
    • Offline Installers and Portable ZIPs are available over on GitHub.


Changes since v4.3.6:

Since this is a hotfix, here's what also changed in v4.3.5 and v4.3.6 as compared to v4.3.4:


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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Special thanks to everyone who suffered with me and helped to figure out what was causing the major problems in 4.3.6, which ultimately ended up being a bug in .NET 6.0.1's WinForms. Big thanks to @MarvelDream for stumbling upon the workaround, which was to make sure that "Translucent windows" was enabled (which is the default).


I've filed a bug over on GitHub in the WinForms repository. I have no idea how this made it into a servicing release for .NET 6, my mind is just boggling. 




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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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@olavrb, it's only supposed to take a few hours but it's been 3 days 😕 I pinged them about it yesterday and they said it should be "soon", I'll ping them again once I get back from an errand after lunch. Sorry for the delay.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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On 1/5/2022 at 4:22 AM, joan_modiin said:

I thought I had the Microsoft Store version of Paint.Net (i.e., paid version), but just got update notification and had to close program to install new version. Is there a link to a FAQ about the issue?


You probably still have the "classic" version installed. You can just uninstall it, and if you have plugins you can move them to the new location (Documents/paint.net App Files, more info here)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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They are really dragging their heels for some reason. I did ping my account manager for the Store today, and was told she would ping the certification team again. Still no luck.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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On 1/7/2022 at 7:11 PM, Rick Brewster said:

They are really dragging their heels for some reason. I did ping my account manager for the Store today, and was told she would ping the certification team again. Still no luck.


Alright, it finally got published :) "Busy holiday week", apparently.


I'm still not sure why certification times went from ~2 hours to ~2 days starting last quarter, however. Hopefully they're still working on that.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just tried to install v4.3.7 on a Win7 SP1 64bit machine directly via the PDN updater menu option (v4.2.16). then the online installer and finally the offline installer. All refused to install with the updater and online installer provoking an error dialogue box just saying that PDN 4.3.7 failed to install. No obvious clues as to why.


This is from the original v4.3 online installer I found to test which, as expected, tried to install the latest version v4.3.7:-



The offline installer did not even do that it just failed the install after a few seconds.  


Checked everything and tried again but same problem which I eventually tracked down to my anti-virus (AV) program on that PC. It is quarantining four DLLs used by the installer:-



Even if I stop it from moving the files from the installer zip to the 'Virus Chest' when I start the installer those DLLs are copied to temporary files in AppData/Roaming and unless I pre-empt that by adding AV path exclusions to those locations the AV automatically quarantines them. When I restore them that doesn't help because they are re-created each time I run the installer and that triggers the AV to quarantine them again as new suspicious behaviour. I could probably add a general exclusion but I really can't be bothered to mess around with that.


NB. This problem is specific to this AV, on another Win7 PC I have I updated to v4.3.x a long time ago.


The version of the AV I'm using is old because the most recent version is a pain in the butt and I'm currently doing a makeover of that PC anyway so I'm not going to waste my time submitting a report to them about this. However I thought it worth mentioning the problem here because this is the first time I've had any trouble updating PDN on that PC so it might also apply to some other users having install issues.


The portable version of v4.3.7 works without any problem and as this is my preferred way of using most software I'm more than happy enough to use it instead. As I and others here have said in this and other related threads I'd suggest any people here having similar install problems do the same and save themselves what could be a lot of hassle.





Edited by IHaveNoName


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@IHaveNoName, this is why we recommend not using any AV other than Windows Defender. All other AVs have proven time and time again to be actively malicious or just plain stupid.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Amen brother.. I have been dealing with them since the early eighty's.. Back then it would completely disable your computer.. The dreaded "blue screen" and the fatal error were literally epic failure at it's best.   And if your pc did boot after it was impossible to restore internet without reformatting and reloading windows.

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On 1/4/2022 at 12:09 PM, Rick Brewster said:

This is a hotfix for a myriad of major issues when "Translucent windows" is disabled. This was caused by a bug introduced in .NET 6.0.1. This update also includes the big performance improvements and other bug fixes from v4.3.5 and v4.3.6.


NOTE for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and 32-bit/x86 users: Paint.NET v4.3.x will be the last release(s) that work on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or on any 32-bit/x86 version of Windows. It has become significantly more difficult and time consuming to support these lately, not very many people are using them, and I can no longer justify the cost and frustration of keeping support for these afloat. Starting with Paint.NET v4.4, only Windows 10 and 11+ will be supported, and only on 64-bit (x64 and ARM64). I have started working on v4.4 and will only release v4.3.x updates on an as-needed basis and only until v4.4 is completed.


Get the update

  • Microsoft Store release
  • Classic Desktop release
    • Download the installer directly (web installer for all CPUs and OSes). This is the recommended download if you don't have Paint.NET installed. It can also be used to update the app.
    • If you already have it installed, you should be offered the update automatically within the next week or so, but you can also get it immediately by going to ⚙ Settings -> Updates -> Check Now.
    • Offline Installers and Portable ZIPs are available over on GitHub.


Changes since v4.3.6:

Since this is a hotfix, here's what also changed in v4.3.5 and v4.3.6 as compared to v4.3.4:




I really hate this 4.3.7 and I regret having installed it. I have loved Paint.NET up to this point.

1) I am on a corporate network, I DO NOT want an online installer. Before you say "this is the last version, goodbye Windows 7 users, you MUST give us an offline, full installer. Most online installers fail over corporate network.

2) After this install, in Windows 7, when right-clicking on a file, and selecting Edit, MSPaint launches. I thought a reinstall would solve the issue, I have reinstalled Paint.NET, but

2a) You no longer include "set Paint.NET as default editor" option in installer

2b) My issue was not fixed on reinstall.


Neither could I find an option in settings somewhere to set this as default editor for image files.


You screwed me with this version. I am going to downgrade if I can. Please fix!!!

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I did not "screw you" with this version. Don't just start lashing out at me because something isn't working exactly the way you think it's supposed to work. 


There's literally a link to offline installers at the top, in the first post. But, in any event, I don't "owe" you anything. If you don't upgrade your OS after it's been out of support for many years then that's not my problem, it's your problem (and/or your corporate IT admins problem -- if they're still forcing everything to run on Win7 then either they're not doing their job, or quite possibly whoever holds the purse strings for their budget needs to be fired). Once 4.4 is released, Win7 support is over. Completely. No last hurrah, no download links to old versions, no secret command-line parameter to make it work anyway, nothing like that. Win7 is dead, you need to update and stop projecting your frustrations at me.


"Set Paint.NET as default editor" wasn't so much removed as just made the default, there was really no reason to un-check that option because of the way file associations work in Windows (since Vista, IIRC). Overriding the "Edit" command doesn't work the same way it did in XP, and it just doesn't work the same way. This just hadn't been updated to reflect that in like 15 years, it was long overdue. You may just have to open up the Default Apps (or whatever it's called in Win7...) control panel and configure things to your liking.


Also, if you're going to downgrade anyway as you say, why would I need to bother with worrying about anything you've said? Clearly you've already made up your mind. See ya.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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8 minutes ago, Rick Brewster said:

I did not "screw you" with this version. Don't just start lashing out at me because something isn't working exactly the way you think it's supposed to work. 


There's literally a link to offline installers at the top, in the first post. But, in any event, I don't "owe" you anything. If you don't upgrade your OS after it's been out of support for many years then that's not my problem, it's your problem (and/or your corporate IT admins problem -- if they're still forcing everything to run on Win7 then either they're not doing their job, or quite possibly whoever holds the purse strings for their budget needs to be fired). Once 4.4 is released, Win7 support is over. Completely. No last hurrah, no download links to old versions, no secret command-line parameter to make it work anyway, nothing like that. Win7 is dead, you need to update and stop projecting your frustrations at me.


"Set Paint.NET as default editor" wasn't so much removed as just made the default, there was really no reason to un-check that option because of the way file associations work in Windows (since Vista, IIRC). Overriding the "Edit" command doesn't work the same way it did in XP, and it just doesn't work the same way. This just hadn't been updated to reflect that in like 15 years, it was long overdue. You may just have to open up the Default Apps (or whatever it's called in Win7...) control panel and configure things to your liking.


Also, if you're going to downgrade anyway as you say, why would I need to bother with worrying about anything you've said? Clearly you've already made up your mind. See ya.

Since the option to "set as default editor" is no longer in installer, the only way I could fix this was with "Default Programs Editor", manually setting Paint.NET as Editor for image files (per each file extension).

I have long switched to Linux Mint Cinnamon at home and left Winblows in the dust.

At work, I am resisting them changing my computer to Winblows 10+. I will stick to 7, no thanks to any later versions.

It sounds like I need to save 4.3.7 or whatever latest one you release and keep using that for foreseable future. And disable check for updates inside software.

I did not see any links to any older versions or any offline installers. If you say it is there, I will go and take a look. I DO need to archive a good offline version on my hard drive.

OK, I really liked this software, right until the last update. Now I had to go and re-set it as editor, file extension by file extension.


By "I can't see offline installers" I meant from your main website / webpage. It is a rare occasion that I had to visit this forum (usually to get a plugin). OK, now I see you provide offline and portable versions. Great, I have downloaded all of them for safekeeping. Thanks.


Edited by public751
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