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Everything posted by user.by

  1. Thank you for concern, you know better, but when i change PSFilterPdn.dll all versions are working.
  2. First time thank you for your works, I just say as information, i have some plugin problems. I am using Curve plugin (http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/curves.htm) It's work v2.0.2 and earlier versions but dont work 2.0.3 and later versions. Like this first pic v2.0.8 - second pic 2.0.2
  3. I like much, also you can blury background in same time.
  4. @null54can we use from this page https://github.com/ishani/GenesisVFX https://github.com/ishani/GenesisVFX/releases/tag/v1.01
  5. Not overlay, it's normal settings, and i also updated too for false alarm. I back to (I know it's not a virus or trojan, but KAV dont allow to it for work.)
  6. Event: Object was deleted User: *******-*******\**** User type: Active user Application name: explorer.exe Application path: C:\Windows Component: File Antivirus Result description: Removed Type: Trojan horse Name: HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Win32.Stealer.gen Accuracy: Intuitive analysis Threat level: High Object type: File Object name: PSFilterShim.exe Object path: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\PSFilterPdn MD5 of an object: 00B2E8173CF1922250C159D0045DAFEE Report by Kasperky AV
  7. Olay: Nesne silindi (Deleted) Kullanıcı: *******-*******\**** Kullanıcı tipi: Etkin kullanıcı Uygulama adı: explorer.exe Uygulama yolu: C:\Windows Bileşen: Dosya Antivirüsü Sonuç açıklaması: Silindi (Removed) Tür: Truva atı Ad: HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Win32.Stealer.gen Doğruluk: Sezgisel analiz Tehdit düzeyi: Yüksek (High) Nesne türü: Dosya Nesne adı: PSFilterShim.exe Nesne yolu: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\PSFilterPdn Bir nesnenin MD5'i: 00B2E8173CF1922250C159D0045DAFEE
  8. @null54 I wrote to Riot author, now they changed Riot.dll and published for GIMP plugin, and i replaced too with in your plugin Riot.dll now it's working. Please can you update as 1.0.9-1. Thanks
  9. @Rick Brewsterand @null54 Beforehand Riot 1.0.9 was save only as webp with Paint.Net 5.09, but i tried now with Paint.Net 5.10 Beta, now when i say 2 time save it's of all working. Maybe you can check it why?
  10. Mean, i say <Save> but not saving and staying like this for Paint.Net Plugin (1.0.9), but Standalone version is saving. I back to 1.0.8 version, it's working.
  11. The errors: Paint.Net is do not saving and GIMP is not loading in to RIOT window.
  12. Only Standalone version and XnView plugin is work, Gimp (since 2023.7 they says fixed but not fixed ) and Paint.Net Plugins gives error.
  13. Or with copy past 2 picture can be join in 1 picture at middle point, great job. Congrats.
  14. I have no problem with my values, i just suggested it should be for posure plugin.
  15. Just for example by an another software, here "Light Only" same like pose.
  16. For example first is my photo, and second with levels (auto levels - wb), and thirdy with pose (manuel) Now i say, levels plugin is changing every light and wb, but pose plugin changing only high light without wb. I think also pose plugin should have a auto button, and it should give me right value. I mean like an "Auto Exposure Compensation" mission.
  17. I had sent at first message this, i say, of course i think shoul be auto button for to measure to right pose light. Sure if it can be...
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